
The Sims 2 - Double Deluxe Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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 The Sims 2 - Double Deluxe Cheats

The Sims 2 - Double Deluxe

Cheat Codes:
Update by: Ben Dover
Submitted by: Madison

Press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C during game play to display the console window. 
Note: Some codes may be case-sensitive. 

Code                                 Result  
Motherlode                         - $50,000
Kaching                            - $1,000
Boolprop Testingcheatsenabled True - Debug mode
Moveobjects on                     - lets you move stuff you normaly can't 
aging on                           - stops aging
aging off                          - turns on aging
forcetwins                         - makes your sim have twins if pregnant
lockaspiration                     - maes aspiration stay where it is no matter what
maxmotives                         - makes all your needs full
motivedecay off                    - prevents needs from going down

Submitted by: : maria

If your mom is pregnant and about to have the baby like looking weird press 
[shift] and [ctrl] and [c] at the same time to get to the console window. then 
when you are their type in (force twins) to get twins.

Submitted by: Robbie

First... press ctrl+alt+c to activate cheat box than type in rosebud to get money. 
This will get you up to 100000000000 dollars, hold down enter after typeing in cheat 
to get as much money as wanted!

Submitted by: Sedona

If your sim or family is running out of money then press shift+controll+C and type in 
motherlode. Remember it's lode.

Submitted by: eleni booros

Here is a few cheats i found on youtube
all of them you need to hold down ctrl shift c at the same time then after that click 
in the address box area and type in some of these codes ONE AT A TIME NOT ALL AT ONCE
2)aspirationlevel 19
there are some there are many more and im still tryn to find them out ask me for more 
codes if you would like my email is

Submitted by: desiree

first press shift,ctrl,c at the same time then type in 
boolprop testingcheatsenabled true then press enter and save the game then go to the 
neighborhood and go back to the house u were at and this cheats lets u rise there needs 
without doing what they want to do its really cool!

Submitted by: Zack

Theese are a few codes i have found just searching around onn the internet. 
First type ctrl+alt+c and then a box will appear and you will type in that.

* First cheat motherlode

Submitted by: Joseph

Here is how you get Bella Goth back,first, press CTRL+SHIFT+C, enter boolprop testingcheatsenabled 
true, then press SHIFT+N,then press spown and click tombstone Life and Death, then click on the 
Tombstone of Life and Death and choose add neighbor to the family keep looking until you find 
Bella and then click on Bella, Presto you have Bella Goth back! "Bye and thanks for reading!"

Submitted by: Alexis

ok first order pizza. Then press Ctrl-Shift-C and type move_objects on (you can replace on with 
off to turn the cheat off) and wait for the pizza to get to ur house. when the dude drives up and 
starts walking towards ur house go to buy or build mode and grabe the pizza in his hand and put it 
on the ground. Then delete the pizza dude. His car should immediatly dissapier and he should drive 
up again to deliver pizza! Do this as many times and as long as u like. To keep the pizza from going 
stale put it in ur sim's inventory. And if the dude doesn't drive back up after u delete him then try 
deleting his car next time (I'm not entirely sure which one works but try deleting the dude first) 
Also everybody says u REALLY get free pizza bye not paying for it and the dude is supposed to just 
leave the pizza there and walk away right? Well WRONG he does NOT leave the pizza there he takes it 
with him and leaves lol just try it if u don't beleive me lol.

Submitted by:Caittlyn

Here's how to boost your sim's mood up to full green. 
First, press ctrl, shift, and c. Then type in:maxmotives. You can do that anytime you need to!

Submitted by: Eliza

Open up the cheat box (by clicking all at once [Ctrl], [Shift] and "c". 
The enter (boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true) and after the cheats bubble closes press [Shift]
and click on your character and there will be many more cheats.

Infinite Aspiration!:
Submitted by: redslayer50

Press Ctrl,Shift, and the letter C to activate the Cheat Engine. Enter in the code infinite for 
infinite aspiration for the person your using right now.

Submitted by: Jenna

If you want unlimited cheats just go to the cheat window (hold ctrl, shift and c) and type in 
"boolprop testingcheatsenabled true" and then close the window (type in exit or press Esc.) and 
when holdng in shift and z click on one of your people and you'll see all kinds of new options. 
You can make random people selectable, min or max motives and max aspiration.

Unlockable - money andeverything else:
Submitted by: emily

How to have more money to get a a expensive house and everything else how to cook alot 
of stuff and how to do more things.

50,000 simulins [Thats alot of mula!!!]:
Submitted by: john

After hitting ctrl,shift,C enter motherlode on the curser thing on the top of the screen. 
This will give you 50,000 simulins aka money.

Strait from cheat engine:
Submitted by: jordanriley

TSCheatSystem: addNeighborToFamilyCheat: Usage: addNeighborToFamilyCheat [on|off]
TSCheatSystem: AgeSimsCheat : Usage: AgeSimsCheat [on|off]
TSCheatSystem: aging : [on|off] - Turns aging on or off
TSCheatSystem: aspirationLevel : Sets the aspiration level of the selected sim [0-5].
TSCheatSystem: aspirationPoints : [num] give the selected sim some extra aspiration 
reward points.
TSCheatSystem: autoPatch : [-on|-off] enable or disable checking for available patches 
via content browser

TSCheatSystem: bloom : [R G B X] Changes color of screen visual. RGB is color [0,1], 
and X is the bloom amount [0,1]. Must use 'boolProp enablePostProcessing true' first.

TSCheatSystem: changeLotZoning : [residential | community | greek | dorm | secretsociety] 
changes the zoning type of the lot.

TSCheatSystem: deleteAllCharacters : This cheat will delete all characters in the current 
neighborhood; it also only works when in the neighborhood.

TSCheatSystem: exit : Hide the cheat console window
TSCheatSystem: expand : Expands or contracts the output portion of the cheat console.
TSCheatSystem: faceBlendLimits : [-on|-off] turns on / off facial blending limits
TSCheatSystem: familyFunds : Use 'familyFunds [familyName][value]' to set the amount of 
funds. Use 'familyFunds [familyName] [+/-][value]' to add/subtract from current funds.

TSCheatSystem: filmGrain : [X] X is the film grain value [0,1]. Must use 'boolProp 
enablePostProcessing true' first.

TSCheatSystem: forcetwins : no description
TSCheatSystem: help : [wildcard] [-all] Logs this help output.
TSCheatSystem: letterBox : [X] letterbox the screen (add black borders on top and bottom). 
X is the letterbox value [0,0.4]. Must use 'boolProp enablePostProcessing true' first.

TSCheatSystem: lockAspiration : lockAspiration [on/off]: Locks/Unlocks the aspiration score 
of sims on the lot.

TSCheatSystem: maxMotives : Sets all the motives to maximum for all sims on the lot
TSCheatSystem: motiveDecay : motiveDecay [on/off]: Turns motive decay on/off for all sims on 
the lot 

TSCheatSystem: moveObjects : [on|off] Allows user to move objects that are normally unmoveable.
TSCheatSystem: PlumbBobToggle : Toggle the showing of plumbBob
TSCheatSystem: roofSlopeAngle : Slope Angle in Degrees [15 - 75] (45 is default)
TSCheatSystem: setHighestAllowedLevel: [level] Sets the highest allowed level
TSCheatSystem: setHour : [0-23] sets the hour of the day
TSCheatSystem: setLotLightingFile : [filename.txt] or [clear] override some of the parameters 
present in the lighting.txt file with filename.txt file present in lights folder, clear clears 
if any file is present

TSCheatSystem: showHeadlines : [on|off] - Shows/Hides all thought bubbles, speech ballons etc
TSCheatSystem: slowMotion : [0-8] slows the animation timer (0=normal speed)
TSCheatSystem: stretchSkeleton : [factor] stretches skeleton of the selected Sim - factor=1.0 
indicates no stretch (factor<1.0 makes shorter, factor>1.0 makes taller.

TSCheatSystem: terrainType : Changes terrain type (Temperate/Desert/Dirt/Concrete)
TSCheatSystem: unlockCareerRewards : Unlocks all career reward objects for the selected sim.
TSCheatSystem: vignette : [centerX centerY X] Blur rendering from specified center (upper left 
is 0,0, lower right is 1,1). X is the amoung of blurring [0,1]. Must use 'boolProp 
enablePostProcessing true' first.

TSCheatSystem: vsync : [on|off] Enables/disables vertical sync - can improve performance, 
but will sometimes cause visual artifacts if off.

Submitted by: Michelle

This is a cheat that can get you more money.people already put this up but I just felt like 
putting this on. Open the cheat window(ctrl+shift+c=cheat window.)Then type in motherlode or 
rosebud(FYI!!! Rosebud gives you more money...I think).Here's another one, open up the cheat 
window and type in mansion. it'll give you the best mansion!!! (Nother FYI, srry if my cheats 
didn't work.e-mail me if they do and that should make my day.) :)> He's got a beard!!! LOL!!! 
I'v got more cheats coming so please stick around and really it'll make my dy if you e'mail me 
because i'd just love to know that I helped SOMEBODY!!! Haha!!!.

How to get Money, Kids, Stop Aging, and Get Reward Items:
Submitted by: Stephanie

If you are tired of working at your job, all you have to do is just enter a cheat code. now 
for ALL the cheats you HAVE to enter CTRL, SHIFT, C and this will open your cheat box. Enter 
the word MOTHERLODE and you will get 50,000 simloans. When you sim is pregnet and is about to 
give birth, enter the word FORCE TWINS if you feel you want twins. If you know that you are 
going to turn an elder within days of your first birth, enter the word AGING OFF and you will 
stop aging. To get career reward you might think you have to buy them or work for them but your 
wrong. Enter the phrase UNLOCKCAREERREWARDS and there you go.

Aspiration + Motives:
Submitted by: Delaena

Enter the game and punch in CTRL+SHIFT+C the you type in aspirationlevel 7 it increases your 
Sims motives and Aspiration meter to Platnum.

Just a Few Major Ones (these actually work):
Submitted by: Lost Girl

To open the cheat box you have to press CTRL+SHIFT+C.
Here's some cheats:
> motherlode - gives you 50,000 simoleons.
> maxmotives - makes all your motives green.
> aspirationlevel 19 - gives you lots of aspiration points (does not fill whole thing
> (go into build mode to do this) type in: move_objects on - you can pick up things you couldnt 

Hope I helped.

Just a Few Major Ones (these actually work):
Submitted by: Lost Girl

Here's some more:

> aging off - to make the sim stop getting older
> aging on - to turn the aging back on
> setHour 0-23 - to make you go to that hour of the day in military time. make sure you put a 
  capital for H.

The Sims 2 Double Deluxe Expansion Pack:

Submitted by:Jannie

Some of the cheats i know
Here are some of the cheats i know and duh, for all of them you enter ctrl+shift+c at the 
same time. So here they are.

*Boolprop testingcheatsenabled true (This will give you a ton of cheats!)
*motherlode (applys 50,000 simoleons to your ammount)
*kaching (applys 1,000 simoleans to your ammount)

(this one is in steps) While on the neighborhood screen. type boolprop testingcheatsenabled 
true, open the cheat window first, go to "create a family" name your family and press shift+n 
at the same time and youll get hidden clothing! You just HAVE to check it out!

P.S. If my cheats dont work im really sorry so contact me at my e-mail thnx.

Free pizza,snacks and more:
Submitted by: georgia

to get free pizza you need to go ctrl+shift+c then type in "move_objects on" when the pizza 
girl\man comes go into buy mode and delete but take the pizza off her in buy mode only or you get free snacks get it out of the fridge just at the same time when the sim is there 
stop it then a free cheat motherlode it's lode not load okay. 
plx email me at

Rise Babies with out doing anything!:
Submitted by: Kitty

Okay, when you have a baby to raise it witout doing anything just put it in a crib.Then when 
ever it needs anything just open the cheat box [Ctrl+Shift+C) and type in [maxmotives] your 
mood bars will go up and so will the rest of your family's including the baby so you never 
have to do anything. Hope this helps!

As many pizzas you want!!:
Submitted by: Bryn

OK, first order pizza. Wait for the dude to come. When he does, he will go on your porch to 
give you the pizza. DON'T answer him!! He will eventually leave and the pizza will be on your 
porch. Do this as many times as you like because the pizza never goes stale! Whenever your sim 
is hungry, just eat pizza!

Submitted by: Ammo

First pull up the cheat window (Hold SHIFT+CRTL+C) and type in EXACTLY this. Motivedecay off 
That will stop the mood where ever it is and it won't go down. If you want it to continue 
decreasing then open up the cheat window again and type in motivedecay on NOTE: it works best 
if you type in the cheat box MAXMOTIVES before using the first cheat. That way the mood will 
be full.

Everything I know about Sims 2 Double Deluxe:
Submitted by: Amanda

When you first make your sims family, and do not have enough money, type in ctrl+shift+c then 
a cheat window should pop up. Type in motherlode as many times as you would like. I typed it 
in where i had over 1 million simaleons. Then you find a dream house. Like one you've ALWAYS 
wanted. Then you can type in the cheat window freerealestate, but sometimes this one does not 
work, it only works sometimes I have no clue why. Then when you buy your house you can pause 
the game again and press motherlode some more. Then, if the mother of the family is pregnant, 
and you do not want only one child, type in the cheat box forcetwins. That will make the mother 
have 2 babies instead of one. If you do not want your child/toddler/baby/teen/adult/elder/so on 
to age, type in aging off on whoever you do NOT want to age. I have a few more cheats, but 
I have to go, so if you want to know more, email me at Thanks for reading!

Submitted by: Kayla

I can believe none of u have this. Ok, when your in the neiborhood press crtl,shift,c and type 
familyfunds (last name of family) (however much money you would like for them to have) you could 
put anything! I normally put 6000000 but put wat ever you want to. press enter go to your family
at the bottom of the screen and they will have that much money. this really works i use it every 
time as well as my friend please use it well.

Private school:
Submitted by: cayden

First enter ctrl+shift+c all at the same time...then if you dont feel like smoozing and going 
through the whole impressing thing then enter boolprop testingcheatsenabled true then press shift 
and click on the person you want to get into the school...then click spawn and scenario tester. 
click on the new yellow box on the floor and click "get me into private school"

boolProp testingcheatsenabled true:
Submitted by: Kat

ok, so if you have sims 2 double deluxe than you might see some vampires out and about in the
downtown be a vampire you don't have to get to know them to get bitten, you just have
to enter "boolProp testingcheatsenabled true" while in the neighborhood and then go to the family
which you want to have a vampire(s). Then shift-left-click the sim you want and look for the 
caption (selection) that says make vampire. If it's not there, then go to "More..." and it should
be there. Before you make your sim a vampire, keep in mind that you'll need a coffin during the 
day so that your sim doesn't die. Or if you have the select hour cheat just select the hour to 
1:00 am before it gets to 6:30 am.....or you can buy vampirillian potions from the matchmaker 
lady on the services on your sims phone, these temporarily change your sim back to human. Hope
you got something out of this and I'll try to put up some more cheats :) me if you 

Submitted by: michaelkralik

If your Sim hates someone you don't want to hate simply go to the friends list and drag one or 
both bars (one at a time) to the right then your Sims will automatically like them.

All my cheats:
Submitted by: Sam

These are the ones I use... they SHOULD work... don't enter the things in the parentheses or 
the -! control+shift+c to open the cheat window!

-motherlode (you get 50,000 simoleans)
-maxmotives (all your sims needs are full)
-unlockcareerrewards (you get all the career rewards)
-sethourX (replace X with number 1-24 and you can set what time it is)
-exit (closes the cheat window)
-forcetwins (if the pregnant sim is about to have the baby enter forcetwins to get twins
-moveobjects on (put any object where ever you want)
-boolprop testingcheatsenabled true (use abunch of cheats)
-shift N when making a sim to get unknown items, enter the boolprop one first
-shift click on your sim to get really cool options on your sim
-aging off (stops your sim from aging)

Adding a Family Member:
Submitted by: Rilak

First, you have to actually have a family. Load it and pause the game, and then Shift + Click 
on a Sim in that family. Then look for "Tombstone of L and D" when the options pop up. 
Then Select "Add Family Member," and choose a type of person to add 
(Baby/Toddler/Child/Teenager/Adult/Elder, and Boy/Girl)

Make Sim Into a Vamp!:
Submitted by: Dana

There are two ways, one easy, one hard.

Hard- Go in the downtown as a female at night, go to all sorts of the creepy sounding places. 
Sooner or later (might take a few days) You will find a vampire male. I have only seen two 
vampire males before, I dont know how many there are in all. Make them either lovers or good 
friend, after a while ask the vampire to move in, if they say yes they will bite your sim and 
your sim will become a vampire. Vamprocillin-D will cure them.

Easy- Hold Ctrl+Shift+C and type this in the box- 
boolProp testingcheatsenabled true
Then go to your character and hold shift, then click on them. (then you can let go of shift) 
It will have all sorts of options. Go onto the more... part and on the left side it will say 
"Become A Vampire" Click on it. Vamprocillin-D will cure them. (But doing the code again and 
using the shift cheat and then go on More... again, it will say in its place "Cure Vampire" 
Click on that to cure them.)

If you use the cheat and then exit the game, when you come back you have to type it all again.
(but they will still be vampires.) The code will be inactive.

Email me if you would like to know more about it, I am an oasis of knowledge. (not really, 
but I do know allot about this game.) 

How to make your sims Vampires:
Submitted by: Mimi

this is the easy way-
hold down ctrl+shift+c (without the +'s) and type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true then 
shift+click on your sim and click on spawn then click on sim modder and it will show up then 
click on it and click vampire click make/cure and it will make/ cure your vampirizim.

Submitted by: Delaena

Press ctrl+shift+c.
enter boolprop testingcheatsenabled true
shift+click on your active sim
This will pop up a random menu. Try lots of stuff i enjoy the sim modder. 
To get to sim modder: Click Spawn... then Sim modder. A random baby will pop up. 
Its a cheat filled baby.
Have fun!

aspirationlevel 11:
Submitted by: Devin

This Gets your Aspiration level up all the way! The bar will turn with and Fill up it 
only last like 3 days in the sim game though then you do it agian.

Make your sims eat air:
Submitted by: Dolally

To make your sims eat air, you will need to Ctrl shift and c to open up the cheat window. 
then type in moveObjects on. Go to the buy menu and move your sim away from the table. 
there they will hapily tuck into some air.

Floating Sims:
Submitted b y: SW

Press (shift)+(ctrl)+(c) and the cheat console appears. Type in floating_sims and then your 
sims will hover in the air!!!

Cheats for you!:
Submitted by: Karl-Heinz Bacmann

If want cheat that work on the game just press: shift+ctrl+c (without the +'s)
Then type in: help.
The cheatbox will then give you all the cheats that work on your sims 2 game!!!!

Submitted by: ec

Click shift + ctrl + letter c all at the same time and type in StretchSkeleton and you get
to choose what age they are it's realy cool!

Maxmotives/unlimited pizza/twins:
Submitted by: Mickayla

Your people about to die? ( CTRL,shift,c) type in "maxmotives" without the "'s. 
Their health will go up completly. Use it any time when needed!

Okay, so some people say if you don't answer the door he will leave the pizza and 
drive away? Well, either my pizza dude is a meanie, or it just doesn't work for everyone. 
What you do, is go to build, take the pizza, and delete the pizza guy. He will drive up 
again, and you can take it again, and delete him or his car. He's so stupid he will do 
it forever. Take as many as you like!

When your people are relaxing, click one of them and say "Try for baby" then, while 
in proccess, (CTRL, shift,c) type in "forcetwins". You'll get twins! Either boy and 
girl, girl and girl, or boy and boy. (Hope for either girl and girl or boy and girl. 
Boy and boy is choas. One of my twin boys killed the sister. DX)

Submitted by: god helper

ok ever wanted to give yourself a challenge, a run for your money? make a person type in 
the cheat box familyfunds 'your family name here' 35000. get a good at leased 30000 house 
then in the cheat box type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true then click on your charicar 
while holding shift and click spawn then more then sim modler then click skills then pick 
your sim and then max out your charm creat logic and if i forgot any for the bizz carreer 
then get those too. now wait for the news paper get the bizz one if it dose not have wait 
for next one. now wait for every day to get new bonus and promotion get freinds along way. 
how long will your welth be, better yet how long will it take you?

Tons of clothes:
to get clothes that you want your sim to have (grim reaper,maid,robber) that you can't
get normally, go to create a family, but before you type in a last name, do shift-n (not 
at the same time) and you will have all sorts of new clothes!

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