Vae Victis Khan Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Vae Victis Khan | |
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Vae Victis Khan
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
* Replace XX with the value you want.
* You break it, you bought it: If you're not absolutely sure what
you're doing, save before changing anything.
mcBaseDamage = XX #Subdue and defensive attacks deal half damage,
aggressive attacks deal double damage
mc_hp = XX
mc_max_hp = XX
(capped at 10 on Day 0, + 20 the day after claiming Gaunteinguk,
+ 20 the day after claiming Oryeonguk)
troops = XX
gold = XX
Gaunteinguk.obedience = XX
Gaunteinguk.morale = XX
Gaunteinguk.garrisonTroops = XX
Oryeonguk.obedience = XX
Oryeonguk.morale = XX
Oryeonguk.garrisonTroops = XX
How to Unstuck after Mission 2:
The way I passed it, after getting stuck myself is the following:
* Army vs Army MK2 Combat set to off (Off)
* Take your army of 30, and fight until your loose.
* Skip turns until you rebuild the troops.
* Take your new army of 30, and finish off the opponent.
* Enemy doesn’t recover their troops like you do. Thus easy to finish
them off.
-=Alternative Option=-
* You can start again and instead of playing the Marbia and Oryeonguk
missions, choose to “Skip ‘n Win” them, only this time attack either
Marbia or Oryeonguk within 20 turns after “completing” the Oryenguk
quest. Don’t be alarmed by “start again”, this should take you 2 minutes.
* In the settings to can switch to VN Mode (you’ll lose your shot at
Ironman achievement though) and automatically win any army Vs. army
* What Novaborne wrote.
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all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 7, 2024.
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