The Riftbreaker Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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The Riftbreaker | |
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The Riftbreaker
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Cheats and Console Commands
* Find this file in the game folder (initial_config.Cfg)
* The riftbreaker prologue/conf/initial_config.Cfg
* Find line (set demo_mode 1 and change 1 to 0)
To open the console in-game press ´ / ö / ‘ / ñ / ù / ~ / `
(Type of keyboard language changes button to press)
cheat_reveal_minimap [0/1]
- Reveals the minimap
cheat_enable_debug_menu [0/1]
- Enables the sandbox menu; Press F11 to open
cheat_god_mode [0/1]
- Makes Riggs invincible
- Sets Riggs health
cheat_remove_all_units [0/1]
- Removes all units
cheat_remove_visible_units [0/1]
- Removes all units currently visible on the minimap
cheat_add_all_items [0/1]
- Adds all items to the inventory
cheat_add_item [Item Blueprint w/ _item] [Count]
- Adds a specific number of the same item to the inventory.
cheat_add_resource [Resource] [Value]
- Adds a specific amount of a specific resource to the player inventory.
cheat_no_clip [0/1]
- Riggs can walk through obstacles
cheat_full_bestiary [0/1]
- Unlocks the full bestiary
cheat_increase_family_info_lvl [0/1]
- Increases bestiary family level
cheat_hud_visible [0/1]
- Hides / Shows the HUD
cheat_spawn_meteor [0/1]
- Spawns a meteor
cheat_full_loadout [0/1]
- Gives Riggs an equipped heavy weapons loadout
cheat_enable_research [0/1]
- Allows research
cheat_unlock_research [0/1]
- Unlocks research
cheat_set_player_invisibility [0/1]
- Turns Riggs invisible
cheat_enable_discoverable_system [0/1]
- Enables the discovery of new species
cheat_build_building_on_random_spot [Blueprint] [Count]
- Spawns buildings on random spots
cheat_unlimited_money [0/1]
- Unlimited resources
cheat_minimap_teleport_on_click [0/1]
- Teleports to position on minimap (Open big minimap and click)
-=Debug Commands=-
cheat_enable_debug_menu [0/1]
- Enables the sandbox menu; Press the F11 key to open it.
(Gives all kinds of monsters, resources, pagoda, phenomena, earthquake, etc.)
show_terrain_grid [0/1]
- The ground gets a colored grid depending on type of block
r_show_map_info [0/1]
- Shows map information top left
(Map seed, player position, current tile, terrain material)
debug_mission_flow [0/1]
- Shows the currently active mission flow for debugging
r_show_entity_blueprints [0/1]
- Shows entity blueprint information
debug_spawn_entity [Blueprint] [ Y | Z | X ]
- Spawns an object in-game (building/unit).
If no Y/Z/X coordinates are given, it spawns at playerPos
activate_mission_flow logic/weather/acid_rain.logic
- Starts an in-game event depending on path chosen
camera_enable_zoom [0/1]
- The player can zoom with the mousewheel
r_debug_rendering [vrs / occlusion / none]
- Shows [variable rate shading / occlusion / no] debug overlay
time_of_day_hour [Number]
- Changes in-game time to input number
time_factor [Number]
- Changes in-game speed.
E.g., time_factor 2 moves at double speed, time_factor .5 moves at half speed
r_show_lua_names [0/1]
- Shows in-game lua names
debug_show_gui_hitboxes [0/1]
- Shows GUI hitboxes
debug_unlock_mission [name, def]
- Unlocks a campaign mission
building_speed_multiplier [decimal value]
- Value sets building speed multiplier.
E.g., 0.5 causes buildings to build 2x as fast.
Does not affect buildings already being built.
cheat_debug_difficulty [0/1]
- Shows current difficulty parameters as text on screen.
r_ambient_occlusion [hbao / ray / none]
- Changes view to [horizon based ambient occlusion / ray tracing / none] lighting implementation
r_anti_aliasing [txaa / none]
- Temporal anti-aliasing [enable / disable]
r_cas [cas / none]
- FidelityFX CAS (Contrast Adaptive Sharpening) [enable / disable]
r_soft_shadows [pcss / none]
- Soft shadows [enable / disable]
- auto enable console
enable_developer_console == false if demo_mode == 1
- denies console on demo_mode
set skip_startup_logos "1"
- Will skip videos after initial loading/parsing is finished
r_show_fps [0 /1/ 2]
- Shows FPS in the top left corner, mode 1 or 2
r_max_background_fps [Number]
- Allows the game to run with [Number] of frames when not in focus
-=Resource IDs=-
* carbonium
* ironium
* biomass_plant
* biomass_animal
* cobalt
* uranium
* palladium
* titanium
* ferdonite
Useful Tips and Tricks:
Written by MaceX
I am starting this guide in hope to players to give advice on tactics and
strategies that work for them. My goal here is to give advice to new players
and maybe even give experienced players something to try. I know that all ways
listed are not the best ways. I am looking for tips and advice that work. For
this guide, the idea is not about efficiency, but rather or not that it works.
Hopefully it is something fun and new to try, I will state that I am not going
to pull anything from anyone else’s guides but rather add advice and suggestions
that others provide.
-=Tips and Tricks for Players - Advice From My Experience=-
These are just things that I noticed. They are organized in no real order other
than the order that they came to mind.
The Emergency Explosion skill can be a life saver when swarmed by creatures.
Also a good tool to draw in melee creatures and just detonate.
Getting Dash skill that leaves a elemental damage trail is a very good thing
to have throughout the game. The first that I got was one that leaves a Fire
trail. It is the easiest to create as it requires Cobalt, while the others use
a different rare material. Although creatures in the Volcanic Region are
resistant to it. I found Cryo my preferred version as few things seem to have
resistance to it and it slows creatures down. Weak creatures that give chase
normally don’t survive moving though the trail if they are chasing you.You can
also turn it into a form of a wall by circling back around and get the creatures
to chase you through it.
I believe that you can find the craft Schematics for these elemental effects
inside some of the pillars that you drill into. The Dash and Emergency Explosion
skills make it much easier to defeat the the mobs of small creatures that come
after you when you start the drill. I also noticed that these Schematics are
unlocked for all future Campaign and Survival modes. The pillars can also contain
mods or resources, but those don’t carry over.
When a nest occurs on the map, you should try to destroy all of the eggs before
they hatch as they seem to normally contain rare resources.
As much as some don’t like it, try to scan and grab samples of the creatures and
plants as possible. You will receive more resources from plants at checkpoints as
you gain familiarity. This is similar for creatures, but you also learn their
strengths and weaknesses. You will also get damage bonuses again them. Also some
creatures and plants need to be scanned to unlock some alien research.
Get to know your plants. I know that we like slicing them with out sword to get
resources, but some explode. So learn your exploding plants. You can also kill
enemy creatures by making the plant near them explode. Just make sure that you
are out of blast radius.
My main weapons that I always have tried to keep on my are a Sword, Spear, and a
Blaster. I also use others like High Caliber and Nukes.
Sword is good for slicing the plants and its wide attack area helps deal with weak
creatures that are charging at you. Yes the hammer has a wide range, but is slows
your movement.
The spear lets you keep larger melee creatures at a distance and can go through
multiple creatures in a single strike. Unlike other melee weapons, a spear does
cold damage. So creature like the Gnerot who has resistance to Physical damage, a
spear is a melee weapon that can do good cold damage to them while keeping you out
of there melee range. Due to it being cold damage, the creatures were also slowed
down. Also on the exploding plants mentioned above, you can normally destroy the
plants while staying outside the blast radius.
I suggest the blaster as it is ranged weapon that can be good early to mid game,
Even late game. It is good against ranged creatures, primarily use while exploring.
But not as useful against strong enemies. The main keys are that it has splash
damage and uses no ammo. So also a back up in case you run out of ammo on your
other weapons.
On the topic of ammo. The games doesn’t really tell you, but restocking on ammo and
other items such as mines do cost resources. I learned the hard way as my resource
deposits ran out while I was out exploring. I ran low on a resource because I was
using ammo when I didn’t have any active Ironium being produced. I think this is
also true for all skill items except for Emergency Explosion and Radar Pulse. Most
likely won’t be an issue late game especially if you have Cultivators farms or
Synthesizers set up.
In certain cases, you can use the environment and creatures against each other. I
already mentioned the exploding plants. In the cases of things like meteor showers
and Volcano Eruption events, it give you a warning on where things are going to hit
the ground. It will also damage or kill any creature in the area of impact. This
also goes for when creatures try using an artillery type attack on you. If you see
an area of impact, whatever is in it will take damage.
I am going to assume that each map has its own raids on some timer. Although there
must be of rerolled of the spawns every time one occurs. I was at an outpost to
quickly add some additional mines that would be outside my main defended area. I was
not ready for defense when I got the notification for an incoming raid. I didn’t want
to deal with it, so I jumped back to a save to a few minutes before it sent the
warning. I waited and it still occurred a few minutes later, but they were spawning
from a different side. So I loaded again, but this time left the map to go do things
in another map for a time. When I just jumped back to that outpost again, a raid was
going to occur again in about the same time that it would have if when I reloaded.
So I am going to guess that the timer pauses when you leave a map.
If you get a research option to handling a specific rare resource, always bump that
to the top of your research queue. You can’t really do any major collecting or farming
of a resource until it has been researched.
Related to the above statement. If you are Cultivators/Harvesting and a plant says
that it produces a certain resource, you won’t collect that resource until you have
researched its handling.
You should try to always use your geoscanner to see if there are any resources nearby.
On at least 2 maps that I can think of, it is almost a mine detector. On that note,
don’t rush those areas. While defusing one, you can set off another. They can do heavy
damage. If you activate one, it normally gives you a visual warning by showing the
blast radius and few second delay to try to escape.
From what I can tell, The research speed for Base and Weapon Research Trees are
dependent on how many Communication Hubs you have and their building levels. The amount
of Laboratories and their building levels effect the research speed of the Alien Research
The game advises you on using weapon with different types of ammo so that you don’t run
out in battle. You also need to take that advise into account when building towers.
They all use a specific type of ammo too.
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Spotlight - New Version CheatBook-DataBase 2024 |
Cheatbook-Database 2024 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, Wii U,
DVD, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid
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all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 7, 2024.
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