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Stormworks: Build and Rescue
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Why Doesn't My Ship Float?:
Written by Kopfman_2731
How to keep your ship from sinking right away. A small guide to bouyancy!
Lots of people seem to ask "Why does my ship not float?" and here is the answer.
In order for something to float in Stormworks it has to have an enclosed volume
of air.
Lets say we build a boat shaped like a shoebox but without a lid. In other words
our ship has a bottom and four walls but no 'ceiling'.
It will NOT float because to the game there is a big hole in our shoebox, namely
where the 'ceiling' (or shoebox lid) should be. So the air inside is not
completely enclosed and our ship will not float, no matter how many pumps we install.
If we put the lid on the shoebox it will float, no pumps needed.
You can even access that enclosed space by installing a door- or hatch-block,
but make sure to put it above the waterline. Otherwise you risk flooding the
enclosed space when you open it.
If that happens pumps can be used to drain the water.
Of course they can be used for flooding as well.
Gearbox Guide:
Written by SDGames
-=Less Speed / Engine (A Gearbox B) Propeller=-
Generates less speed.
1:1 = 1,0000* Speed
5:6 = 0,8333* Speed
2:3 = 0,6667* Speed
5:9 = 0,5556* Speed
1:2 = 0,5000* Speed
2:5 = 0,4000* Speed
1:3 = 0,3333* Speed
-=More Speed / Engine (B Gearbox A) Propeller=-
Generates more speed.
1:1 = 1,0000 *Speed
6:5 = 1,2000 *Speed
3:2 = 1,5000 *Speed
9:5 = 1,8000 *Speed
2:1 = 2,0000 *Speed
5:2 = 2,5000 *Speed
3:1 = 3,0000 *Speed
How to Make Microcontrollers Invisible:
Written by RickyScarborough
Ever ran outta room in your build? Microcontrollers too big? Just not enough
space? No problem. This guide will teach you how to make your microcontrollers
Save a microcontroller (in the vehicles page, not the microcontroller page).
It must be 1 block wide in at least one direction.
Be sure to add on/off signals to both ends (or any logic of sorts) so that
you can see it in the editor once it is invisible.
Also, add a block onto the microcontroller.
The microcontroller will not load into the editor without a visible block
or piece with the microcontroller.
I would recommend save that you your microcontroller as “Modded Microcontroller”.
This way you can find it easier. Also, don’t forget your microcontroller must
have side that is 1 block in size. i.e: you could do 1×6, but not 2×6.
Open your vehicle files folder. It is found under users>username
(depends on what you set it to)>appdata>roaming>stormworks>data>(vehicles)
Click and open on the XML folder of the saved microcontroller.
(i.e: “Modded Microcontroller”). I would recommend opening it in Wordpad,
if you are on Windows.
Once you are here, you will find the R property in the folder.
The default values should look like this: 1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1.
Each 1 represents its scale on the X,Y, and Z axises.
Set two of the R values that were one to zero. (i.e. r=”1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0")
You may have to switch the two that are to zero more than once, so keep the
file open so you can undo any mistakes.
You will know it is done wrong if the logic nodes do not appear.
* Do not abuse this feature (i.e: do not make an invis car or a wall just
of invis micros.).
* Be sure to at least have some logic in the microcontroller, or else you
will have trouble finding it.
* Do not forget to at least one other piece with the microcontroller.
* Be aware that depsite being invisible, these microcontrollers still have
How to Put Flash Light on Any Item:
Written by SupeRewod
This is how to put a flashlight on a any item.
1. Turn on flashlight.
2. Get a plane.
3. Crash it into water but before it hits water get out of seat.
4. Make sure you die from crash.
5. Get a item.
Then it should have a flashlight effect.
-=Important Note=-
This was done on multiplayer and may not work on single player!
Why Doesn’t My Ship Float?:
Written by Kopfman_2731
How to keep your ship from sinking right away. A small guide to bouyancy!
Lots of people seem to ask “Why does my ship not float?” and here is the answer.
In order for something to float in Stormworks it has to have an enclosed volume
of air.
Lets say we build a boat shaped like a shoebox but without a lid.
In other words our ship has a bottom and four walls but no ‘ceiling’.
It will NOT float because to the game there is a big hole in our shoebox, namely
where the ‘ceiling’ (or shoebox lid) should be. So the air inside is not completely
enclosed and our ship will not float, no matter how many pumps we install.
If we put the lid on the shoebox it will float, no pumps needed.
You can even access that enclosed space by installing a door- or hatch-block,
but make sure to put it above the waterline. Otherwise you risk flooding the
enclosed space when you open it.
If that happens pumps can be used to drain the water. Of course they can be
used for flooding as well.
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Cheatbook-Database 2025 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
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all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 11 2025.
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