XCOM 2: War of the Chosen Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Hints and Tips for:
XCOM 2: War of the Chosen | |
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XCOM 2: War of the Chosen
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
To activate the console, you must first add the following as a command line parameter to
XCOM 2: -allowconsole Rightclick the XCOM 2 shortcut, select properties and add it at the
end of the “Target”-field so that it looks something like this:
“C:\Games\XCOM 2\Binaries\Win64\XCom2.exe” -allowconsole
If using Steam, rightclick the game in your Library, select Properties and add it under
“Set launch options”. Open the console in-game using the ~ button (the usual button for
console). Note: For the following commands, replace # with a number.
Code Effect
enablecheats - Enables the use of commands.
SetStratagyFacilitiesSuperSpree - Ability to build all facilities instantly for free,
toggle with on/off.
SetStrategyFacilitiesUnlockAll - Ability to build all facilities, toggle with on/off.
SetStratagyFacilitiesInstantBuild - Ability to build facilities instantly, toggle with on/off.
SetStratagyFacilitiesFree - All facilities free, toggle with on/off.
TakeNoDamage - All units invincible.
PowerUp - All units invincible with unlimited ammo.
giveresource CorpseAdventMEC # - Gives # amount of Advent MEC corpses.
giveresource CorpseAdventOfficer # - Gives # amount of Advent Officer corpses.
giveresource CorpseAdventTrooper # - Gives # amount of Advent Trooper corpses.
giveresource AlienAlloy # - Gives # amount of Alien Alloys.
giveresource CorpseArchon # - Gives # amount of Archon corpses.
giveresource CorpseBerserker # - Gives # amount of Berserker corpses.
giveresource CorpseSectoid # - Gives x number of corpses.
additem heavyplatedarmor # - Gives # amount of E.X.O. Suits.
giveresource EleriumCore # - Gives # amount of Elerium Cores.
giveresource EleriumDust # - Gives # amount of Elerium Crystals.
giveresource CorpseFaceless # - Gives # amount of Faceless corpses.
giveresource Intel # - Gives # amount of Intel.
giveresource CorpseMuton # - Gives # amount of Muton corpses.
additem EpicPCSAgility # - Gives # amount of PCS: Superior Agility.
additem EpicPCSConditioning # - Gives # amount of PCS: Superior Conditioning.
additem EpicPCSFocus # - Gives # amount of PCS: Superior Focus.
additem EpicPCSPerception # - Gives # amount of PCS: Superior Perception.
additem EpicPCSSpeed # - Gives # amount of PCS: Superior Speed.
giveresource CorpseSectoid # - Gives # amount of Sectoid corpses.
additem lightplatedarmor # - Gives # amount of Spider Suits.
additem ReloadUpgrade_Sup # - Gives # amount of Superior Auto-Loaders.
additem ClipSizeUpgrade_Sup # - Gives # amount of Superior Expanded Magazines.
additem FreeFireUpgrade_Sup # - Gives # amount of Superior Hair Triggers.
additem CritUpgrade_Sup # - Gives # amount of Superior Laser Sights.
additem FreeKillUpgrade_Sup # - Gives # amount of Superior Repeaters.
additem AimUpgrade_Sup # - Gives # amount of Superior Scopes.
additem MissDamageUpgrade_Sup # - Gives # amount of Superior Stocks.
giveresource supplies # - Gives # amount of Supplies.
giveresource CorpseViper # - Gives # amount of Viper corpses.
additem heavypoweredarmor # - Gives # amount of W.A.R. Suits.
additem lightpoweredarmor # - Gives # amount of Wraith Suits.
givescientist # - Gives a Scientist with skill level #.
giveengineer # - Gives an Engineer with skill level #.
GiveTech [techname] - Gives the specified tech, replace [techname] with the
tech you want.
LightPlatedArmor # - x number of Spider suit's.
MediumPlatedArmor # - x number of Predator armor.
HeavyPlatedArmor # - x number of E.X.O. suit's.
LightPoweredArmor # - x number of Wraith suit's.
MediumPoweredArmor # - x number of Warden armor.
HeavyPoweredArmor # - x number of W.A.R. suit's.
ReloadUpgrade # - Gives X amount of Auto Loaders.
AimUpgrade # - Gives X amount of Scopes.
ClipSizeUpgrade # - Gives X amount of Extended Mags.
CritUpgrade # - Gives X amount of Laser Sights.
FreeKillUpgrade # - Gives X amount of Repeaters.
FreeFireUpgrade # - Gives X amount of Hair Triggers.
MissDamageUpgrade # - Gives X amount of Stocks.
AddItem BattleScanner # - x number of BattleScanners.
AddItem Mind Shield # - x number of Mind Shields.
AddItem HazmatVest # - x number of Hazmat Vests.
AddItem Stasis Vest # - x number of Stasis Vests.
GiveScientist # - x number of Stasis Vests.
GiveEngineer # - x number of Stasis Vests.
MakeSoldierAClass "X" Specialist - Makes named soldier named class.
SkipAI - Skips AI turns.
ToggleUnlimitedActions - Allows for unlimited actions.
(Beware AI can use this too).
ForceCritHits - All hits will be criticals .
(Beware AI can use this too).
Togglefow - Makes entire map visible .
(You will still need to "discover" enemies).
ToggleSquadConcealment - Forces squad into concealment .
(AI will still be alerted).
RestartLevel - Restarts the current mission.
HealAllSoldiers - Heals all soldiers while in the Avenger .
(does not work during mission).
LevelUpBarracks # - Levels up all soldiers in Avenger Barracks by X levels.
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all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 11 2025.
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