Your Turn to Die: Death Game by Majority Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Your Turn to Die: Death Game by Majority | |
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Your Turn to Die: Death Game by Majority
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
How to Access Artbook:
Written by BeeKats
YTTD comes with a lengthy artbook, but it’s not clear directly
how to access it so here you go.
* Go to:
* Your Turn To Die (in your Steam library)
* Settings icon
* Manage
* Browse local game files
* Artbook folder
* En or jp!
Yes, it’s that easy! Have fun browsing through your new content.
The Red Room Guide:
Written by bckt
The Red Room is arguably one of the hardest puzzles in the game where you
don't get many hints on how to continue. This guide will walk you through
the entire puzzle.
The red room is unlocked once you see a figure walk into the red room. Only
then can you follow them inside. To unlock this cutscene you must complete
all the other tasks given to you at hand.
Only required item is the lighter
-=Collecting Items=-
When entering the room here are the things you can do immediately:
* Click on the box on top of the bookcase then on the bookcase itself
to reach the box. (Obtain 2 needles)
* Click on the papers on the desk in front of you. (Obtain Torn Paper)
* Click on the bottle of water in the right-hand corner of the room.
(Obtain Bottle)
* Light the candle by clicking the lighter item then clicking the candle.
(The bear will start twitching after you have done this.
This concludes the first section of the puzzle.
-=Using Items (Part 1)=-
Now that you have obtained the items needed to solve the puzzle,
use them correctly.
What to do with the items previously collected:
* Click on Torn Paper and then click on the bear.
(Obtain Flathead Screwdriver)
* Click on the Two Needles and click on the clock. To figure out what
numbers to place the needles at click on the alarm clock previously
hidden by the books 24 hour military time. 5:15
(Obtain Phillips Screwdriver)
* Click on Tool Box and click on the box in the right corner of the room.
(Obtain Allen Wrench)
-=Using Items (Part 2)=-
If you have done the steps previously mentioned, then the ceiling will
now be bleeding.
Here is what to do next:
* Click on Tool Box and click on the blood on the floor, then click
on the Water Bottle and click on the bloody tile. (Obtain Nail Puller)
Now you have all 4 tools to take off the painting on the wall.
* Click the Tool Box then click the painting.
Attraction Assistance Guide (Chapter 2):
Written by 0hKay
Need help with attractions? Wanna get the achievement for doing all of
them, or just figure out which ones are best for you to do? Well, this
guide is for you!
-=Attractions (Sorted by Difficulty)=-
‘ll list off the easiest attractions then follow them with medium/normal
difficulty, then hard and mention the best (easiest) character to play
them with.
Quick Draw (Easy by default, kept easy with Sou or Nao. Sou can see what
weapon will be used in advance while Nao gives you an extra second of
reaction time by getting a premonition. However, if you have a bad reaction
time, I’d recommend using Reko instead, as she delays the time between the
weapon being displayed and the opponent attacking.)
Charge Card Battle (Normal by default, made easy with Keiji, as when you
play as him he can occasionally see two of the opponent’s cards.)
Arm Wrestling (Normal by default, made easy with Keiji. He slows down the
bar to make hitting within the correct boundary easier.)
Runaway Minecart (Easiest with Gin, who offers more speed-boosts. If you
don’t get it on your first try, don’t be discouraged! I didn’t either
because I couldn’t unscrew the metal bars. You’ll probably get it on your
second or third try!)
Hide n’ Seek (It becomes easier with Alice, whomst gets a little “!” by
his icon when he is about to get caught by a demon to indicate to the
player they need to reposition him behind the rock. A little tip for the
red-haired demon, when he stops moving, he’s about to turn around., and
the mask demon often appears shortly after him.)
Spirit Shutter (It’s kinda like Gin’s birdcage game. It gets made easier
with Reko, who will give you a warning briefly before a spirit pops up to
give you extra time.)
Memory dance (I know what you’re thinking. “WHAT?! This is the hardest,
girl!!” It’s not if you can use another device like your phone to record
the dance and use Reko to make it easier as she remembers the last few
moves made and you can always look at the recording you took to help.)
Stay on Target (Made easier with Reko. When you play as her the area of
concentration becomes slower, allowing for more reaction time. To be honest,
I wouldn’t recommend doing this one if you don’t aim for the achievement,
as it was a bit tedious, at least for me.)
Fly Swatter (No characters change/ease the difficulty for this one, but
the best out of the three would most likely be Gin if you’re trying to
get it over with, as he sometimes recovers health for Sara when you play
as her.)
If you don’t wanna do all the minigames (you just wanna get past this
part of the game) remember that you can trade in 30/60 me-tokens from
other characters for 1/2 free clears!
How to Get Past Maple:
Written by B
-=Maple #1=-
* Choose Ranmaru to be the decoy.
* Have Sara pound on the door.
* Get Sara to go behind Maple.
* Push the yellow button.
-=Maple #2=-
* Have Mai read the letter.
* Have Ranmaru give the letter back.
* Have Sou or Kanna accept the handkerchief from Maple.
* Have Q-taro tell a joke.
* Have Sou or Kanna give the handkerchief back.
* Chat using Hinako.
* Listen using Alice or Reko.
* Once you fill about 3/4 of the bar full, have Anzu reconcile.
-=Maple Hints For #1-=
* Maple usually follows a routine. Going from Angry -> Sad -> Happy.
* If Maple is angry, you can’t use Sara to get behind her.
* If Maple is sad, press the blue button, if happy press the yellow button.
-=Maple Hints For #2=-
* It goes through patterns the same as #1.
* If she’s sad, you either give the letter back or the handkerchief back.
* If she is happy, you have Sou or Kanna accept the handkerchief, chat
with Hinako, or have Kurumada tell a joke.
* If she’s angry, have Q-taro make a joke or use Reko or Alice to be
quiet and listen to her feelings.
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Spotlight - New Version CheatBook-DataBase 2025 |
Cheatbook-Database 2025 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
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all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 11 2025.
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