Rise of the Tomb Raider Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Rise of the Tomb Raider | |
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Rise of the Tomb Raider
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Easy "Bacon!" achievement:
You can kill a razorback boar using a Molotov cocktail once
you reach the Ruins Encampment base camp in Geothermal Valley.
There is a crate of bottles of alcohol near the campfire that
you can use to craft the Molotov cocktail. Then, jump down to
the area next to the river and ruined log cabin to find a pack
of razorback boars to use it on to get the achievement.
Easy "Chemical Warfare" achievement:
In Expedition mode, select "The Acropolis" chapter on the lowest
difficulty in "Chapter Replay". You can also select "Chapter
Replay Elite" to use your upgraded gear to make it easier. When
the chapter begins, proceed down to the town to encounter some
enemies after a short cutscene. Get the enemies attention by
shooting at them, then fallback and take cover. Once the enemies
are standing close together, shoot them with a poison arrow. If
you fail to get the achievement, simply reload the chapter and
try again.
Easy "For My Next Trick..." achievement:
After making some progress through the story, fast travel to the
Valley Farmstead Base Camp in Geothermal Valley. Nearby is a small
village with a few houses and a large well in the middle. Near the
well is a shack with some boxes to the left of the entrance, which
you can jump onto with a sprinting start. Once on the boxes, climb
onto the roof of the shack. You can also use the extended grapple
to get on the roof if you are struggling using this method. Once
on top, line yourself up with the well while giving yourself as
much running space as possible and making sure to leap from the
ledge closest to the well. Sprint, then jump as late as possible
and quickly swan dive. If done correctly, Lara will swan dive
into the well and you will get the "For My Next Trick..."
Story Outfits:
As you progress through the story, Lara will change and receive
different outfits depending on the situation.
* Leather Jacket.
* Desert Tank - Unlocked in Syria.
* Expedition Jacket - Unlocked in Siberia.
* Gray Henley - Unlocked in the Gulag at the Soviet Installation.
* Remnant Jacket - Unlocked in Soviet Installation.
Easy XP (Exploit):
You earn 500 XP when you fast travel between the two Flooded Archives
camps, so doing so repeatedly is a terrific way to quickly earn the
XP you need.
Collecting in Syria:
While you are visiting Syria, make sure that you look around carefully
and gather any available collectibles. Once you leave, you won't be able
to return until after you complete the game, at which point three base
camps will become available.
Infinite XP:
Simply fast travel back and forth between the two Flooded Archives camps
to get 500 XP every time. Note: This glitch was performed on an unpatched
version of the game. It will probably eventually get patched. To avoid not
being able to use this exploit, either do not install new patches before
using this exploit or delete the patches. You can avoid patches being
installed by disconnecting from the internet until you are ready for the
game to install new patches.
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