
Warlords - Battlecry 3 Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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 Warlords - Battlecry 3 Cheats

Warlords - Battlecry 3

Resurrect hero in Ironman mode:
Submitted by: RM

Normally, a death in Ironman mode is permanent. Use the following steps 
to resurrect your hero in v1.0 of the game. Create a backup of the saved
game folder while your hero is alive. 
This data becomes invalid when your hero dies. When this happens, exit 
the game and restore your backed up saved game data. 

Note: This procedure involves editing a registry value; do not attempt 
this if you are not familiar with working with your system registry, as 
a mistake can cause serious problems with Windows. Start Regedit and use 
the "Registry/Export Registry File" menu option to create a backup copy 
of your original registry.Make the following changes to your registry. 

[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareEnlightWarlords Battlecry III]

Start the game, and if done correctly, you will be able to select your 
hero again.

Multiple cheats:
When you are playing either a skirmish or a multiplayer, in the passcode 
box (press enter) type either: iamatank, iaminvincible or iamagod for 
different results.

Equipping any item for any item slot

This glitch would allow your hero to equip any item in any available item slot
in his inventory. This would allow you to equip helms on the boot slot or an 
accessory in the helm slot for example. Through this glitch you could equip 
multiple identical items, which you could use to your advantage.

1.Open the Campaign of the hero you want to do this glitch with.
2.Open his Item Stash to access his inventory.
3.Click (choose) the item you want to replace or replace an item with. 
4.Press Esc to close the Item Stash window.
5.Open the Item Stash window again, and notice that the item you clicked (chose)
  is still chosen. Now you can move that item around in any of the hero's 
  equipment slots, with the computer ignoring the appropriateness of that item 
  for that item slot.
6.Click (choose) the item you want the item you chose to replace with.

*The term is "REPLACE", meaning that the item slot you want to replace an item
with should have an item equipped beforehand. For example, you want to put a 
helm in the boot slot, you would need a pair of boots in the boot slot to be 
replaced with the helm.
In other words, you can't put items into item slots which do not have any items 
equipped with.

This glitch would retain all the effects of the items. Although, I've noticed 
that the some bonuses such as "+x Damage" and "+x Armor" do not take effect if
the item is not in its proper slot, but others such as "x% chance to cast xx" 
or "+x to command radius" still take effect. Use this to your advantage!

Item, crown and XP:
Submitted by: Nelson Liang

Use the map editor to create a medium map, preferably big enough to put the minesm 
building and shops yet still have a decend area for the enemy player. 

1st: create the map
2nd: put some mines for the resources (minimum one for each type, but it will slow 
down your resources gathering so i put more than one) and a number of shop
3rd: put some building of the race you want to use. 
4th: isolate a section of the map, a corner using water or other obstruction and put 
other player starting position there. Yours will locate near the mines and shops
5th: save the map and go to skirmish and choose the map you just create.

Now you can use your hero to convert the mines and buildings. gather resource and go 
the each shop, choose to purchase the most expensive item. The more expensive, 
the more crown you can get by selling the item at the campaign outfitter. If you also 
want the EXP, make sure your enemies are in a same team, build up a flyer or siege 
engine to destroy them when you are ready. To max out the crown, leave the item you 
want to use in your stash in the campaign. 

Item farming, crown and EXP:
Submitted by: Nelson

Create a big map, put mines, shops(the more the better chance of getting good item,
thus can sell for a lot of crown in the campaign) and buildings of the race you like 
to use. Choose a secluded corner and isolate it from the rest of the map using debris 
or water. 

Put your starting location near the buldings and mines so you can convert them as 
soon as the game start. Put the enemies starting location in the secluded corner. 
Save and start a skirmish game.
Now for easier play and maximizing the reward, set army point to 50 your enemies 
are in the same team, Use your army point to purchase some ranged troop since your
enemies could send out flying unit. the rest will be used to purchase peasant to 
work in the mines. 
As soon as the game start, convert buildings and mines to earn resources, go to the 
shops to buy the most expensive items (the more expensive, the more crown you can 
get), after you filled up all available slot, build flying unit to destroy your 
enemies at your leisure. 
So you get good exp after the game finished. Decent item you start the campaign with. 
If you want to earn crown, sell the item in the campaign outfitter. To earn as much 
as possible, leave the item you want to keep in your stash before farming again.

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