
The Sims 2 - Seasons Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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  Hints and Tips for: The Sims 2 - Seasons 
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 The Sims 2 - Seasons Cheats

The Sims 2 - Seasons

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM

Press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C during game play to display the console window. 
Enter one of the following codes.

Note: Some codes may be case-sensitive. 

Result                                                   Code 
List most cheat codes                                  - help 
Display information about indicated cheat              - help [cheat command] 
Close console window                                   - exit 
Expand or contract console window                      - expand 
1,000 more Simoleons                                   - Kaching 
50,000 more Simoleons                                  - motherlode 
Have twins when baby is born                           - twinzr2cute or twinsr2cute 
Remove all Sims; use in neighborhood view              - deleteAllCharacters 
Toggle terrain types; use in neighborhood view         - TerrainType [desert or temperate] 
Objects can be placed anywhere in buy and build 
modes; hand tool can move any object                   - moveObjects [on or off] 
Make Sims larger or smaller; 1.0 is normal             - StretchSkeleton [number] 
Turn off facial DNA blending in Create A Sim           - faceBlendLimits [on or off] 
Prevent Sims from aging                                - aging [on or off] 
Toggle automatic game updates                          - autoPatch [on or off] 
Slow motion; 0 is normal, 8 is slowest                 - slowMotion [0-8] 
No censor; set to 8 to return to normal intprop        - censorgridsize 0 
Increase game performance with some graphics glitches  - Vsync [on or off] 
Use in neighborhood screen to invite more guests 
with a party                                           - intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims [number] 
Set to false to place objects out of grid boolProp     - snapObjectsToGrid [true or false] 
Enable postprocessing cheats; requires video card 
that supports pixel shaders                            - boolProp enablePostProcessing [true or false] 
Set to false to remove props like rocks and towers 
from neighborhood                                      - boolprop displayNeighborhoodProps [true or false] 
Set to false to remove roads from neighborhood         - boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoads [true or false] 
Set to false to removes trees/plants from neighborhood - boolprop displayNeighborhoodFlora [true or false] 
Set to false to remove water from neighborhood         - boolprop displayNeighborhoodWater [true or false] 
Set to false to removes house graphics from 
neighborhood                                           - boolprop displayLotImposters [true or false] 
Set to false to remove bridges from neighborhood.      - boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoadsWithModel [true or false] 
Set to false and lots will not light up when 
highlighted in neighborhood                            - boolprop lotTerrainLighting [true or false] 
Set to false to remove removes water (ponds) from lots - boolprop lotWater [true or false] 
Set to false to remove floorpainting on lot            - boolprop lotTerrainPaints [true or false] 
Unknown                                                - boolprop lotTerrainCanvas [true or false] 
Set to true and cars will have more detail in 
neighborhood                                           - boolprop carsCompact [true or false] 
Toggle grid in build or buy mode                       - boolprop showFloorGrid [true or false] 
Set to trueto show lot information                     - boolprop lotInfoAdvancedMode [true or false] 
Set to false to remove removes shadows on objects 
outside house                                          - boolprop objectShadows [true or false] 
Set to false to remove shadows on objects inside house - boolProp guob [true or false] 
Set to true and walls will no longer cut away from 
selected Sim                                           - boolprop renderSelectedSimLevel [true or false] 
Set to true to see the path where the selected Sim 
walks to                                               - boolProp displayPaths [true or false] 
Set to true and blocks appear on Sims faces and on 
parts where Sims look at                               - boolprop displayLookAtBoxes [true or false] 
Toggle shadows for Sims                                - boolProp simShadows [true or false] 
In neighborhood, shows filename of house when lot 
is highlighted                                         - boolprop ShowLotPackageFilename [true or false] 
Set to false to place floor tiles outside lot          - boolprop locktiles [true or false] 
Set to false to raise and lower floor even when 
covered with objects                                   - boolprop constrainFloorElevation [true or false] 
Set to true to light up objects continuously 
instead of only when used                              - boolprop allObjectLightsOn [true or false] 
After typing expand, will you see the game 
version in the cheat box                               - gameVersion
Allow object rotation (*)                              - boolProp allow45DegreeAngleOfRotation true

(*) Use the [Comma] or [Period] keys to rotate the object. Some large (for example, multi-tile) objects 
may not visually appear correct at 45 degree angles. This should not be used on windows or doors, as they 
will already snap to diagonal walls. There is no guarantee that Sims can interact with all objects that 
are at this orientation, but most should work. Use this with the boolProp snapObjectsToGrid code.

Easy plant Sims:
To turn your Sim into a plant Sim, enable the boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true code and 
right click on an orchard tree. Scroll through the menu until it reads "Infest with Bugs". 
Keep doing that and have your Sim spray the tree. If you do it enough times, the game will 
freeze for a moment, then your Sim will turn into a plant Sim.

Make sure it is Winter. Go to the kitchen and bake Santa Cookies. Also, make sure that you 
have a chimney and that everyone in the house is sleeping. Santa may appear. He will eat 
those cookies you made and might do something funny (for example, go outside, and pee on 
the electric reindeer, and die). 

Surviving daylight as a vampire: 
When it is daytime, always max motives. Do this when they are going to work at the last 
moment and it will be fine the rest of that day. 

Sims costumes:
The costumes that the Sims can wear are blue, red, and black ninja suits; red, blue, 
and silver knight armor; pink, red, and gray ape outfits; gray, red, and blue spacesuits; 
and the Santa Claus beard and suit.

Always winter:
If you have enough Aspiration Points and the Weather Machine is available, you can 
prolong winter or any season you wish and the desired weather as long as needed.

Get a pregnant Sim to go out:
First, make her use the phone to call the taxi. When the screen that asks you where you 
want to go appears, select any destination. You will be told that the taxi will arrive 
shortly. When the taxi arrives, make sure she gets in it. It will drive off with her inside. 
The loading screen will appear. Your destination will appear and you will see the taxi drive 
up. The woman will get up, look around, then go into the store. You still do what you can 
do when she is not pregnant unless told she cannot use that item. However you can still 
get to the shops. 
Note: You must use the taxi and not your own car.

Torture Room Sent:
Ok to make yourself a torture room make a family and move them into a city with lots 
of people in the town. Turn on the move all objects cheat (by pressing holding Ctrl, 
Shift, C and typing moveobjects_on) then make a second floor to your house without 
stairs or an elevator leading up to it. Then when neighbors come to visit you pick 
them up and put them in your torture room and don't put anything in there like a bed 
or toilet. It is hilarious watching all of the people interact. Also order groceries 
or a pizza or call the cops or firemen etc. to get more people in there.

Warning danger:
Do not use boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true and press force twins whilst your sim 
is pregnant because my sims had about twenty babies and we ended up having to kill 
her to stop her from producing more!! i dont know if this will happen to you but im 
not lying it happened to me!!

Easy way to become a werewolf:
After doing the 'move_objects on' and 'boolprop testingcheatsenabled true' cheats (without 
the quotations), create a square of fencing in your Sim's garden, with no exit or gate. When 
it's dark (past 7:00pm), right click the mailbox, click 'Make NPC', and then 'Leader of the 
Pack'. A wolf with glowing eyes will enter your lot. Move your Sim and the wolf into the 
square of fencing. Make the wolf controlable, and drag up the relationships of your Sim and 
the wolf to 100. If you leave them for ages, playing fetch and whatnot, then there will be 
a command in the Sim's queue with a picture of the wolf, saying 'Be Nibbled'. The Sim will 
become a werewolf!

Submitted by: PlantSimGirl99

sims seasons expansion nightlife and pets
Message : Go into the nieghbourhood and type in 'Boolprop TestingCheatsEnabled true' 
(W/O quotation)Then go into a family witch you want a sim to become a PlantSim, Get about 
9 to 10 Fruit trees in build mode gardening. Then press shift + the fruit tree and if you 
see 'debug. infest with bugs' then click it and bugs will appear on the tree. spray them all, 
do it again until there is a puff of plant spay on your sim, he/she will now be a PlantSim.
How does this affect my sim?: The Sim will now be a green sim with daisies on it. 
You cannot change their hair style or wants and needs. Your Sims wants and needs are now 
'Social' 'Water' And 'sunshine'. Hope this helps!

Listen to Music while playing:
Ok every one wants to hear there own music on the Sims 2 but you have to go thought all the
drag and drop in a file.. But isn't it easy and better to just go on to your Sims game and 
go to options and go to the little sorta speaker thing and just turn all the volume down 
and then just go to wherever you keep your music on and go back to the game and you can 
listen to music and play the game!

Get your Teens outta school and get them a REAL job:
Send out one of your sims to go fishing, and once they have caught a catfish, send them 
home and have them cook "Blackened Catfish." It should sparkle.
Now, ensure that the teen you want this cheat to apply to has a job (it has to be at the 
highest level it can be for a teen), and then make them eat the Blackened Catfish. Once 
they are done eating, a notification should pop up. It will tell you that your teen has 
been promoted! Now, your teen will not be able to go to school, and will go to work instead
and get paid an adult salary! (If you have any other teens in the house, they wont be able 
to go to school anymore either. Children in the same house that grow up into teens AFTER 
the Catfish is eaten will still be able to go to school.

Change Seasons:
If You Want To Change Seasons, At the Negihbor Hood, at the Upper-Left Corner, there is a
little button, click the one closest to the left. There You Can Change Seasons, the upper-left
one, is the current season.

Plantsim warning:
Don't EVER try the boolprop(yada-yada-yada) then try to turn your plantsim into a teenager,
because they will still have the skin and eyes, but their hair will be different and the 
colour of the skin on their head will be different! I'm not kidding! I tried it, and had 
to go back in cos when u try 2 age them back up to adults, they stay the same as a teen, 
but just in adult form (same goes for f u try to turn your plantsim into kids!).

Custom Painting:
To decorate your house with custom artwork first your sim must have a creativity level 
of 5 and be able to paint a still life. 

Have your sim paint and a frame will appear that you can center on whatever you want 
to paint If you want to paint a picture of something outside the Sims 2 game just press
C anywhere at this time This will pause the game. 

Use Alt + Tab to exit the game then open a picture program such as Paint and open the 
snapshot you just took it will usually be in the folder: 
C:/My Documents/EASims2/Storytelling/Snapshotbmp 

Then you also have to open the picture you want to have in your game If your picture 
is too large resize it so it will fit in the original snapshot from the game. 

Copy your custom picture on to your snapshot from the game then save the picture Use 
Alt + Tab to get back to your game and your sim will start painting your own custom 

Using this trick you can put pictures of your friends or family web pictures or 
anything else in your Sims 2 game.

Listen To Your Music On Your Sims Radio:
First get whatever Mp3's you want to put on the game then open up 
MyDocuments/EAGames/TheSims2/Music/(whatever RadioStation you want your song on).
Then Drag your MP3 into the folder Now start Sims 2 then go to options menu then 
music settings then the Radio Station then pick witch songs you want the radio 
to play You can now listen to your favorite songs in your Sims game.

Saving Pizza:
Have a sim call for pizza When the pizza delivery guy comes DON'T accept the pizza!
The pizza delivery guy will eventually leave the pizza on the front porch and the 
pizza will never get stale You can stack as many pizzas as you want so if your sims
get hungry just tell them to get a pizza from the front porch.

Disgusting Faces:
There is a glitch in character creation mode where you can make absolutely disgusting
faces The trick is that if you go to the face designing area and you select a face 
part such as the eyes and max out all the sliders one way or the other then go to a
different face part and select one of the PREDESIGNED parts and then come back to the
eyes the sliders will have reset in the middle but the eyes will still look the same 
This works for all of the face adjusting tabs Exploiting this you can make eyes the 
size of dinner plates cheekbones 4 feet long and a HUMUNGOUS nose to name a few.

Free Bookcase Skills:
Buy a bookcase then have your sim start to study Interrupt the action so that the book
it placed on the ground then simply sell the bookcase The book can then do everything 
the bookcase could have done for free.

Make sure it is Winter. Go to the kitchen and bake Santa Cookies. Also, make sure that
you have a chimney and that everyone in the house is sleeping. Santa may appear. He 
will eat those cookies you made and might do something funny (for example, go outside,
and pee on the electric reindeer, and die).

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