
Stick RPG Complete Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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  Hints and Tips for: Stick RPG Complete 
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 Stick RPG Complete Cheats

Stick RPG Complete

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM

Cheat mode:
Enter HEYZEUS!!!! as a user name to get 555 Stats and 10,000 to start the game.

Save money:
Start with your intelligence at maximum, then get a job and keep getting promotions 
until you are the CEO. Do not increase anything else or do anything else until you 
are Ceo with an intelligence level of 250. Then, stop increasing intelligence until 
you get a penthouse with a television. Watch the news until you have about 330 
intelligence. You can then hot wire the car. The car is like the skateboard except 
faster and cooler.

Easy money:
First, start a bank account. You do not need much, but the more the better. Next, 
go into your apartment and sleep for a few days. The interest in the bank will earn
money slowly. The more money you have, the more you will receive. This is very useful
if you are trying to get a few stats. Buy the items that raise all of the stats when
you sleep. Each night you sleep, you will get better.

When you have 999 Intelligence, Charm, and Strength, get to -100 Karma by doing 
a lot of Drug deals and bar fights. Notice that you will receive an invitation 
in your home to join in an Election. Click on the 50,000 Election and you should 
win it. After that, sleep and you will get $5,000 a day.

Save the game, then play blackjack. Bet all your money. If you lose, refresh and 
try again. Save the game each time you win more money.

Note: While playing blackjack is an easy way to get money, it takes a long time 
to click the chips to bet. Instead, do not click them. Press [Tab] until the 500 
chip is selected then hold [Enter] for a faster method.

Red car:
If you get over $500 you will get a new car.

While doing Commodities, before you leave the bus station to sell, make sure you 
have agun with 99 ammunition. Also make sure that you pump up Strength and Charm 
and lower your Karma for extra safety.

When doing the darts, go for the lighter dart board. 

Start out with unlimited intelligence and get the job of the CEO. Follow the first 
car cheat and get to day 381. Then, press C and you should be in a red convertible.

President or Dictator:
When it is 2,000 days and you have a castle and lots of money (200,000), you should 
be invited to have an election. 

For Dictator, have $200,000, Karma -100, 850+ Stats, CEO, and a castle ($500,000).
For President, have $200,000, Karma 100, 750+ Stats, CEO, and a castle ($500,000).

Funny messages 1:
Whenever your stickman gets run over by a car, he will get one of three messages. 
One is from Sticknews, another from You Hit, They Run law agency, and the final 
one is is from Cash for Skidmarks' Inc.

Funny messages 2:
Give the boy who wants smoke exactly ten of them. He will die and you will get a 
message from a detective.

Red Stickman:
Keep robbing places.

Kill kid on the corner:
Keep giving the kid on the corner of the street cigarettes. He will eventually die 
from too much smoke inhalation.

If you are trying to sleep very quickly, press [Tab] twice, [Enter], [Tab], [Enter] 
and repeat.

Submitted by: Brandon

to wake up at 12:00 am everyday, get a job or the HEYZEUS!!!! and purchase an alarm 
clock. this should wake up a little earlyer, next buy as many nicatinue pills as 
possible because every pill used + alarm clock will wake you up at 12:00 am

Submitted by: nathan

start the game enter HEYZEUS!!!! get 999 of charm intellagence and streinth get castle 
check email erace it you will get a lottory if its not when you leave the castle is in 
the bank choose 50000 you win go to bed you get 5000 each day hey you deserve it for all 
your hard work im still getting my presidensial account bye

Easy money:
Get an alarm clock ($200) and caffeine pills. You will be able to work four times a day.
For a CEO this results in $2,400 per day. Note: This is also how you get a bus ride.

Good karma:
Go to the bum by the bar and keep giving him money. You will get good karma in return. 

Submitted by:adam

if you start a new game and keep working as a CEO and dont rob 
any places you will get a white stick man. 

Submitted by: Daniel Householder 

to get a red stickman you can either kill the kid on the block and make a lot of 
deals in las vegas, you can also get into some barfights or you can rob places a lot

Submitted by:tim 

get some money then go to the bank and deposite all but 1 dollar. then go to casino 
and play black jack click on the token that says 0 on it and a 0 will be added to 
your money. you can repeat this as long as you want.

Very Easy money:
Submitted by: david

first become presedenant then sleep for 50 days put all your money in the bank and keep 
doing this.

Submitted by: Boaba

DO YOU NEED MOR MONEY? Buy 10 cocain or beer and travel to NJ or LA by bus. Make sure you 
have a cell phone and a gun with atleast 90 ammo. Sell your comidates and you will get 
a BIG profit.

Submitted by: PMan

Hi i have just found out a new hint for Stickman RPG:
When you get your intelligence up to 330 you can steal a car but if you already have a 
yellow/red car go to sleep untill day 364 and you should get a message saying Congratz
you have been playing for a game year and you will recieve 

Moon walk:
So to do the moon walk you hold up left right then you look like you walking forward 
but your going backwards 

Sports Car:
After 365 stick days you should wake up and get some mail and a sports car!

Changing colors:
Purple - Win a lot of bar fights
White  - Become President
Red    - Rob banks
Blue   - Start of game

Submitted by: ya mum

to get easy money get all your cash out of the bank exepet for 1 doller and go to 
the casino and bet all of it al if u loose get out of it then back in to iit then 
u should still have all your cash. and if u win go save it then do it all over again 
keep doing this until u have alot of cash

Money Trick:
Use the following trick for easy money and decreased Karma. Buy 20 pieces of cocaine from 
the person besides the pawn shop. Make sure every time you wake up it is midnight so you 
could catch up to the bus. Go to Los Angeles and sell the cocaine you bought for easy money. 
It is possible that your stick will be red.

Cool car:
To get a cool car get unlimited time and sleep until the number says like 365 which is a 
year. If you slept for a year in stick RPG then you get a cool car I guess. It happened 
to me. 

Take a bus:
Get a alarm clock then get caffine pills go to sleep then go to the bus station and pik 
anywhere u want to go but its not wat u think it is.

Wake Up Car:
After you have hotwired the car by your home, enter it and go to your inventory. Press 
the go home button and go to sleep. After you wake up the next day, save your game and 
leave your home. You should start off inside your car.

Submitted by: keith

Make your car do the moon walk press up left and right together it you'll moon walk

Submitted by: hub

first, buy a computer. the stocks can not go below 1 dollar. Buy as much of it as 
u can at 1 dollar than wait till it doubles or triples, easy & fast money.
Go to twilly in Falconreach and put minigame prises.

win big:
If your new to this game listen to me. first make sure you are playing stick rpg complete. 
Now make your name HEYZEUS!!!!  make sure you typed all of the !!!! marks and its all in
caps. Now youy shold be playing. If you want to be prez or dictator follow this: prez=999
in all stats, 100 karma, a castle, a convetable, a ceo, and your stick figure has to be 
white. Dictator= 999 in all stats, -100 karma, a castle, a convertable, a ceo, and your 
stick has to be red. p.s. you have to wait 2000 days to have election and you need $20000.

Skateboard tricks:
When you have a skateboard and want to do a trick, hold [Shift] and press 
[Left], [Right], and [Up].

Easy Money:
Use the following trick for easy money and decreased Karma. Buy 20 pieces of cocaine from 
the person besides the pawn shop. Make sure every time you wake up it is midnight so you 
could catch up to the bus. Go to Los Angeles and sell the cocaine you bought for easy 
money. It is possible that your stick will be red.

Submitted by: Josh

To get a red stick, just rob the bank a whole lot. you dont have to get away with money 
to turn red. you just have to have a gun with ammo, and click "Rob the place" when your 
at the bank and eventually, you will turn red

Submitted by: joseph

complete cheats:codes,HEYZEUS!!!! Tips,Sleep for 365 days(1 year) you will get a 
messege and press c and you can drive a hot rod or to get the yellow car neer apartment 
and hotwire it by geting 370 intelegence,become CEO evrey day do job and when you get 
enogh funds you can by a mansion tv satlite (for tv) computer bed!!
more information email me at

Submitted by: willever

steps for ultimate game
1 HEYZUES!!!! improtant (!!!!) 4
=555 all stats, $10000
2 go to the house click on the car at your house hotwire it. 
3 go to the bar out side is a bum click on him give him 10 dolars
4 go to the pawn shop and buy a almarm clock 
5 go to the school and use the gym till u have 999 strenth
6 go back to the school with 5000 dollars and do `go to class`
7 after u have finished th 5000 dollars if your not at 999 intelagence go to `study` 
8 go to the big building beside the bank and ask for promptions till your ceo
9 work till you have 600,000 dollars 
10 buy the caslte at the bank
11 go the bar and drink beer untill you have 999 charm
12 make shure u have 100 karma
13 go to your castle and sleep untill u get a letter asking to run for presedent 
14 say yes 
15 play as u wish u are presadent what more could u want u get 5000 dollars a night 

1 HEYZUES!!!! improtant (!!!!) 4
=555 all stats, $10000
2 go to the house clic on the car at ur hose hotwir it. 
3 go to the bar out side is a bum lick him and giv im 10 dolars ( holly shit ive 
  never accidentally done something that funy)
4 go to the pan shop and buy a alarm cock (lol) and knife
5 go to the bar and bar fiht till u hav -100 karma
6 go to the scool and go to clas until u hav 0 karma
7 repet step 5 and 6 til u have 999 strengh and intelgense as well as -100 karma
8 go to the bulding beside the bank and become ceo
9 work until u have 600000 dolars
9 drink ber until u hav 999 charm
10 bar fite until u have -100 karma
11 wait til u got an emal sain u can be dick-tater ( who wold wana be a dick 
   made of taters) 
12 say oui
13 play as, want 
sorry for my BAD spelling

Submitted by: tj

If you start out with the name HEYZEUS!!!! you will get money and to get money 
get the ceo job and then you save to buy castle

Submitted by: Dillan

Get the car and get in and then press the direction pad and press c and the 
car raves its engine

Submitted by: wron

To get lots of money put 10,000 dollars in bank and sleep for 365 day you will 
wake up check your messages you will get a new car and in your bank is tons of 
cash, i got a castle fron doing this with money left over!!!

Submitted by: JAKE

If u want a totally black screen while playing, hold "c" and the right arrow 
key at the same time.

Submitted by: Jordy 

Give the bum by the bar lots of money until you turn white.

Kill the kid that asks for smokes (10 smokes) then go by some coke then go to LA.

Submitted by: mathew

play the game get at least 700 intelligence steel the car then get promotions 
until u r ceo the get a clock and caffeine pills the sleep go t work u should 
get $2,400 the go home save game then go to the casino bet all your money if u 
win u get lots if u8 lose close window and re-open it the keep repeating it and
ull be.

Submitted by: tom

first put your name as HEYZEUS!!!!
second when you have your stats and money save your file then go to the casino.
next go to the blackjack table and bet all your money.
if you win go to your house and save.
if you lose quit the game and go to continue.
keep doing this until you have 640,000 dollars.
now go buy a castle.
go to the furnishing store and buy everything.
now go to your house and get on the computer.
now buy all the stocks that are at 1 dollar.
because the stocks cant go bellow 1.
spend all your money.
now sleep and next morning the stocks should go up.
wait till they are about 2-4 dollars or more. then sell them you should make alot of money.
if you get good at stock managing then you can make alot of money.
this doesnt take long. about 1-2 hours depending on how good you are.
i made over 1.2 mil in 15 mins. so give it a try.

Submitted by: Zane

Get mega money by either going to the casino and betting all it may take long but if you 
win save (also save before you go) press tab till its on the 500 and hold enter for faster 
betting also you can put all your money in the bank then wait untill the intrest is high 
then make a lot of money and put it in the bank and you will sky rocket up in money i did 
and got over 5 mil and im still going up.

Submitted by: j&b

If you you are president or dictator get 1million$ and put it in bank. sleep till you get 
1million with you. the keep with drawing 1million you should be very rich

Submitted by: Robbie

Save then get 1 mil then bet it all on blackjack. If you don't win then close down 
the game then log back on and do it again but when u do win save strait away

Submitted by: Sidow2

1st get a lot of money(no loan)
2nd go to Fine Line Furnishings
3rd buy every thing there
4th go back the next day
5th buy every thing again (it has new stuff)
6th if you bought every thing you should get more intelligence, Strength and charm everyday

Submitted by: Sidow2

You need 200 charm 
1st you need a gun ($400)
2nd get money (CEO is best)
3rd deposit money
4rd rob the bank
4rd-B or go to jail for 5 days

Submitted by: cODY

First you must have a health lvl of 560. Use HEYZUES!!!! as your name at the start of the 
game your health will be at 560/560. go towards tthe edge of the area and fall off you 
should then have 560/570. Go home and sleep BANG extra hp

Changing color:
2 become white, u just go 2 work. 2 become red, u smoke, drink, rob, fight and buy cocaine.

Submitted by: Julio

Heres a good alll the exercise things...and then sleep all the time...your 
strength will go up with your charm and intellgence...just from sleeping!!! ALSO! 
Do that Zeus thing from other tips...and you will get so much money fast...after you get 
999 of all skillz

Submitted by: keane

to work at mcsticks you have to type in HEYZUES in capitals as password.
to get are scateboard you have to buy smokes and give them to the blue person on the 
corner of path.

Submitted by: rexxar

When u get to one thousand days and when u get $200,000 -100 karma and a castle and 
ceo u get to become a dictator and its not 2,000 days its 1,000 days.

Submitted by: SETH

you must play complete version of stick rpg you will have a car outside your house 
click on it to hot wire the press c to drive then hold c to make the screen blink 
black makes stickman like hes in a invisable car.

Easter Egg - Back Wards Cars:
Sometime when u put Heyzeus!!!!. U might see a car driving backwards.
(It doesn't realy have to be HEYZEUS!!!! as ur name but thats a different code)

Dont go to a place with to much cocaine the cops find you and your sent to jail 
u lose your gun and your stuff.

Gambling win:
Take out a loan at the bank,then click repay loan.type minus and then the amount 
that you want(repeat this as many times as you like).then gamble it at the casino 
and hope you win.if you dont then start a new game and try again.

Submitted by: freddydavebobsmithgrayom

if you are in a bar fight and it freezes instead of clicking it froze just click the 
done button on the fighting bar and it should come back to life... do this every time 
it freezes and finish off your enemy =]

Submitted by: Shawn J

To become prez all u have 2 do is have a castle be ceo and haf 200,000$ because that 
is the best chance to win election and you don't have to wait 1000 days,i was prez at 
400 days.

Submitted by: Cazzer

To become dictator you have to have been playing for 1000 days, On the 1001 day you 
will get an answering machine message asking you to become dictator of sticks, the 
more money you put in the more chance you have of winning the election

Submitted by: Eva

When you have a lot of money, take it all out of your bank acount and save the game. 
Then go to the Casino and bet it all on blackjack. If you win, save your game and you 
will get double money. If you lose however, just dont save, exit, and go back and all 
your money will be returned to you.

Submitted by: Andrew

If you want to sell stuff in other citys but don't want bad karma sell beer insted of cocain.

Bank Glitch:
Submitted by: Camerant

Get some money. Then go to the bank and put a 0 before it than deposit. Might only 
work with even number like 02000, 01000 etc. You'll deposit that much and keep half. 
Email Bye! hope it helps it did for me.

Easy Strength + Charm:
Submitted by: brody

An easy way to build strength and charm is to buy the mansion and the treadmill from the 
furniture store. Next, go to the convinience store and buy a whole bunch of smokes. Then, 
go stand one pace away from entering your mansion. Then all you have to do is smoke until 
your health is too low to smoke any more (you will be prohibited to smoke automaticly, 
so don't worry about dieing) then enter your house and sleep whickh will raise you health 
and strength. Continue this until desired.

Submitted by: shaun 

when you have a castle + $200,000 + the job as a CEO + 100 karma and have played for a 
virtual year you should be invited to have an election, accept and choose the $200,000 
campaing and you should become president

note: when you are president you can not work and you get $5000 when you sleep

Submitted by: BOOB

hold forward and backwards in the car put your bonet over the edge near the mansion and 
make sure u just start the game or i wont work btw u can fall thogh ground why u on the 
road and went u respawn u start with 999 everthing and preisdent and castle and 9000,00000 

Submitted by: sam

to be director get 999 on every thing but karma, a castle and 200,000 dollars and sleep 
till 999 days egzactly and you have a messeage read then erase then you get another message 
and choose the 200,000 dollar option (if u kill people you cant be presidant).

Submitted by: rozlan

First typ in HEYZEUS!!!! all caps then get promoted till ceo and if time full sleep get 
money from job sleep then go to bar and keep drinking beer till time full sleep then go 
to bank or place next to pawn shop and rob but before that u must get gun and amo.and 
that how u getperfect robery every time.

Funny move:
Submitted by: Callum

To do a funny move on yo're skate board press shift , press right and then down and you will 
get a funny move for yo're skate board.

Submitted by: oliver

Start new game then take your name as HEYZUES!!!!( i dont remember if it is HEYZUES!!!! 
or HEYZEUS!!!!)
(notice that caps lock is activated)
then you get 555 on charm strengh and inteligens(sorry for bad spelling)and 10000 dollar 
then go to band and deposit the money then go hotwire the car and go and slep for a couple 
of days then it should be more money then you then the money youve deposit then check when 
you have like 600000 dollars go buy the castle and go to furniture and buy all then go out 
and in its more furinture when you walking in again any way go to the gun shop buy the mobile 
then just sleep for a 100 days or more
hope you like my tip.

Big Money:
If you get 250k by going to the casino and back with that 250k go to the bank put 250k in 
Bank and then sleep for 50 days and you should have $626248.

Stock Market Genius:
For best results this secret requires at least $100,000. Start out the day by heading off 
to the bank. There you should buy a penthouse. Then go to the Fine Line Furnishings store 
across from your apartment and buy the computer. This enables you to trade on the stock 
market. Stocks fluctuate up and down everyday, but stock value will never fall beneath $1. 
Watch the various stocks until one hits rock bottom ($1). Buy all of these stocks you can 
possibly buy. Sleep until the stock rises to a higher value (ex. $2) and sell them all. 
Repeat this process as desired. In this way every couple of days you will have doubled 
your net value. In about 10 days I earned $2,000,000 using this secret.
Note: The stock market is rigged against you, meaning stocks tend to plummet faster when 
you have more money invested in them. Because of this, when you are investing big money 
in a rock bottom stock it’s value will probably never rise above $2. When your stock value 
nears $2, sell.

White Head:
Get a white head by sleeping 100 days or less or higher.

Submitted by: GimmeaBj =]

This is more a programmers mistake that a cheat but, When you have gotten 999 Strenght 
(however you get this i skipped days when i had tredmill & watched Tv to get it) In a 
bar fight once you win the fight your hp will go up by 3 everytime you win therefore 
you can get unlimited hp Enjoy :) -JoeMcz

Submitted by: OZI

to get a pink color:first u need to do the HEYZEUS!!!! cheat but dont be a ceo yet!
then kill the guy beside ur house by giving him 10 cigarettes.
then ur red color.then be a ceo and ur color is pink!

Submitted by: nathan divel

If u keep getting promotions u will turn white.Then when yur white if u keep buying 
drugs and trading them for money at different places u will turn light blue.then if 
u keep doing that u will turn dark blue.So if u dont like the color white u can be 
light blue or dark blue.Just keep buying drugs and robbing the store where u buy the 
gun at.kk.

Getting good money:
first    - save your game
second   - go to casino
third    - bet all your money playing blackjack
fourth A - if you win save again and repeat
fourth B - if you lose x the window and continue saved game and try again
(if you do not know how how to play blakjack it is simple. if you look it up you 
should learn quickly)

Another way to have more money!:
Just buy a lot of cocaine from the guy walking between the store you buy the gun and
the store you buy caffeine. And then, take the bus to Los Angeles, CA and you sell 
cocaine to one guy for more than 400 $/ 1 gram (I think 500 to 900 $) but for a few

How to get the Adventure Mode of Stick RPG Complete!!:
Submitted by: Helen

@ Make Your name LOLATYINE!! (Note: Make sure it has all caps and two exclamation marks).
@ You should have 10, 000 dollars and 999 stats. You can do this using the name HEYZEUS!!!! 
  but you only get 555 stats, also I think LOLATYINE!!! sounds better.
@ Give ALL your money except for 10 dollars to the drunk guy. You'll have amazing karma!
@ Put the 10 dollars in the bank.
@ Go to sleep for 365 days.
@ When you wake up you'll have a cool new car delievered to you in the mail.
@ Click any brown cars that go up the right lane on your screen.
@ One will stop, and a black stickman will get out. He's a hitchiker.
@ There's a story scene (which goes like this):

YOU: Hi, where can I take ya?
GUY: New York City, please.
YOU: Fine, but the bus depot's down, ya heard? I can't take you 'till 12 o clock, and even 
then ya'll gonna be stuck with no hotel.
GUY: I don't care about all that crud. JUST TAKE ME!!!
YOU: *sighs* Fine.

@ The movie will finish, so you ought to buy some nicotine pills.
@ Then you should go to your house and click the messages button, there's a message from the 
  hitchiker reminding you to take him.
@ After that, go to sleep and in the morning go outside. The hitchiker will be waiting. 
  Push "c" (to enter your car) and there will be another movie.

YOU: Hey, Bernie.
GUY: My name's not Bernie, you a*sehole!
*He hits you on the head with his gun*
YOU: Okay, fine. You wanted to go to New York, right?
GUY: Yeah, tool.
YOU: I'm steppin' on it.

@ Now you have to drive to the Bus Depot. WHen you get out, "Bernie" (the hitchiker) will 
  follow you, even when you go into shops. However, if you DO go into shops, don't buy 
  anything or he'll leave.
@ When in the bus Depot, click you wanna go to New York. You'll get there and you won't 
  arrive and the screen has a message on it, but instead you will be able to walk around.
@ Go to a hotel and drop "Bernie" off, he'll give you $10000 for your work. He'll also 
  invite you to stay with him (so you can amble around NYC and not have to go back).
@ Play the game normally for 5 game days, then go to your NYC Hotel, and there's a 
  movie (yay!).

YOU: Hi, Bernie. Who's this?
"BERNIE" (GUY): Alicia, my new girlfriend.
*A girl stick is sitting on the bed on top of Bernie*
YOU: Umm, sorry to walk in on you... I'll just go downstairs...
ALICIA: Are you that taxi driver?
YOU: Taxi driver?
BERNIE: You gave me a lift here 'bout a week ago, remember?
YOU: Yeah, but I ain't a taxi driver, tool.
ALICIA: I'll make it... worth your while... If you come with me and talke me to Los Angeles...
*She winks seductively*
YOU: Uhh... Sorry, but I really can't... I...
ALICIA: Oh, that's a shame. I guess I'll just have to give this 2 million dollars to someone else.
YOU: 2 Million?!!!!

(Then a screen will appear asking you what to say next. I'll tell you right and wrong thing to 
say and what happens after it).
"Sure... Let's go!"
"I'll do you but I ain't driving you anywhere."

If you say "Sure... Let's go!" then...
ALICIA: Thanks, sugar.
*You both go downstairs*
YOU: Hop in, tool.
ALICIA: Thank you, sir.
*She gets in the car and so do you*
*While driving, Alicia jumps in the front seat beside you.*
ALICIA: Wanna make my taxi drive a little more... Naughty?
YOU: Sure...
*You pull over and you hear moans and groans coming from the car.*
*The screen goes black then says 30 mins later...*
ALICIA: Thank you... *winks*
YOU: No problem.
*You grab 2 million dollars and rifle through the notes.*
YOU: No problem at all...

If you'd said "I'll do ya but I ain't driving you anywhere"...
ALICIA: But I need to get to LA!
*You hear a gunshot and the screen goes black*

If you picked the good option, you'd get $2 mil. and your charm would go up by 20. Pick the 
bad option, and your HP would go down by 20 and you'd return to the starting town, and Adventure 
Mode would have ended. Now here's what would happen if you pick the good option...

@ Go back to New York and go to Bernie's flat. He'll be sitting with a new girl and a message 
  will appear saying "Drive Rose to Chicago".
@ Do so and get $1000. Also your charm goes up by 10.
@ Keep driving girls to places and they'll give you hotels there. On the 10th day of driving 
  girls, you'll get a RARE Black and orange stripey sports car.

I Haven't got any further on Adventure Mode, but because I got the sports car it comes up on 
the menu "Continue Adventure". Good luck finding out what happens next!!!

Submitted by: josh wetzel

u go to the kid give him som sigerits u use the skate board to go to casino bet all ur 
money/at leat 200,000/do not save or cheat wont work keep beting tell u loss sleep for 20 
days ind up being presdent and have/100,000,000,000.

Submitted by: 5-0 Assassin

When you get $20,100, buy from the coke dealer until you have $100. then go to LA or Detroit 
and sell it(if any thing bad happens refresh). go deposit the money in the bank and sleep. 
now repeat the process and get a lot of money.

Hint: charm,and streanth:
You need about 500,500$ to do this first buy a castle then go to the fureniture shop (across
the apartment) and buy every thing then go home watch tv and you'll gain cham, streanth, and
intteigience dependig on what channel. The first inteigience, second streanth, and third charm.

How to become DICTATOR:
Now, this is sort of an un-conventional method of making your character, but it will work,

-=The making of your character=-
First, give your char a name (obviously)
Next, you want to keep rolling the dice until you have about 30 points all together.
Then, proceed to the day-by-day instructions

-=Day-by-day instructions=-
Day 1. You'll start in the middle of the street, go down, and cross the street directly
across from the bar will be a yellow building (Funky-Town Five-O Convenience Store) there
a red guy is pacing (don't worry about him yet). Walk into the yellow building. Then, buy
a pack of smokes.
Walk out and go north (up)across the street until you reach the bank. Walk across the
street and you'll see a cyan-colored stick person(actually kid). Click on him. He will say
something (translates to "I WANT SMOKES!")
Give him the smokes, and you will now have a skateboard that you can use by holding SHIFT
while walking.

Go down again and enter the bar. Get into a few bar fights until you're almost dead (if
you're at extremely low health during a fight, just run away)
Every fight, the opponents give you a +3 strength and some money (the more people you
kill, the more money you get per person)
When you're low on health, go out of the bar, and click on your inventory (the bag). Click
the small home icon and it will take you home, you have the option of sleeping, checking
your messages, saving, or leaving. You probably want to save and go to sleep.

Day 2 (don't worry about getting your hp up, that'll happen in time).
If you want a quicker way to get strength up, go right until you're at New Lines Inc.
(don't go in!)
Turn the corner and go inside of the yellow building labeled U of S (University of Stick)
Don't worry about study'ing or going to class, just go to the gym until day 10 (every day,
you get +8 strength by going to the gym).
PS: going to school increases your karma, but don't worry, we'll get it down again soon

-=Day 11=-
My stats are currently 101 strength, 0 charm, 2 int (i mis-clicked once).
Now, it's time to get intelligence up. Go back to U of S and study (don't go to school,
it's a waste of money). You will see your character gradually change colours, that's do to
his karma (white = good, red = bad).

And so for a little while, you're a bookworm, only study'ing at U of S.

(I got 75 int at day 21, so that's the timeslot we'll use)

-=Day 21=-
Remember that HUGE building next to U of S and the bank? Well that's your new office. Go
over there and enter it. Keep asking for promotions until it says you need more int. If
you stopped at 75 int, you'll be a sales person, making $15 per hour. 
Work the rest of the day, and go up to the bank, deposit all of your money (remember to do
this every day for a good interest rate), then go back to the apartment and sleep. You can
check your answering machine, you'll have a few wierd messages from people (read them for
a quick laugh).
The first day you work, get $200. Go south until you're at the edge of the game, on the
right side of the street under the convenience store, there will be a purple building.
Enter it, and buy a CD alarm clock (you will wake up earlier)

And so, for a few weeks, you're a work-a-holic trying to meet your monthly sales quota so
your body will be able to be found. Every day you wake up, go to work, put the money in
the bank, and go to sleep and start over.

-=Day 36=-
Now, depending on what your interest rate was, your money may vary ( I had $5,958)
Take out an even amount divisible by 500 (EG: $5,500   $6,000   etc..)


-=Day 40=-
Then go down like you're going to the pawn shop but when you're at the pawn shop, cross
the street and you'll be at a sparkly building (actually a casino)
Play BlackJack (make sure you save before every game).
for easy bet-making, press TAB three times and hold enter until all your money is in the
Then, you play black-jack,(if you don't know how, look the rules up online.)
If you win the game, go to your house, save it, BUT DON'T GO TO SLEEP! Go back to the
casino and keep playing blackjack until you have lots of money.
If you lose a game, refresh the page, and as long as you saved, you'll be able to start
from before you lost your money.
Use this method until you have around $600,000-$700,000(it takes a lot less time anything
other methods)
You will lose alot of games, but don't get frustrated
After you have your $600,000-$700,000, go to the bank and click on the button labeled "BUY
Purchase a castle for $500,000.

Go to the furniture store (south of your old apartment) and buy EVERYTHING, the first time
there will be a coma-snooze bed, a behemoth-vision tv, circuit-breaker 5000 computer, and
a deep freeze. Go out and come back in, then there will be more items (stick-fitness
treadmill, stickchoice satellite system, stick-o-pedia xgenica, suds'n'bubbles minibar)
once again, buy everything (trust me, it's good).
Remember that kid that gave you the skateboard? well go to him again and what was once an
empty lot, is now your new home!
Enter it through the driveway where someone's trying to bash in your door.
Go to the tv and watch the dating channel(gives charm), news (gives int), fitness(gives
Get all of your stats up to the same number (it doesn't matter what it is). 
After that, go to the bank and deposit all your money, save your money, then sleep, and
keep watching TV until all of your stats are 250.
(This task took me until day 55

-=Day 55=-
Go back to New Lines Inc. and ask for promotions until your job is CEO ($100 per hr)
Work for the remainder of the day, go to the bank, pull out $5,000 and go to the
convenience store, press TAB 4 times and hold enter to buy caffiene pills (let you wake up
even earlier)
PS: you can only buy 99 at one time, so don't try to buy more, you just won't buy them.
Go home, save the game, and go to sleep.
Work until day 100, putting all of your cash in the bank every day, buying new caffiene
pills when needed (only buy when you're COMPLETELY OUT)
with caffiene pills, alarm clock, and $100 per hr, you'll make $2,400 a day, not including
the interest on your account in the bank.
(don't freak out if your interest rate is going down, sometimes that happens)

-=Day 100=-
Here's the fun part! LOWERING KARMA!!!! Ok go to the convenience store and buy 9 smokes
Then go give them all to the kid that gave you the skateboard, and he will die. You will
now have a message on your phone from a Detective McHolland, you also will have lower
karma. Then, go to bar and get into bar fights until you have -100 karma (you can check by
going to the question mark and stickman next to your inventory and it will be under the
stats. You lose roughly 5 karma every bar fight. After you have -100 karma, use the rest
of the day watching TV. Go to sleep, save, and keep watching TV until you have 777 stats
(it'll take a while).
Make sure you have at least 200k and -100 karma when you get 777 stats, then check your
messages. You will have one from the United Nation of Sticks saying you were nominated for
the Dictator of All Stick Nations. 
Click the button labeled "OK" and pick the 200k campaign, you'll win, and every time you
go to bed, you get 5k.

Note: When you get to day 365, you get a red convertible.

Submitted by: TJ

To be white stick man buy a castle that cost $500,000. Then keep going to work. go to the 
Place where your first apartment was. Go across the street and buy all the furniture. 
Then still go to work alot. Then you will be a white stick man!!!!!!!! 
(that's how it work for me).

Submitted by: king

To get a lot of cash at once on roulette,do all of these said here:black,red,odd,even,
1-18,and 19-36.

Submitted by: Gordon

Start out with either cheats or no cheats either way is fine. Then get a job at New Lines 
Incorporated. Go to the University of Stick, then get a promotion at New Lines Incorporated, 
until you become a CEO.(with cheats on all you have to do is get a job there and just get a 
promotion until it says you are CEO). Next, give the poor man some money, and do what ever 
else you want to until you reach 264 days, but make sure you take out $200,000 out of the 
bank on the 263 day. (Also make sure your karma is -100.) Then you will receive a message 
on your answering machine. When you read it, don't erase it, just click continue. Then it 
will ask you to select a campaign. Choose the $200,000 one. Then it will say that you are 
the dictator of all sticks. Then every night when you sleep, you will get $5,000. After that, 
you can continue to do what ever you want. Through the whole process of the game, you can 
still sell drugs, go to school, and rob the bank and the convenience store. Everything is 
fine. Even if you are red it will still ask you to become a Dictator. 
Even after the campaign, you can still sell drugs and things.

How to Hotwire the car:
Simply get your int. to 400 by any way you want (I perfer televisin news you get about 2 int.
free) when you got it hen go to the car and click it hotwire it then you did it now press "c"
and your ready and you can go on sidewalk. 
NOTE: You are not invincible against other cars. You can not enter building while in the car

Change colour:
This maybe have already be posted but if you give money to the poor guy work eat and buy 
eventually if you keep doing it you go from blue to white if you rob the bank get into beer
fights you go purple.

How to get a helicopter:
Submitted by: peteriscoolfoo

u must first become president then u must go buy every thing to 99x so ciggerates drugs 
beer the lot the u go to the bank and rob it then go to sleep then u should wake up with 
a helicopter instaed of a car.

Need Car 4 this:
You hijacked the car, rite now listen. at the end of the day, press c. now click the bookbag
in the upper rite corner. see the house click on that. now sleep. click OK then Leave. Your 
outside the house alredy in your car!

The Best Stock Market Hint Ever:
Buy a computer. That's simple. Stocks are rigged to lower against you. However, they will 
never lower less than $1. So, If you stop buying stocks for a couple days, at least one of
the stocks will go all the down to $1. When it does, cash in all of your money into that $1
stock. Let it double, triple, or maybe even quadruple and your net worth will skyrocket!

363 smartness:
You have to get 363 in smartness, click on da car (outside your apartment on the grass) and 
it will ask U if U want to fix it, then click on the spanner to fix it.

Getting rid of da peps:
Submitted by: bats

the way to get rid of the light blue guy is yo give him nine smokes
the way to get the guy whos out side of the bar(hes yellow) give him 50000(and dont buy 
the pent house or up until all moneys gone)
the way to get rid of the guy whos out side the pawn shop(hes dark red) buy 1000gs of coke 
and thats it

Alot and alot and alot of money:
Go to the bank type this in 1e25 and press the deposit butten 10 of more times and u can 
buy anything you want. you get so much money that it can not fit on the srceen.

Black jack:
What u do is go to the casino and play black jack.. then when u bet push the amounts in 
this order first 5 25 100 500 500 100 25 5 then u click deal... you will some times start
with low cards and some times high cards but if u know how to play black jack will get an
amount of cards that equal at leas 17 or 21 some times u win and sometims u will push but
the only time u lose is when u go over and thats when u just keep hittin hit.... just 
messin around and found this out.

Increasing skills:
Buy several caffeine pills from the "Slushee Shop" or the "Funky-Town Five-O Convenience 
Store". You also need to own a castle. With the castle owned by you, watch any of these 
for a full two days to get 750+ for each skill (a requirement for President).
Dating Channel (Charm +2)
News Channel (Intelligence +2)
Fitness Channel (Strength +2)

Free money:
Submitted by: Josh

Start new game, go to bank, enter 1e24 and click deposit;
now you have around 1.6 million dollars... and you are severely in debt.

Quick Money:
Submitted by: TheFancyStikman

* First get enough money and then buy the computer for the stock market.
* Wait until any stock goes to 1 dollar and invest all your money in it then save.
* sleep and then check the computer  and save the game if it went up if not go back 
  to sleep and try again the next day.
* keep saving the game everytime the stock goes up and if the stock goes back down to 
  one close and reopen the window so you are back at your previous save.
* Keep saving and sleeping until the stock wont go up anymore then sell all your stock 
  in it.
* You will now be a millionare.

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