Cheat Codes:
Select "Cheats" at the main menu. Click one of the "Secret Codes" entries on the
right side and enter one of the following codes to unlock it. The code must then
be activated for use.
Code Effect
EXPLOSIVEWORLD - All cubes are explosive.
STEALTHARMOR - Move undetected by enemies.
BOTOFWAR - Kill or stun everything within range.
RAINBOWLASER - Laser switches colors continuously.
GLOWINTHEDARK - Light up dark areas.
GOLDENTRACKS - Tracks are solid gold.
BOTOFMYSTERY - WALL-E wears ski goggles.
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM
Lasergun - Enter WALL-E, EVE, EVE, WALL-E as a password
Submitted by: wahtrends
Go to the codes section of the main menu
Wall-E,Auto, Eve, Security Bot - All Bonus Features Unlocked
M-O, Auto, Security Bot, Eve - All Game Contents Unlocked
Security Bot, Wall-E, M-O, Auto - Costumes
Wall-E, Auto, Eve, Mo - Gives Wall-E Super Laser Blaster
Wall-E, M-O, Auto, M-O - Invincibilty
Auto, M-O, Auto, M-O - Make Any Cube Anytime
Wall-e, Auto, Eve, M-O - Wall-e always has super laser
Wall-e, Auto, Eve, ZPM - All bonus features unlocked
Wall-e, Eve, Eve, Wall-e - Wall-e with lasergun anytime
Wall-e, M-O, Auto, M-O - Infinite Health
Auto, Auto, ZPM, ZPM - All holiday costumes unlocked
Auto, M-O, Auto, M-O - Wall-e make any cube anytime
Auto, ZPM, M-O, Wall-e - All single player levels unlocked
Eve, Wall-e, Wall-e, Auto - Eve pemanent super laser upgrade
Eve, M-O, Wall-e, Auto - All multiplayer maps unlocked
M-O, Auto, ZPM, Eve - All game content unlocked
M-O, ZPM, Eve, Eve - Wall-e & Eve make any cube anytime
ZPM, Wall-e, M-O, Auto - All multiplayer costumes unlocked
ZPM, Eve, M-O, Wall-e - Walle & Eve laser gun anytime
Submitted by: sohail amir
dozen security bot with walle and eve: m-o,walle,m-o,eve
Submitted by: suhail
walle can fly: eve,eve,walle,eve
Axiom secret area level:
Free every one of the 7 reject bots in the tumbler on Level 5 to unlock this
secret level from the Unlocked Level Select option on the main menu.