
Trombone Champ Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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 Trombone Champ Cheats

Trombone Champ

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Secret Ending Guide:
Written by jam

For Trombone Champ players, this guide will show you the steps in order 
to reach and eventually defeat the final boss. It may take some time but
along the way you will unlock many of the hidden achievements and lore 
this game has to offer.

-=Earn S-Rank on 4 Songs=-
S Ranking 4 songs in this game may look difficult but thankfully there is 
a selection of easy songs for you to choose from.
You can use the difficulty meter to help you chose which songs you wish to 
S Rank but I recommend “Warm Up,” “Ball Game,” Trombone Skyze,”, and 
Don’t be discouraged if you can’t get the S Rank on the first few tries 
since you will be needing the Toots you earn when completing a song for 
future steps.

-=Earning the Blue Key=-
Once you have S Ranked 4 different songs go to the main menu and click 
the “Baboon” option. You will be brought to a dark room with a door on the 
bottom left. Click on that door and you can now interact with the 4 S tiles 
located in each corner to unlock the hatch. You have now gained access to 
the Baboon.
Once you have spoken with the Baboon you will need to sacrifice your Toots 
to the Tootvessle in order to unlock different equipment and eventually the
Blue Key.
In total you will need 10,000 Toots to complete this section.

-=Earning the Red Key=-
In order to start the process of earning the Red Key you will need the Bass 
Clef Card. Use your Toots to buy cards, eventually you will need all of them 
as well as 10 Hot Dog Cards for future steps but for now you just need the 
Bass Clef Card.
Once you have unlocked the Bass Clef Card all you need to do is repeatedly 
tap on the card in order to unlock a different dark room. This room is the 
same as the previous one so just click on the hatch on the floor and then 
click on the 4 corners to unlock the trapdoor.
After speaking to the Baboon in this room you will need to sacrifice your 
Turds to the Turdvessel. You can obtain Turds through scrapping any cards 
you don’t want. I would recommend scrapping any cards you have multiples 
of excluding the Hot Dog Cards. You will need 10 of them for a future step.
You will need 3,000 Turds to complete this step and earn the Red Key.

Collecting all the Cards=-
Before beginning this step I would recommend stocking up on a lot of cards 
as you will be needing to sacrifice all of them.
Once you are ready repeatedly click on the candle located in the bottom 
right corner in order to access the Demon. The Demon will first ask you 
for a few cards at a time before then asking for all 50 of them at once. 
This will give you trombone color “Champ” which you will need in order to 
defeat the final boss.

=-The Final Boss=-
You are now ready to defeat the Final Boss.
Before traversing to the Boss you want to go to Settings and find the 
“Allegiance” option. From here you will need to change the Baboon Quantity 
to Inferno and the Baboon Preference to Hamadryas.
For the next step you will need Trazom Card in order to access the Final 
Boss. Simply buy more cards using your Toots or buy that specific card 
using your Turds. Before you enter the Boss Battle make sure you have 10 Hot 
Dog cards, without them you won’t be able to defeat the Final Boss.
Once you are ready to proceed repeatedly click on the Trazom Card. You will 
be brought to a screen with a box that contains 2 keyholes. Interact with 
each keyhole in order to use the Keys you’ve obtained to open it, this will 
unlock the battle.
Before beginning the fight you will need to change your character to Servant 
of Babi and change your trombone color to Champ.
The final song will be insanely difficult but you don’t need a certain score 
in order to win, all you needed were your 10 Hot Dog cards.

Guide to Get Unlimited Turds:
Written by tredder

If you turd a gold card you get about 500 turds+ per one, but they only 
cost 399 to make.

So, turd your cards, buy some gold ones, turd them and repeat. Free turds, 
depending on how long you want to spend on this you can make as much as 
you want.

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