
Viscera Cleanup Detail Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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 Viscera Cleanup Detail Cheats

Viscera Cleanup Detail

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

To activate the console, press the tilde “~” ( located above [TAB]) 
and type one of following codes to activate the corresponding cheat 
Code                 Effect
God                - Makes you invincible. (Example: Guns on Revolutionary 
                     Robotics will shoot at, but not kill you.)
AllWeapons         - Gives you the Mop, Sniffer, and Laser Welder. (Currently 
                     this method causes the world model of the Laser Welder to 
                     glitch and become invisible, but it still functions as normal.)
AllAmmo            - Ammo
Fly                - Allows you to fly, but respects collision boundaries. 
                     “Walk” disables it.
Ghost              - Allows you to fly and clip through walls. “Walk” disables it.
Jump               - Makes the player jump.
KillNearestMess    - Removes/deletes the closest splatter, giblet, body part, bullet 
                     hole, scar, and any other object considered to be a mess. Useful 
                     as a debug tool when the Sniffer pings something the player can’t
                     seem to reach.
KillNearestNonMess - Removes/deletes the closest crate, barrel, clean disposal bin 
                     or bucket, tools lying around (broom, laser welder), and any 
                     other movable object that is not considered a mess by the Sniffer.
Show Fog           - Toggles the display of fog.
Suicide            - Kills the player.
Summon [Class]     - Spawns objects by class 
                     (eg: “summon VisceraGameContent.VCDebris_Dynamite”).
Teleport           -  Moves the player to wherever the player is looking (crosshairs).

Equipment Tips:
Written by Zero

* Bring multiple buckets with you. To do this, stack the buckets on top of each other, 
I wouldn’t stack more than 3 at a time though, if you do they tend to glitch out. 
Learn to throw stuff, just whip your camera in the direction you want to throw 
something and at the right time hit E or Right Click (E will throw things farther I 
believe) to yeet it across the room or down a hallway.

* Alternatively, you could burn large objects like bodies with the laser welder, 
which will give you a meatball of viscera that doesn’t leave any splats when thrown 
about. When a bucket becomes dirtied, put trash or viscera in the bucket before you 
take it to the incinerator. If you bring multiple buckets with you and dirty them 
all up, make sure to stack them on top of each other, remember no more than 3 at a 
time, then bring the stacked buckets to the incinerator to save time. Bins can be 
reused, when your bin is full, bring it to the incinerator, put the bin into the 
incinerator, but don’t drop it. Instead hold left click and move your mouse to rotate 
the bin and flip it over, which will dump everything out. And just fill it up again, 
then repeat the process, eventually it will burn up and be destroyed after so many 
uses. I’m not sure how many uses you can get out of it before it’s destroyed though.

* There are workshop maps that have the things you’re asking for… but it’s only for 
those specific levels, and I don’t think there’s any way to transfer stuff like that 
out of the map without them completely breaking.

* Something you could do if you want, in the Unearthly Excavation level there is a 
secret collectible.. you can obtain a lightsaber which can be used as a mini 
incinerator, it will burn stuff that the beam touches. Which can be useful for burning 
bodies or whatever else instead of transporting it to the incinerator.

Door Codes for Your Office:
Written by Element

-=Where is the Office, the Doors in It, and How Do I Get to It?=-
Now, before we get started, some of you may not even know where your office is, or 
the doors in it. You may be thinking this goes without explaining but just in case 
you do not know, there is a button in the main menu labeled Office. Click this and 
it will send you directly to your office. You are also sent to your office after 
you’ve finished a map. The first door should be to your right after you walk out the 
first doorway. The next doorway is to your left in the room with the large movable 
metal cabinets. If you move those (there should be 2), there is a door behind them. 
The third one is in the room that you unlock when completing the first one.

-=How do I Open the Doors?=-
Now the basis of cracking these doors open is that if you enter a correct digit at 
the correct position, the display flashes. Some people recommend different methods. 
While researching this subject, I came upon a Steam discussion on the matter where 
one man suggested this:

For example, let’s say the code is 5987.

* Enter “1111” – no flashes, code resets.
* Enter “2222” – no flashes, code resets.
* Enter “3333” – no flashes, code resets.
* Enter “4444” – no flashes, code resets.
* Enter “5555” – First digit flashes, other three don’t. We know “5” is the first digit.
* Enter “6666” – no flashes, code resets.
* Enter “7777” – Fourth digit flashes. “7” is the last digit.
* Enter “8888” – Third digit flashes, “8” is the third digit.
* Enter “9999” – Second digit flashes, “9” is the second digit.

I personally click a number, delete it if it isnt right, then try again until it is. 
The man who recommended the previous method says that it’s a pain to “move around 
and “aim” with the mouse to press different buttons” and while I do agree, I feel 
that overall, my strategy is better. You shouldn’t have trouble recognizing the 
flash, though it is quick so keep your eyes peeled.

-=How Many Numbers are there in the Combos?=-
Some of you may be worried about how much time this will take you. Worry not: the 
first and second door I mentioned both have 4 digits and should take no time at all. 
However, the last door has a 17 digit code and I tell you from personal experience 
that it does take a while.

If you don’t want to open this door, trust me: you’re not missing out on anything. 
It is by far the smallest of the rooms, containing some trash and a toilet.

Steam achievements:
Complete the following Tasks to earn the listed achievement. To view your achievements
and stats in Steam, select "Community", then search for the game hub that corresponds 
to [Viscera Cleanup Detail]. Select the "View Stats" drop down option, then choose the 
option for your username's achievements.

Achievement              How to unlock
Blaze of Glory         - ncinerate 2000 items.
Blood Soaked           - Spill 100 dirty buckets.
Bloody Hell!           - Mop up 10,000 splats.
Employee of the Month  - Get the Employee of the Month reward for your office.
Spring Fresh           - Clean any map adequately.
You're Fired!          - Get fired!

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