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Wurm Unlimited
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
All Command Lists (2019 Update):
Written by Kostet960604
/help in the game chat to see the same commands.
Corrections suggest in the comments.
Actual for game version
Current available commands:
/addfriend [friendsname] [category] add someone to your friends list remotely.
/afk [[message]] toggles Away-From-Keyboard mode, with optional message.
/alliance [message] alliance chat.
/almanac shows the harvestables using the reports in almanac(s) in your inventory.
/attackers shows who you have been fighting the last five minutes.
/ca toggles messages to the community assistant window
/caringfor shows list of creatures you are caring for.
/champs shows the Champion Eternal Records.
/clear clears the current tab.
/clear [tabName] clears the specified tab on event side (e.g. /clear combat).
/converts shows the number of times you can change kingdom
/fatigue displays how much time you have left to perform fatiguing tasks.
/fl shows your current combat focus level
/fsleep freezes or thaws the consumption of sleep bonus. May be toggled every 5 minutes.
This toggle is reset every server restart or you change server.
/ignore [player] makes you unable to hear that player.
It also adds to mute vote if used by many people at the same time.
/ignore shows ignore list
/invitations allows you to receive an invitation from another player to join
their kingdom or religion.
/kingdoms displays kingdom influence on this server.
/lotime shows how long until you leave the game if you lose link
/me [emote] replaces /me with your name and sends the rest to players in the vicinity.
/mission displays the last instructions received
/openchat [channel] channel is one of [k]ingdom, [g]lobal kingdom or [t]rade.
/password [oldpassword] [newpassword] changes your password.
/playtime shows information about the time you have played.
/poll In Game poll.
/reputation shows your current reputation.
Reputation is affected by attacking other players and stealing.
/random [number] broadcasts a random number up to max [number] a few tiles.
/rank shows your current battle rank.
/ranks shows top battle ranks.
/refer A premium account player may give away free silver coins or playing time once.
/release corpse normally people from your kingdom may not loot your corpse.
If you issue this command they may.
/remove [person] removes person from your friends list
/respawn sends a dialogue offering you to respawn when you are dead.
/revoke [villagename] removes you as a citizen from the village.
/shout [message] kingdom chat
/signin [[message]] signs you in.
/signout [[message]] signs you out.
/sleep shows how long you have left of sleep bonus.
/snipe [person] (premium only) will mute the player if enough people issue this
command at roughly the same time. You have only one snipe per time period.
/stopcaring frees all the animal husbandry slots for caring.
/stuck helps you getting out from trees your are stuck in.
/suicide kills you. You will lose some skill!
/support [message] opens up a support ticket window so you can add extra details
before sending.
/team [message] team chat
/tell [person] [message] tells someone something ingame.
/time shows current game time.
/tinvite [person] invites a player to your team.
/title displays the title you are currently using.
/titles gives the option to select an active title among your available titles.
/toggleccfp toggle visibility of the ccfp bar.
/tutorial start the in-game tutorial.
/tweet sends your tweet to the village twitter if enabled.
/uptime shows the time since the last reboot
/village [message] village chat
/vinvite [name] Sends a village invite to the named player.
/villageinvite [name] Sends a village invite to the named player.
/vteleport Allows you to use your one free village teleport.
/vote [citizen] vote for a citizen to become mayor
/warnings shows information about your official moderation warnings.
/weather Gives information about wind direction and speed
/who shows logged on people
/recruit [playername] Adds a player to your village recruit list.
/unrecruit [playername] Removes a player from your village recruit list.
/listrecruits Show your village recruitment list.
/join player [playername] Attempts to join the village of the player, must be
on the village recruitment list.
/join village [villagename] Attempts to join the village, must be on the village
recruitment list.
/mykingdoms Displays the kingdoms you are currently affiliated with on Chaos and Epic
/setfieldgrowthtime [time] [password] Sets how often fields will be polled.
/setskillgainmultiplier [rate] [password] Skill gain rate multiplier.
/setcharacteristicsstartvalue [value] [password] Sets the starting value of the
characteristics skills for new players. (requires restart)
/setmindlogicstartvalue [value] [password] Sets the starting value of mind logic
for new players. (requires restart)
/setbodycontrolstartvalue [value] [password] Sets the starting value of the body
control skill for new players. (requires restart)
/setfightingstartvalue [value] [password] Sets the fighting skill start value
for new players. (requires restart)
/setoverallstartskillvalue [value] [password] Sets the overall starting skill
value for new players. (restart required)
/setplayercrmod [CR] [password] Sets the combat rating of players.
/setactionspeedmod [mod] [password] Speeds up or slows down action timers.
/sethotadelay [delay] [password] HOTA delay
/setmaxcreatures [max] [password] Sets the maximum number of creatures that can
naturally spawn on the server.
/setmaxaggcreatures [percent] [password] Sets the % of the creature pool that
can be aggressive creatures.
/setupkeep [true/false] [password] Toggle settlement upkeep on or off.
/setfreedeeds [true/false] [password] Toggle free deed creation on or off.
/settradermaxmoney [silver] [password] Sets the max amount of money a trader can have.
/settraderinitialmoney [silver] [password] Sets the initial amount of money a trader has.
/setminimummininghits [hits] [password] Sets the amount of hits required to tunnel through rock.
/setbreedingtime [mod] [password] Modifier to speed up or slow down breeding.
/settreespreadodds [odds] [password] Toggles the spreading of trees and mushrooms.
/setmoneypool [silver] [password] Sets the amount of money in the server pool.
(requires restart)
/help or /?- this message
Current available commands:
#chat [int color] colors your chat so that players understand that it is formal. The
color is optional and youll get orange otherwise, also second parmeter can be r.g.b values.
#mute [playername] [hours] [reason] the player cannot communicate except with tell.
#unmute [playername] pardons a mute.
#mutewarn [playername] (reason) sends a warning that a player may be muted.
The reason is optional.
#showmuters displays a list of the people who can mute apart from the gms.
#showmuted displays a list of the people who are muted.
#showcas displays a list of the ca.
#showdevtalkers displays a list of the people who can see the GM Tab.
#alerts lets you change periodic messages from the server.
#announce announces a blue system wide message.
#ban [playername] [days] [reason] bans the player and the ipaddress.
You must provide the number of days and a reason.
#banhere|#baniphere|#pardonhere|pardoniphere [playername] bancontrol for the current
server only
#banip [ipaddress] [days] [reason] bans the ipaddress and kicks anyone from it.
You must provide the number of days and a reason.
#bansteamid [steamid/player] [days] [reason] bans the steamId
#kips displays kingdom IP addresses and time since last logout.
#broadcast broadcasts a system wide message.
#calcCreatures Calculates number of creatures on surface, in caves, are visible, and offline,
Use with care lag prone.
#changeemail [playername] [newemail] changes the email of a single player character.
#changemodel [model] change character model (gmdark or gmnormal)
#changepassword [playername] [newpassword] changes the password of a player.
#checkCreatures error checks the positions of creatures. Will return dislocated guards for
instance. May provide a name like templar to check only those. Use with care lag prone
and may cause instant spawns.
#checkclients [[name] [true]]- sends a message to all clients that they should relaunch if
they run an old client version.
if [name] is specified then just send a message to the specified player to get a list of
loaded classes.
if [true] is specified then the list of loaded classes is NOT filted upon its return.
#findboat [name] lets you find a boat with part of the name in it. May be processor heavy
so if you notice lag, use with care!
#getAchievementData [playername] [achievement id]
#getip [playername] displays the players ip address and any other accounts from the same address.
#getips displays the current players with ip addresses.
#getwarnings [playername] displays info about the players warnings.
#gm send a GM message to login server.
#gmlight togles personal light on/off when you are invisible.
#hideme [GM] hides (GM) name in MGMT and GM Tab list, if GM is specified then just the GM tab is done.
#invis toggles invisibility
#kick [playername] kicks the player
#loadItem [long id] loads item with id, (removing from the owner).
#locateavatars locates all avatars on the server and tells you where they are. It could cause lag,
so use sparingly.
#locatehorse [string] return the location of horses whose name contains the supplied argument string.
#offline shows offline creatures with location.
#onfire toggles player fire.
#online [playername] returns the current status and server of the given player
#pardon [playername] pardons the player and the ipaddress
#pardonip [ipaddress] pardons the ipaddress
#pardonsteamid [steamid] pardons the steamid
#plimit [new number] the number when the server no longer accepts free players.
It will always let premiums in though.
#reload [creatureId or playername] reload a player or creature when bugged.
#rename [oldname] [newname] [password] renames the player. The player must be LOGGED OFF.
#resetwarnings [playername] resets the players warnings to 0.
#respawn [playername] respawns a dead player at the start.
#setmuter [name] gives or removes the ability to a normal player to mute other players.
#setreputation [playername] [new reputation] sets the reputation of a player.
#setserver [playername] [serverid] tells this server that the player is on the server
with the number specified.
#showbans displays current bans
#showheros [power] displays a list of the people with power (defaults to Hero).
#soundspam spams area around you with random sounds for testing.
#timemod [hours] modifies your current time with the number of hours. Can be negative.
#toggleEpic toggles epic portals
#toggleglobal toggles global chat.
#warn [playername] the player receives an official warning.
#watch [playername] [description] creates a watch ticket.
#who [J|H|M] sends a list of players online from Jenn-kellon, HOTS, or Mol-Rehan respectively
#worth [name] helps debug royal level kills on pvp servers.
#addmoney [name months days silvers detail] adds prem or silver to a players account.
Detail needs to be any unique string like paypal id or reimburseXox22332.
Example: #addmoney rolf 0 2 2 add2days2silverrolf
#addtitle [name] [[title id]] adds the default title Clairvoyant to bug reporters.
title id is optional.
#allowall opens the server for new connections. (leaves maintenance mode).
#artist [name] [sound] [graphics] toggle artist privileges. example: #artist mrb false true.
#creaturepos toggles creature position logging.
#devtalk [name] toggles the ability to a normal player to hear the gm chat.
#dumpxml generates a new epic xml on the login server.
#invuln toggles invulnerability mode.
#itempos [id] checks the position of an item.
#maxcreatures [newvalue] sets the number of max creature to a new value.
#newmission [deityname] generates a new epic mission for the provided deity.
#overrideshop [name] [true|false] if set to true the player may use the shop even though
he has had previous payment reversals.
#readlog Reads and displays the players log from the server filesystem. TODO.
#redeem functionality to retrieve items from banned players.
#registermail registers player email in list.
#removetitle [name] [[title id]] removes the default title Community Assistant.
title id is optional.
#resetplayer [name] resets the players skills and faith to max 20.
Also removes champion/realdeath.
#sdown displays a message that the server is shutting down and rejects new connections.
Does not shut down (enters maintenance mode).
#startx [number] sets the tile X where new players (Jenn-Kellon, or for home servers
all players) start to the number given.
#starty [number] sets the tile Y where new players (Jenn-Kellon, or for home servers
all players) start to the number given.
#togglemission [missionname] enables or disables the mission with the name supplied.
#togglemounts enables or disables riding, driving and horse spawning.
#toggleqa [name] toggles the QA status on or off for the account.
#toggleflag [name] [flagid] toggles the flag on or off for the account.
#isqa [name] Checks if account has QA status.
#getStoredCreatures List the WurmID and names of stored creatures on this server.
#addfakemo value [owner] [parent] adds fake money to your inventory with the optionally
provided owner and parent item.
#flattenRock [N], [E], [S], [W], [Extra Distance Below]
Custom sized flatten zone. Flattens to rock instead of dirt.
#flattenDirt [N], [E], [S], [W], [Extra Distance Below], [Min Dirt Distance to Rock]
Pretty self-explanatory.
#setpower [player] [power], sets the power of a player. 0=Normal, 1=Hero, 2=Demigod,
3=High-god, 4=Arch, 5=Dev.
#listdens, shows a list of all unique dens.
#removeden [templateID], removes a unique den with a certain template ID
#reloadItems [wurmId] checks for all subitems of the given itemId and forces them
back into that item.
#showPersonalGoals [playerName] Shows the current (and old) personal goals of the player
#addreimb name months days silvers setbok adds to a players reimbursement pool.
#addregalia name adds kingdom regalia.
#checkItems error checks the positions of items. Use with care lag prone.
#checkZones Error checks the surface and cave zones. TODO.
#createportals create Freedom Portals. TODO.
#enableboats create boat entriess. TODO.
#findfish lists the close special fish spots.
#findoldfish lists the old close rare fish spots.
#lagstatus gives the count in real seconds from startup versus the number of seconds ticked.
#locate [string] return the location of creature with name containing the supplied argument string.
#locateitem [templateid] return the location of the end game item with that id.
#noxmas remove Christmas light effect from player.
#playerstatuses shows how long until a player should leave the world, or if they should be
logged off already.
#removeknownrecipes [player] [recipeId]
removes all known recieps from specified player (if just player specified)
OR the specified recipe from all players (if just recipe specified)
OR the specified recipe from the specified player (if both specified).
#removeNamedRecipe [player or recipeId] [remove]
show recipe/player from named list
OR remove entry from named list (if 2nd param is remove).
#uniques shows all unique creatures. Caution prone to lag. TODO
#vespeed [speed] sets vehicle speed (0-255).
#date [date] show the date in real date.
#wurmdate [wurmdate] show the date in wurm calendar format.
#xmaslight create Christmas light effect at current location.
#dumpcavewater creates a png image of the cave water types (waterCaveTypes.png)
#dumpcreatures creates a png image of the map with creatures on it.
#dumpmarkers creates a png image of the map for markers.
#dumproutes creates a png image of the map for routes.
#dumpsurfacewater creates a png image of the surface water types (waterSurfaceTypes.png)
#give [id] [ql] [amount] gives you an item with the specified parameters. Use id 176 for
ebony wand.
#generateDeadVillage [number] generates a number of dead villages for archaeology purposes.
A number more than 5 will not return info about the villages, just if it was successful or not.
#toggleca [name] toggles the community assistant flag for the named player.
#help this message
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