Urban Sniper 2 Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Urban Sniper 2 | |
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Urban Sniper 2
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM
Warehouse Level:
All targets are inside the buildings, everyone outside are by-standers.
While taking the following steps, be AWARE of the snipers.
1) Kill the guard on the tower (disables the threat of alarm)
2) Shoot the locks on the doors to all three of the buildings.
This will jam the doors and keep all your targets trapped inside. Once
targets are trapped, there no need to rush, take
your time kill a target(s) after you shot a sniper.
3) Don't just shoot the Ammo Crates, use the explosion from them to
kill as many targets inside as possible, this will limit the number
of targets left running inside the buildings.
3rd level:
Hotel Wandah - wait till the tanker with jet fuel goes right up to the hotel
doors but don't blow it up. Look to the left of the doors... there's a man
with a cigar kill him then kill the guy that walks right and wears a hat.
Final Mission:
Shoot down the helicopter when its around the middle and make it crash on top
of the gangs. Shoot the pilot in the head to bring it down.
Charity Marathon:
You can zoom in the flash player to spot the guy in the sunglasses when they
first appear, then zoom out and you'll have the whole length of the street
to pick him off.
Foggy Park (Last Stage):
You need to be patient with this stage. The way to kill all of them is wait
until the helicopter is directly above both (center) of the two gangs. Then
shoot the pilot, the helicopter will crash in the middle of the two gangs and
the explosion will kill them all. You just need to kill the snipers until the
helicopter is in position.
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