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  Hints and Tips for: Rust 
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 Rust Cheats


Submitted by: David K.

While playing the game, press F1 key to display the console window. Then, type 
one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding 
cheat function. 

Code             Effect
god 1          - Enables godmode.
noclip         - Player model enters noclip (flying, ignores colliders).
respawn        - Respawns you on the beach as a newman.
ent kill       - Instantly destroys the entity you are looking at.
debugcamera    - Toggles free cam.
teleport       - Teleport directly to targeted player
vis.attack     - Enables debug information for projectiles including 
                 rendering bullet trails.      - Starts a helicopter event.
env.time       - Changes the time of day. 
                 Usage: env.time 0-24  (6 = dawn 12 = noon. 24 = midnight)
weather.fog    - Adjusts the chance of fog.
weather.rain   - Adjusts the chance of rain.
inventory.give - Gives you a specific item and amount. Requires item 
                 shortname or code. 
                 Usage: inventory.give “metal.plate.torso” 3

Surviving in Rust can be difficult, but keep the following tips in mind to give 
yourself a fighting chance.

* Expect no mercy. If someone sees you on a PvP server, he's going to try to kill 
  you immediately. Plan accordingly. 

* Look for familiar ground. Immediately search out a place where you're comfortable 
  and avoid anywhere crowded. Don't worry about dying at first, or collecting anything
  that isn't convenient. Your goal is to find a worthy place to build. 

* Build in a hidden location. Don't make it easy for someone else to find your stuff. 
  The harder it will be for someone to stumble across your base, the less likely it is
  that someone will do so and try to rob your resources. 

* Start with planks. Find some pigs to provide cloth and food, and gather enough wood 
  to build some planks to serve as a foundation. Then you can build a shelter with two
  walls and two doors, so that you have an alternate exit if someone comes pounding on
  one of your doors. You want a very compact space, and you can stack a fireplace on 
  top of your box to conserve room. 

* Hide out on the first night. Don't do anything to call attention to yourself, since 
  you're still too weak to do much good. Hopefully, you can make something to keep 
  yourself warm during the chill, so that your food consumption rate drops. 

* Upgrade as soon as you can. On day two, there's a good chance you can upgrade your 
  building with metal doors, if you're able to gather enough metal. 

* Consider your layout carefully. As you keep playing, you should be able to expand 
  your shelter. What started as a 1x1 can grow to a 3x3 and even a 5x5, but you need
  to consider your layout carefully. You should place your most precious stuff in the
  middle, and make that room difficult by placing as many metal doors as possible 
  between it and your building's entrance (to give any invaders more fits).

Recycle to Get More Scrap:
Written by Ladnus

Recycle these items to get more scrap!

Rifle Body -> Scrap ×25
Tech Trash -> Scrap ×20
Road Signs -> Scrap ×5
SMG Body -> Scrap ×15
Semi Automatic Body -> Scrap ×15
Gears -> Scrap ×10
Metal Spring -> Scrap ×10
Sheet Metal -> Scrap ×8
Metal Pipe -> Scrap ×5
Metal Blade -> Scrap ×2
Empty Propane Tank -> Scrap ×1

Tree Lights -> Scrap ×25
Star Tree Topper -> Scrap ×10
Decorative Tinsel -> Scrap ×3

Nailgun -> Scrap ×10

New Workbench Experimentation (Devblog 185):
Written by Pudi Pudi

In the devblog 185 developers added a new features, to the workbench and i tried to 
see what you can get if you put scrap in the workbenches so here is how much scrap 
u need for the experiment:

Workbench lvl 1: you will need 100 scrap for 1 random item! 
Workbench lvl 2: you will need 300 scrap for 1 random item! 
Workbench lvl 3: you will need 1000 scrap for 1 random item! 

I hope this was worth your time.

Mining Nodes Effectively:
Written by Thelberg
After playing the game for a considerable amount of time, I have noticed that 
there’s a common misconception about how nodes really work.

I’ve explained to friends how to mine nodes the quickest and easiest, they have all 
been surprised. I know most experienced players know this so this is more for people 
with less than a few hundred hours.

Stone: This basic node is the simple one to mine. It doesn’t matter what pickaxe you 
have, you should always hit the shining cross.

Metal And Sulfur: These are the special ones, but only when it comes to the Salvaged 
Icepick. When using the Salvaged Icepick to mine these nodes you have to purposely 
miss the shining cross on the first hit, then proceed to hit it all other times, 
This will reduce the hits needed to break the node by 1.

Jackhammers: Jackhammers are the blessing for farmers, but did you know you can use 
them in a safer, not as loud and still fast way?

Simply tap the button you use to mine, the jackhammer will hit the node twice from 
that tap. So repeatedly tap your mouse button whilst mining any node, this way you 
will be able to hear people sneaking up on you, as well as mining the nodes as quick 
as always! Thank you for reading!

Best Binds List (Survival and PvP):
Written by im girls

A guide to the most useful binders in the rast. Whether you are a beginner or 
a professional, in any case you will find a lot of interesting things here!

instead of X, we write the key on which we want to bind the command.
instead of Y, write the number.
bind X "" - delete the bind.
bind X attack - auto attack.
bind X attack; duck - sitting attack.
bind X +attack; +jump - jump + hit.
bind X forward; sprint - auto run.
bind X +jump; +duck - jump with squats.
bind mousewheelup +jump - jump up on the mouse wheel.
bind mousewheeldown +jump - jump down on the mouse wheel.
bind mouse1 +hoverloot; +attack2 - quick loot on the right mouse button.
bind mouse0 +lighttoggle; +attack - flashlight when laying.
bind mouse1 +lighttoggle; +attack2 - flashlight when aiming.
bind X 0.1 - decrease the volume in the game.
bind X 0.7 - increase the volume in the game.
bind X +slot6; +attack - auto-use a syringe.
bind X "craft.add -2072273936 Y" - autocraft.

How to Do Oilrig So Fast:
Written by Helix._.

* You have to take a minicopter and head to the Oilrig.
* Land on the Oilrig Helipad and kill those bots.
* Then you need some keycards (Blue Keycard, Red Keycard) open blue-room and 
  red-room with this keycards.
* Start locked box to hack and head to minicopter quickly and fly out of helipad.
* When Military Helicopter its get closer, beat it with minicopter and take hem down.
* Dont forget when you saw hem and beat hem, jump quickly out of minicopter.
* Try to go on water. Because you takes damage through the gravity of the earth.
* Then you can loot all of bots.

Attention: Make sure the enemy's its not coming to Oilrig.

Songs on Guitar:
Written by wxsteD

For all who enjoy some small songs while being in the base or on a adventure!

Force Theme - Star Wars
36 7 8-9-8 3 3-6 7 8 3 8 6 0 9

Zelda's Lullaby 
3 52 123 52 3 59 85 4323

Lifelight (Smash Bros) 
2-3-4, 2-4 8-7-6-7-5, 7 6 5, 4 5 6 5 4; 5 3 2-3-4, 2-4 8-7;6-7-9, 7 6 5, 4 5 6 5 4 5 3 6 8 9 
Pause for 1 Sec 4-5-3, 234 5-6-5 4-5-3-2-1-2 4-5-3, 234 5-6-5-4-5-2, 2-3-4-5:6 4-5-3, 234 
5-6-5 4-5-3-2-1-2 4-5-3, 234 5-6-5-4-5-2, 2-3-4-5 8:6 5 5 5 5, 4 3 4 1: 6 6 6 6 4 2 1 1 7 6 
7 5, 5 5; 2 2 2, 7 6 5 5, 5 5 62

Avengers' Theme 
2 22 65 4 3 2 22 67 5 6

8 7 63 3333 6666 6564 4444 66667 8 5 5555 888 99 7 8 7 6 3

Pirates of the Carribbean 
3 5 6 6 6 7 8 8 8 9 7 7 6 5 5 6 678 909 878 909 890 987 876 756 678 789 890 986 678 904 698 976

Old Town Road 
2226 5 4 22654 221 5 564 2 2

Gravity Falls Theme 
2346561 2343 5654 4446654 6665654 4446654 666 888 4446654

Fortnite Default Dance 
3 3 5 6 5 3 5 6 5 3 2 3 6 5 3 2 3

WII Sports Theme
1 2 4 3 2 1 5 3 4 5 8 7 8 5 3 1 2 3 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 1 2 4 3 2 5 6 9 9 1 2 4 3 2 1 5 8 9 4 0 9 8 5

Sonic the Hedgehog - Green Hill Zone
8 6 8 7 8 7 5 8 0 9 8 7 8 7 5

All Star - Smash Mouth 
5 5 9 7 7 6 6 5 5 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 9 7 7 6 5 5 6 3, 5 3 5 5 5 5 3 2 5 5 5 5, 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 
5, 7 7 9 8 7 5 6 6 6, 6 7 5 5 3 2 5 5 3 2, 7 9, 7 0, 7 9 8 7 6 6 5 6 5, 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5,3 7 5 
5 5 5 5 3 2, 7 5, 3 2 5 5, 3 2 5 5 5 7, 7 5, 3 2 5 5, 3 2 5 5 5 7, 7 9 8 7 6 6 5, 5 5 6 5 7 6, 
6 5 6 7 3

At the commas, leave a little bit of time between the next set of notes.

Shape of You
68 668 668 6765 (Repeat)

Star Wars Theme
1 5 4-3-2 8 5 4-3-2 8 5 4-3-4-2

Darude - Sandstorm 
77777-7777777-0000000-9999999-66 77777-7777777-0077777-7777777-00

Beethoven - Ode To Joy
3-3-4-5-5-4-3-2-1-1-2-3-3----22---- 3-3-4-5-5-4-3-2-1-1-2-3-2----11---- 2-2-3-1-2-343-1-2-
343-2-1-2-2---- 3-3-4-5-5-4-3-2-1-1-2-3-2----11----

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
1 1 5 5 6 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1

2 2 9 6 6 5 4 2 4 5 1 1 9 6 6 5 4 2 4 5

Jingle Bells 
777 777 79567 8888877776676 9

Boku no Hero Academia Season 2 (Sora no Uta) 
1 5-5-5 554 1 5-5-5 456 11 5-5-5 454 (8-6-6-6-6 654) 11 6-5 11 5-4 3-4 3-4 3346 
55443-4 11 6-5 11 5-433

Attack on Titan
2243 11 22431 64 53 42 31 64 53 42 31

Tokyo Ghoul OP (Unravel)
1 89876 9876 65 5453 333300 877788 89876 9876 65 5453 333300 877788 666-6666 098098 666-6666 
--- 3866 323 3866 323 3866 323 3866 323 86986 7888 80099 878753 553 5533 2233 5533 2233 553 
3223343 309 09998 87875 509 998 87857 86531 887678 87875 0099 9988 87875 509 998 87857 66531 

Neon Genesis Evangelion
3-5-6-5-6 6-6-9-8-7-6-7 7-9-0-6-5 9-9-7-9-9-0

Take Me Home Country Roads
123 312 321 356 6553 2123 211 121

Fly Me to The Moon
8-7-6-5-4. 4-6-8-7-5-4-3 33-4. 6-5-4-3-2-3-4-6(j)-4-3-2-16

Star Wars
3 3 3 153 153 7 7 7 1 153 153 1 5 4-3-2 8 5 4-3-2 8 5 4-3-4-2

List of Monuments and Minimum Radiations:
Written by Nymcom

This short guide covers the minimum radiation level in order to visit each 
monument within the game with some additional info.

-=Monuments with No Radiation=-
These monuments are available when you have 0 radiation protection (none).

* Abandoned Cabins
* Cargo ship
* Dome (Outside)
* Harbor
* Junkyard
* Lighthouse
* Mining Outpost
* Quarry (Any type)

You may enter these monuments with absolutely nothing.

-=Monuments with Low Radiation=-
These monuments are available when you have 10 radiation protection (low).

* Dome (Inside)
* Satellite Dish Array
* Sewer Branch

You may enter these monuments with a full set of burlap (Headwrap, shirt, 
trousers, shoes and gloves). This set is the cheapest low level of radiation 

-=Monuments with Medium Radiation=-
These monuments are available when you have 20 radiation protection (medium).

* Airfield
* Train yard
* Water Treatment Plant

You may enter these monuments with a full set of burlap, wooden armor and a 
bandana (Wood helmet, bandana, burlap shirt, wooden chestplate, burlap trousers, 
wooden armor pants, burlap shoes and gloves). This set is the cheapest medium 
level of radiation protection. This isn't the best set but it is crafteable and 
the most accessible. You may take a single snow jacket for the same protection.

-=Monuments with High Radiation=-
These monuments are available when you have high radiation protection. You may 
enter these monuments with a radiation suit or a combination of 30 radiation 
protection. A snow jacket along with other gear is necessary if you do not have 
a radiation suit.

* Launch Site
* Military Tunnels
* Power Plant

-=Extreme Levels of Radiation=-
The Launch site main building will always cause a low additional amount of 
radiation. You should drink a lot of water to drink to remove this. 
Rad pills are less effective.

The cargo ship will also cause lethal levels of radiation once it leaves the 
map. After a warning horn you must leave the ship. You may take a diving gear 
if a RHIB is unavailable.

The Nuclear site will also cause high level of radiation inside one of the 
steam generators. (Round towers) Rad pills are commended to remove the high 
levels once you've exit the tower.

Quick & Short Tips for New Players:
Written by Diziris banditcamp

In this guide you can get some proffesional tips for Rust.

* Choose a beginner-friendly server.
* Create a sleeping bag to get a respawn point.
* Hit the right spot when gathering wood and stone to get more.
* Prioritize gathering wood to build all your starter needs.
* Choose the right spot for your first base to make life easier.
* Do not farm more than necessary.
* Use double doors in your base to protect all your stuff.
* Avoid lighting a fire at night and attracting other players.
* Keep your base from decaying.
* Watch out for radiation.

All Camera Codes:
Written by Loke

This guide gives you all of the available camera codes that are available 
in the computer station.


-=Bandit Camp=-


-=Large Oil Rig=-

-=Nuclear Missile Silo=-

-=Outpost / Compound=-

-=Small Oil Rig=-

Fast Guns Solo Guide:
Written by SHARD

For most of my hours I played solo before I felt lonely and joined a clan. 
Here’s (IMO) the most fun way of playing solo Rust.

* Fresh Spawn.
* Get a **** ton of cloth.
* Make base near smoil.
* Buy Sunburn DLC (boogie board (very quiet transport) ) if you don’t find boat.
* Get pump from fishing village (optional because you can go with a bow but u 
  can’t grub well with bow). You can also get a diving kit but you don’t really 
  need it if you’re fast enough.
* Craft meds out of the cloth (a lot).
* Swim rig and try to be there first.
* Get on the ladder and kill the scientist on that platform.
* Wait patiently (sometimes it may take a while for someone to come).
* If some dumbasses climb the ladder kill them all. If they come from stairs, 
  just camp behind the container and kill them all.
* Leave loot in base and come back.
* Have fun for a few hours until you run out of guns or get raided  
  (raid inevitable).

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