Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Tips and Tricks (How to Survive Arkham Guide):
Written by 1C_George
This guide provides tips and suggestions on how to survive in the hostile
world of Arkham.
The right mouse button is your best friend. It opens a radial menu with all
abilities and skills applicable to the chosen object or character. It can be
used both in and out of combat. Make sure to right-click all objects you find
Choosing your PC’s Belief System is a big decision. It’s an important gameplay
mechanic. Make sure to choose the one you are actually going to roleplay most
of the time. Don’t make everything harder for yourself by roleplaying a
materialist with a humanistic PC.
Make sure to avoid fighting if possible. Combat is the main source of ANGST points.
ANGST points are like negative experience points. The more of them you get, the
more defect and traumatized your PC will become.
You don’t have to kill everybody in order to win struggles and progress forward.
The longer you fight the better chances you will get an open window for a
Progressive Escape. If you see blue cells on a battlefield, rush to them and press
the escape button. You will win the fight and keep all the loot you’ve salvaged.
All quests and challenges in Stygian can be solved by at least four approaches:
direct, cunning, intellectual and costly. Be attentive because almost any character
builds, especially non-combat one, can solve most of the challenges without either
fighting or spending money.
Every character class has three skills which can be maxed out. We recommend spending
most of your skill points on them for the better RPG experience.
Science, Medicine, Survival skills have separate crafting branches. We recommend
using all advantages from crafting if your character class allows it.
You can’t complete Stygian and not to go nuts a couple of times. Drug issues,
alcoholism, mental disorders - all of this is a part of the game. It is also a part
of your PC which can even make him or her even stronger. Don’t be afraid and bravely
walk into the abyss.
Skills checks usually involve both skills and attributes. There is no point putting
skill points into Subterfuge if your character has low Agility.
Take a closer look at possibilities which resting gives to you and your companions.
For example, studying new spells, scientific research and artifacts deciphering are
available only when your party is resting.
Always hide your identity before directly opposing the Mob. Wear a mask.
Like a swimming mask or a burglar mask. A gas mask will do too.
A lantern is the best way to save your sanity in darkness. Make sure you have it
and a kerosine supply before exploring the warehouse.
Try to keep your sanity level above 50% to lower risks of acquiring a mental condition.
Some classes have unique companions from the start. Try out the Explorer to get our
favourite dog companion!
You will find all kinds of dark essences during your journey. Make sure to use them
in order to upgrade yours or your companion's spells in grimoire.
Adding Items and Modifying Attributes/Skills:
Written by lys_xen
This is a simple guide on how to add items and modify your character’s attributes/skills
in game using the console commands.
-=Adding Items=-
Note that using the console command may possibly break that save, or else make the game
too easy. While there are many commands, this list will focus on adding items and editing
attributes/skills of your character after creation.
To access the commands, the first thing you have to do is press tilde key ~
This will bring up a small window that you input stuff in. Also note that you don’t have
to type out the full line; pressing the TAB key allows it to autocomplete. If you press
tab again, it will cycle through the commands with those letters. Needless to say, if
there are a lot of commands, you can be at it for a long time.
Adding Cigs:
There are 2 ways to add cigs to the game. Each type requires you entering the console
command as above, and the first method follows:
add_cigs X where X is a number between 1 and 499 (499 is the limit to what can be added
at one time. However, you can easily enter this code multiple times).
The second method is a variation on the first and actually is how to get the other items.
add_item cigs_a_bundle_of_cigs X where X is a number between 1 and 499.
Why might you wish to use the second method? If you type up to the cigs, then press tab,
the autocomplete will stay with the cigs, whereas add_cigs will then jump to the next
command which is different.
-=General Adding Items=-
For the following section, adding items is quite easy. Be careful on what you add; if
you add a quest item before you are supposed to access it, it could break that playthrough.
If this happens, just load a previous save.
As mentioned in the cigs, the command looks as follows:
add_item Y X where Y is the item you desire, and X is the amount. Please note you need a
space after add_item and after Y. If the item Y is multiple words, then it needs an
underscore _ where the space would be.
Finally X has a limit between 1 to 499. So if you wish to add 40 laudanum shots,
it would look like:
add_item laudanum_shot 40
As you can see, most of the items are listed as they appear in game. You can run into
issues with bullets as many use a period before a number. In this case, put an
underscore _ in lieu of the period
So if you wanted 100 .22 ammunition, it would look like:
add_item _22_ammunition 100
Other ammo includes:
The list of useful items can be quite extensive, but I lack the time to compile one here.
If you just want kerosene, you may wish to use kerosene_canister but I’m not sure.
If you wish to have empty containers, then use can_of_kerosene.
Modifying Attributes/Skills
Character Editing:
The console command allows you to edit your character’s attributes and skills. However,
be careful when doing this as sometimes you may add unintended conditions to your
character such as schizophrenia.
To get there, access the console command as above, then type in:
From here, you can see Attributes and Skills with simple plus/minuses next to it.
You can raise and lower the values at will.
Warning: Don’t raise every Skill to 10. The reason? When you gain a level, you get
skill points, and thus can’t spend them if all the skills are maxed out.
Additionally, you can also alter these same values if you have any companions. If you
look at the top, there are circles with pictures of your party. Click on the person
you wish to adjust. When finished, simply click the X in the upper right hand corner.
Finally, you can’t add/remove Perks or Angst from this screen.
Complete Guide to Cheats/Console Commands:
Written by asdfas ga2w3sd
This guide lists all 77 accessible console commands, and shares some tips and tricks
for using them.
Just think, WWCD? (what would Cthulhu do?)
ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn
Hit ~ to open the developer’s console. Type a command and hit enter to execute it.
Commands can be tab completed, e.g. type add and then hit tab, which will cycle through
the commands that begin with add.
Hitting the up arrow will fill the console with the last used command. Useful,
for example, when using add_level multiple times.
Always save before using a command.
These commands mess with various aspects of the game state and may sequence break,
corrupt your file, or prevent you from progressing. They might even summon Cthulhu
into your mom’s basement. Use at your own risk.
Some parts of this guide may spoil parts of the game. Some commands,
e.g. fill_weapons may spoil parts of the game.
I would highly recommend playing through the game once or twice without using these
commands. Squeezing through to an ending when you are underpowered and confused is
a Lovecraftian gaming experience quite unlike any other.
Cheaters’ Paradise
The following commands are relatively safe (in my personal experience; I’ve played
4 playthroughs using these commands quite liberally with no problems), and quite
useful for creating a powerful team.
add_cigs, add_item, charactereditor, fill_consumables, fill_spells, fill_weapons, rest
add_cigs – adds a number of cigs to player’s inventory (max 499, e.g. add_cigs 499)
add_item [item] x – adds a number of specified item to player’s inventory, e.g. add_item bandages 10
charactereditor – calls up the Character Editor interface, which allows nigh infinite
point allocation to both attributes and skills (I was able to click physique up above
1000 with no issues), for both the player character and their companions.
The one thing to be aware of is that if the player character (pc)’s skills are all 10+
and then they level up, it won’t be possible to allocate skill points and the game will
softlock. If the pc reaches such a state, use charactereditor again to reduce one or more of
their class skills.
It’s possible to get comical levels of reaction and AP and trivialize all combat.
fill_consumables – adds 1 of each consumable to player’s inventory
fill_spells – adds all spells to player’s grimoire
fill_weapons – adds 1 of each weapon to player’s inventory
rest – rest anywhere, without need for camping supplies. Cannot be used during combat
-=Known Commands=-
These are commands I’ve tested and am relatively sure of their effects. Again, be aware
that many of these may manipulate your game into an unprogressible state.
add_angst_level – adds enough Angst to reach the next Angst level
add_cigs – use like add_cigs x, where x is a number from 1-499
add_item – use like add_item [item], or add_item [item] x, where x is a positive number.
e.g. add_item lockpicks 50 will add 50 lockpicks to your inventory
add_level – gives the pc enough experience to reach the next level
autosave_off – disables autosave
autosave_on – enables autosave
charactereditor – opens window allowing attribute and skill level modification for
player character as well as companions
clear_pc_inv_equipment – removes everything from the pc except cigs, rations, and some skivvies
craft_add_items – adds blueprints for craftable items, as well as necessary components
exportlog – exports a folder with a variety of debugging information (showed up on my desktop)
factions – prints out the players status with each faction
fadeIn – fades the screen back after using fadeOut
fadeOut – fades the screen to black
fhtagn – toggle Debug Mode
fill_components – adds to player’s inventory 10 each of different crafting components
fill_consumables – adds 1 of each consumable to player’s inventory
fill_essences – adds 1 of each essence to player’s inventory
fill_everything – adds 1 of each item to player’s inventory (yes, everything)
fill_gadgets – adds 1 of each gadget to player’s inventory
fill_hats – adds 1 of each type of hat to player’s inventory
fill_masks – adds 1 of each type of mask to player’s inventory
fill_outfits – adds 1 of each of type outfit to player’s inventory
fill_plans – adds 1 of each Blueprint, Formula, and Survival Recipe to player’s inventory
fill_spells – adds all spells to player’s grimoire
fill_weapons – adds 1 of each weapon to player’s inventory
heal_madness – heals any madness state and removes madness (e.g. get rid of Schizophrenia)
kill_billy – instakills poor Billy Crumb, as long as the player is in the same map as him,
whether or not he is a henchman.
load_level – teleports player directly to named level, e.g. load_level nithon
player_madness – displays a list of player madnesses
profiler – toggles profiler display. Profiler includes FPS readout, monitor response time, and RAM
rest – rest anywhere, without need for camping supplies. Cannot be used during combat
toggle_menubar – toggles display of the bottom menu bar
-=Unknown Commands=-
I’ve tried all of these, but either could not discern their usage or a clear result.
attribute – used to add or remove attribute points. use charactereditor instead
exec – execute batch files?
show_favors – brings up a Favors interface? Wtf is this?
show_modifiers – displays modifiers? (World Timers, Addictions, etc)
show_stats – shows stat modifiers?
skill – sed to add or remove points from skills. Use charactereditor instead
test_bestiary – gives bestiary xp – Fills out bestiary?
test_notecase – adds case notes to journal
test_notegeneral – adds general notes to journal
test_notes – appears to add quest notes?
-=Item Names=-
Most item names are simply the item’s name in all lowercase, with underscores
instead of spaces, e.g. Metal Sheets is metal_sheets
These can be used with add_item e.g. add_item metal_sheets 50
Here are a few examples I found useful:
-=Map Names=-
Map names I’ve discovered that can be used with load_level: