Plague Inc: Evolved
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Easy "Brainzzzz" achievement:
Evolve the Anaemia and Insomnia symptoms.
Easy "Brown Streets" achievement:
Evolve Diarrhea and Insanity.
Easy "Contaminated Package" achievement:
Evolve Blood 1 + Blood 2, Insect 1 + Insect 2, and Extreme Haematophagy
Easy "Is it a bird?" achievement:
Using Necroa Virus, combine the Vampiric Hunger symptom (Cytopathic
Reanimation + Anaerobic Resuscitation + Enhanced Sensory Integration +
Temporal Lobe Manipulation + Cathemeral Shift) and the Bat 1 + Bat 2
Easy "Jaws" achievement:
Using Necroa Virus, combine the Delirium and Hyperosmia symptoms.
Easy "Long Shot" achievement:
Evolve the Coughing and Vomiting symptoms.
Easy "Chinese Nuclear Retaliation" and "Russian Nuclear Retaliation":
Some luck is required to earn this achievement. Start with any country. Evolve
Drug Resistance 1 and 2 and any transmissions and non-lethal abilities then
infect the world until you reach the USA. Evolve your disease and make it lethal
(no more than 10%). After a few months you may see a popup stating "USA president
taken ill", which is required for the achievement. Evolve the Insanity symptom
and Spallin should be elected instead of the Vice President. Spallin should
threaten China or Russia. Evolve Paralysis. Spallin will nuke China or Russia,
and the corresponding achievement will be earned.
Easy "Blind Genius" achievement:
This requires Simian Neuro-Genesis. Gen-Sys must be researching on apes to
cure the disease. Unlock "Blindness", and "Neuro-Enhancement 1, 2, and 3"
to earn "Blind Genius". It will be difficult to win afterwards because research
to find the cure will be very fast.
Virus Mega Brutal:
Written by Willracer 4.
A full guide on how to beat virus on mega brutal.
All you need are the right genes, and it's a piece of cake!
To start off, we will need to insert some genes to increase our chance of victory.
The genes I use are catalytic switch, base oxidisation, native biome, extremophile,
and translesion +. Now, if you want to use some other genes, you can, it probably
won't make too much of a difference and you may be more comfortable with some other
This entire strategy revolves around this one gene, so DO NOT replace it.
-=Destroying the World=-
Start in India. Max out viral instability ASAP, then evolve drug resistance 1, cold
resistance 1, genetic hardening 1, drug resistance 2, cold resistance 2, then genetic
hardening 2. Before you buy something, make sure you will have enough dna to devolve
1 symptom, because the last thing you need is for your disease to become lethal.
Now simply save up your dna, you will need it later on. Just watch the world get
infected, devolving whatever lethal symptoms your plague develops. Wait until all
islands get infected, because if you start killing people before they get infected
then you will have to restart. Once all the islands are infected, as long as most
other countries are infected, you can now begin to kill people. Purchase total
organ failure, and keep the rest of your dna for fighting the cure, as it will go
up incredibly fast. Moniter countries that are not fully infected, as you will need
to devolve lethal symptoms if the infected population starts to die out.
Keep your eye on the cure progress as well, I actually failed when testing this
strategy because humans somehow finished the cure before I managed to wipe them
out, and 4 people in australia survived. At this point, as long as you have
infected everyone, it is just a matter of surviving until you kill everyone.
hits 95%, evolve genetic reshuffle or a symptom that decreases the cure progress.
Follow this, and you will most likely win.
Easy "Patient Who?" achievement:
Start a normal non-scenario game of Prion on the Casual difficulty. Prion can slow
down the cure forcing a longer game. Start in Saudi Arabia. Then, evolve the
following in order as soon as possible: Air 1 and 2, Water 1, Neural Atrophy 1, 2,
and 3, Drug Resistance, and Genetic Hardening 1 and 2. Note: Devolve every mutated
symptom as soon as it appears. Evolve the following symptoms: Coughing, Sneezing,
Pneumonia, Cysts, Hyper Sensitivity, Abscesses, Insomnia, and Paranoia. You will
have to wait at this point, devolving all mutated symptoms. Even if the symptom
is non-lethal it must still be devolved. Immediately pop the cure bubbles as they
appear. If the cure progress reaches 75%, immediately evolve all three Genetic
Re-Shuffles. You will eventually see the message "CDC teams hunt patient zero"
followed after a few months by "CDC teams close on patient zero". Evolve the
following symptoms immediately: Anaemia, Haemophilia, Internal Haemorrhaging, and
Hemorrhagic Shock. They should begin killing the population at a decent rate. Do
not have any more lethal symptoms, as you will need time for the final pop-up to
appear. After nearly half the world is killed, the message "CDC fails to identify
patient zero" should appear, and you will get the "Patient Who?" achievement.
How to Beat The Vampire Virus!:
Written by Deleted_Obsidian
This Guide explains how to beat the vampire virus on Plague Inc. Evolved!
-=Start to Finish=-
As soon as you start the game, you want to start in Greenland and start killing
them. Do not evolve symptoms yet. Evolve some of your blood rage abilities and
bat abilities. Once Greenland is dead then go for Iceland and start killing them.
The templar are gonna start spawning in, that’s fine, just finish off Iceland.
Once you do that, hunt down the templars and kill them off. Make sure to retreat
if your vampire is almost dead. Once all the templars are dead. Evolve and start
placing lairs in spots that cover good chunks of the world.
Reason for this is that when you start infecting the world, cure labs will spawn,
you’ll have to teleport to the lairs and destroy the labs. After, you’ve created
the lairs, start killing some random country to build up DNA points, you’ll need
to build up at least 200 points.
Once that’s achieved, immediately evolve infectivity in the abilities section
first, then once you finish that, start working on transmission. Now, fly around
infecting the world. In symptoms, you’ll need to go from the middle rights side
and evolve towards the middle so you can get the enslaved ending.
During all this, you should be hunting down cure labs and infecting millions at a
time all around. Once the world is completely infected, you’ll getting the enslaved
This is how you beat the vampire virus. This strategy can be used on ALL difficulties.
I hope this helps!