Victoria 2 Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Victoria 2
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Press [Alt]+21 ingame to open the console. Then type in the following codes.
Code Result
yesmen - Ai will always respond favorably to a request.
instantconstruction - buildings finish in one day.
tag XYZ - Change to a different country in current game.
Replace XYZ with three-letter country code.
cash - Gives you a lot of money.
prestige - Gives you a lot of prestige.
goods [amount] - Gives you an amount of goods, including money.
leadership - Gives you officer points, you can recruit as many as you want.
instantresearch - research finish in one day.
plurality [number] - Sets the countries plurality.
How to Make Unplayable Countries Playable:
Start a new game with any country. Best choice is that one currently occupying
your country you want to play with. Observe the provinces and their current
owner. Let's say you want to play with Croatia. Croatian provinces belong to
Austria at the beginning.
Exit the game and go to the folder:
Here you'll find all the Austrian provinces' files each having a number.
Croatian ones are from 770 to 782 for instance '771 - Zagreb.txt'.
Open each with a text editor, they should look like this:
owner = AUS
controller = AUS
add_core = AUS
add_core = CRO
add_core = HUN
add_core = YUG
trade_goods = timber
life_rating = 35
Change the owner and controller to your country code - in this case "CRO".
Start the game and you should now be able to choose your country at the beginning.
Cheats & Console Commands:
Press the ~ (tilde key, to the left of the 1 on the keyboard) to open console
addresearch(addr) [techname] – Adds research at specified name
blockade – Blockade province.
changeowner [TAG] [province id] – Change the current owner of province
conquerall [country tag] – All enemy provinces under our control.
debug allmoney – Money transfers info
debug alwaysaddwargoal – Removes wargoal limits
debug alwaysdiplo – Diplomats endless.
debug alwaysreform – Eliminates the 1 month wait between reforms
debug influence – Makes every Great Power’s influence on every country fixed at 100
debug invent (invention) – instantly get chosen invention.
debug market – Toggle log of price changes.
debug researchpoints [number] – Set research points
debug yesmen – The AI accepts any deal
election – Starts common elections
fow – Toggle fog of war.
goods X – Gives X goods to player
inc – Instant construction
inr – Instant research
leaderprestige(lprestige) [province] [value] – Adds prestige to leaders
Leadership X – Gives X leadership points
militancy [level] – Changes militancy level
militancy [province] [ideology] – Sets high militancy
Money X – Gives X money
Plurality X – Sets X Plurality Level
Prestige X – Gives X prestige
reorg – All units = 100% organization and full strength.
researchpoints(rpoints) [num] – Adds research points.
revolt [ province id] – Rise all the valid rebels of the country that controls
showprovinceid(provid) – Toggles province ID visibility
spawnunit [unit] [province id] – Spawn Unit
suppress [num] – Adds suppression points
tag [TAG] – Change the player country
teleportselectionto(teleport) [province id] – Teleports the selected unit
upperhouse – Instant upper house reelection.
Victoria 2 Cheats – Infamy Cheat
Decrease infamy cheat – event 18540: -2 infamy & + prestige
Increase infamy cheat – event 14670: +5 infamy & -5 prestige
Victoria 2 Cheats – Population Cheat
Increase population cheat – event 14680 = Baby boom event
Victoria 2 Cheats – Militancy Cheat
Increase Militancy cheat – militancy X = Replace X with the Militancy you want
Victoria 2 Cheats – Annex Cheat
Annex cheat – conquerall
Victoria 2 Cheats – Jingoism Cheat
Jingoism cheat – event 14180
Victoria 2 Cheats – Diplomatic Points Cheat
Add Diplomatic Points cheat – debug alwaysdiplo
-=Government Events=-
Event 1000 = unlock Socialist government
Event 1001 = unlock Communist government
Event 1002 = unlock Anarcho-liberal government
Event 1003 = unlock Fascist government
Casus Belli Events
Event 2510 = Cut Size
Event 2520 = Humility
Event 2530 = Place in the Sun
Event 2540 = Cut Size
Event 2550 = Drum of War
Event 2560 = Patrimony
Event 2570 = Conquest
-=Reform Events=-
Event 3000 = Health Care In favor of 30% Support
Event 3100 = Press Rights
Event 3200 = New Political Party
Event 3300 = Pensions In favor of 20% Support
Event 3400 = Unemployment Subsidies In favor of 30% Support
Event 3401 = Extend Subsidies or No
Event 3402 = Lower Subsidies or Good
Event 3403 = 40% In favor of Acceptable Subsidies or Acceptable Min Wage
Event 3404 = 20% In favor of Good Subsidies
Event 3500 = 30% In favor of Trade Unions
Event 3600 = Safety Regulations
Event 3700 = 40% In favor of Lower Work Hour Reform
Event 3750 = Public Meetings
Event 3800 = 40% In favor of Increases Wage Reform
Event 3900 = 40% In favor of Trade Unions Reform
Event 4000 = Slavery Abolishment Movement Support
Event 4100 = 40% In favor of Upper House
Event 4200 = 10% In favor of New Voting System Reform
Event 4300 = 20% In favor of New Vote Franchise Reform
Event 12000 = Safety Regulations
Event 12010 = Safety Regulation Reform
Event 60108 = Extend Slavery or Not
-=Election Events=-
Event 14000 = Trade Policy
Event 14010 = Economy
Event 14020 = Religion
Event 14030 = Citizenship
Event 14040 = War
Event 14050 = Protectionism
Event 14060 = Protectionism vs Free Trade
Event 14070 = Laissez Faire
Event 14080 = Interventionism
Event 14090 = State Capitalism
Event 14100 = Planned economy
Event 14110 = Atheism
Event 14120 = Secularized
Event 14130 = Pluralism
Event 14140 = Moralism
Event 14150 = Residency
Event 14160 = Limited Citizenship
Event 14170 = Full Citizenship
Event 14180 = Jingoism
Event 14190 = Pro-Military
Event 14200 = Anti-Military
Event 14210 = Pacifism
-=Upper House Events=-
Event 18000 = 10.0 Socialist
Event 18010 = 5 Liberals and 2 Conservatives add or 5 Conservatives and 2 Liberals add
Event 18020 = 20.0 Liberals
Event 18030 = 10.0 Liberals
Event 18040 = 20.0 Socialists
Event 18050 = 20.00 Liberals
Event 18060 = 10.0 Radicals
Event 18070 = 30.0 Liberals
Event 18080 = 30.0 Radicals
Event 18090 = 45.0 Liberals
Event 18100 20% in Favor of Healthcare Reform
Event 18110 20% in Favor of Subsides Reform
Event 18120 50.0 Conservatives
Event 18130 50.0 Socialists
Event 18150 20.0 Fascist
Event 18160 10.0 Liberals
Event 18170 30.0 Socialists
Event 18180 Loses 1 Consciousness or Lose 1 Militancy
Event 18190 10% in Favor of Jingoism
Event 18200 10% in Favor of Laissez Faire
Event 18520 5% in Favor of Jingoism and Lose 2.0 War Exhaustion or 10% in Favor of Jingoism
Event 17500 20% In favor of Socialism
Event 18580 20% in Favor of Pacifism
-=Crimes and Punishments Events=-
Event 22000 = Trusty System
Event 22010 = Penal Colony
Event 22020 = Penal Reform
Event 22030 = Foul Murder
Event 22040 = Chain Gang
Event 22050 = Wanted
Event 22060 = Life Without Parole
Event 22070 = Debtors Prison
Event 22080 = Capital Punishment
Event 44000 = Leper Colony Founded in Hawaii
-=Leadership Events=-
Event 60000 = Communist Dictatorship
Event 60010 = Military Dictatorship
Event 60020 = Radical Dictatorship
Event 60030 = Fascist Dictatorship
Event 60040 = Absolute Monarchy
Event 60050 = Constitutional Republic
Event 60060 = Semi-Constitutional Monarchy
Event 60070 = Constitutional Monarchy
Event 60080 = Military Dictatorship
Event 60090 = Radical Dictatorship
Event 60100 = Communist Dictatorship
Event 60110 = Fascist Dictatorship
-=Genocide Events=-
Event 21500 = -10 Life Rate & -10% Population
Event 21000 = Diseases & Famines -4 Population
Event 4435 = Cultural Minority
Event 4434 = Religious Minority
-=Infamy & Militancy Events=-
Event 18500 = -1 Militancy or -1 Consciences and +5.250 Prestige
Event 18540 = -3 Infamy or -2 Infamy and +5.250 Prestige
Event 18550 = +2 Militancy +10.5 Prestige or +1 Militancy
Event 18510 = +8.400 Prestige
Event 4402 = 30.00 Improve Neighbor’s Relations and +5.250 Prestige
Event 96150 = -25 infamy and +25 Prestige
Event 18560 = -1 Militancy or -1 Consciences
Event 18570 = +10 Prestige and -1 Militancy or +814.61 Research Points
Event 4305 = -2 Militancy
Event 12060 = -1 War Exhaustion
Event 18550 = +2 Militancy and +10.5 Prestige or +1 Militancy
Event 18560 = -1 Militancy or -1 Consciences
Event 4402 = 30.00 Improve Neighbor’s Relations and +5.250 Prestige
-=More Events=-
Event 1100 = Gold Rush
Event 2000 = Assimilation Troubles
Event 60120 = Annexation Event
Event 60140 = Political Reform
Event 60107 = Ends Women Suffrage
Event 14680 = Baby boom event
Event 18530 = +1629.21 Research Points
Event 18570 =+10 Prestige and -1 Militancy or +814.61 Research Points
Event 19000 = Great Power Rivalries
Event 19500 = Boer War Gain casus belli on Zulu
Event 4400 = Trade Policy Rich – Militancy
Event 4402 = 30.00 Improve Neighbor’s Relations and +5.250 Prestige
Event 5000 = New Sport
Event 10000 = Liberal Revolutions + Militancy
Event 13000 = Western Influence or Isolationism
Event 14500 = Colonial Uprisings
Event 15000 = Nationalist movements Public Meeting
Event 16000 = American Civil War (requires to play with USA)
Event 17000 = Suffragette Movements
Event 22500 = Stock Market Crash
Event 23200 = Explore Nile River
Event 23400 = Host the Olympics
Event 23450 = Nobel Prize
Event 29900 = +50% Farmers Efficiency
Event 30000 = Host the World Fairs
Event 31100 = Discovery of Troy
Event 31300 = +1 Connectionism
Event 33000 = Open a Theater in Berlin
Event 35000 = British Monarchy House Splits
Event 37700 = Order Church Property Sold
Event 18500 = -1 Militancy or -1 Consciences and +5.250 Prestige
Event 18510 = +8.400 Prestige
Event 18530 = +1629.21 Research Points
Event 18540 = -3 Infamy or -2 Infamy and +5.250 Prestige
Event 19000 = Great Power Rivalries
Event 19500 = Boer War Gain casus belli on Zulu
Forming Italy Guide:
Written by Crrafter
This guide is for forming Italy for newer to moderate players. We will explain
one guide for Italy. This is for the Vanilla version of the game, so no mods.
Alright bois, buckle up and lets roll out!
-=Step 1: Choosing a Nation=-
There are many nations in Italy. All of them can form Italy if you play them
correctly. But since we are new to the game or we have moderate experience lets
go cut it down to the two easiest ones. The first one is Sardinia-Piedmont and
the second is Two Sicilies. They both have pros and cons. The pros of Sardinia-
Piedmont is that they can easily ally France with little to no effort. They
start with some decisions to help them reach Great Power status and are right next
to Austria which we might need to attack sooner or later. Also, they get a gold RGO
on Sardinia early in the game. The cons of Sardinia-Piedmont is that they have
lower population so a smaller army and start with a very small navy. Also, Sardinia-
Piedmont is weaker than Two Sicilies who can beat the Sardinians to Great Power
status. The pros of Two Sicilies is that they have more population than Sardinia.
Also, they start with a bigger army and navy. This means you can out gun the
Sardinians. The cons though are Two Sicilies doensn’t have those decisions I was
talking about. Also, Two Sicilies might have a hard time finding a Great Power ally
to help them conquest Italy and also they are far away from Austria which you might
need to fight. The best choice is Sardinia-Piedmont. They can grow really fast and
can become Great Power pretty quick depending on how you play. So we will pick them
and move on.
-=Step 2: Alliances and Targets=-
So, at the start of the game, Austria and France start friendly with you. Austria
99% of the time won’t try to sphere so it might take a bit but France will soon
sphere you, which means you can easily make an alliance with him. Now, you must
strike. Build up your army until you have at least one full army of your desired
army composition. Then strike at the Austrians. You want to justify an acquire
state war goal on the Austrians. Once it is complete and you are ready then
declare on the Austrians for Lombardia. I would say to defend until the French
arrive, you won’t be able to push without the French. Once the French arrive then
push with them. Do not lead the French, stay behind and reinforce battles with
the French. This war should be your only war in forming Italy this way. Now, after
you win the war against Austria that is it. Now, here comes the fun part. Becoming
a Great Power. There are many ways to become a Great Power, but the #1 way to
become GP (Great Power) is to get prestige. This is why I said Sardinia was better.
They have a decision called, “Cavour’s Diplomacy” which gives France Nice, and the
Savoy region for -10 infamy and 20 prestige. This is big. Now, if you haven’t
started already, start researching the prestige techs. This is in the culture tab
and on the very left side. Those techs are your prestige techs that you want to
research. It might take a while but soon you will become Great Power.
-=Step 3: Great Power and Spheres=-
After becoming a Great Power, you want to immediately want to start sphering Italian
minors. I recommend starting with the closest Italian minors to you. So like Modena.
You are going to have to fight France and mainly Austria for control of these guys.
But it is worth it. Once you get one, move onto the next one and keeping going down
the list until you reach Two Sicilies. There are two things that might happen.
#1 Two Sicilies might become a GP or #2 Two Sicilies might not have. You want #2.
If Two Sicilies becomes GP then you have to knock them down which will require a war
against them. If you have to fight them then just use your allies, don’t call in
France until you absolutely need it. If you call in France, they will peace out with
Two Sicilies before they fall out of GP. To knock them out of GP, you just have to
occupy their country until they drop to #9. Make sure you do a humiliate war goal.
Now, when they drop, you want to add the “Add To Sphere” war goal. This will make
Two Sicilies part of your sphere. Well there you go. Now, you can form Italy.
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