
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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 Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links Cheats

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Free Gems:
-=The Gate=-
Click the Water fountain in the rear.
-=The PVP Arena=-
Click one of the street lights.
-=PVP Arena: 5 gems daily=-
Though it said in game, it’s worth pointing out that the daily replay 
in this area (the TV in the street) will give you 5 gems a day.
-=The Card Shop=-
Click the top of the shop, above the doors.
-=The Card Studio=-
Click the trash can in the bottom left.

F2P Level 30 Alexis Farm Deck:
Written by BlackRose

Hello fellow duelists! So for a while now Cyber Angels have been blowing up in 
popularity and so I've decided to make a farm deck since most people will want to 
build a Cyber Angels deck. I've been hearing a lot that some f2p players are unable 
to effectively and efficiently farm level 40 Alexis due to her decklist being to 
difficult to farm. So now I have decided to make a level 30 F2P farm deck that is 
very easy to play and make.

-=Deck List=
This here is the deck list, don't be scared if you do not have some cards because a 
lot of the cards in the deck are just disposable foils. Speaking of disposable foils, 
next I'm going to list all of the essential cards and all of the disposable foils 
cards are:

-=Essential Skill=-
Elements Unite!

-=Essential Cards
Jar of Greed
Shooting Star Bow - Ceal
Blustering Winds
H - Heated Heart
Blind Spot Strike
White Elephant's Gift
Any two non effect foil monsters
Shard of Greed

-=Disposable Foils=-
Half Shut
Enemy Controller
GraveDigger Ghoul
The Inexperienced Spy
Mooyan Curry
Blue Medicine

-=How to Use the Deck=-
Key things to remember!

You start off at 500 LP due to your skill
Always finish the duel when you have 0 cards in deck 
Keep GG(Gate Guardian) in defense mode
Never use any of your buff cards unless its the last turn
Use Mooyan Curry on the enemy 
Use all your disposable cards when you draw them
If your hand gets too full you can always set cards 
Only play a monster when you can combo with WEG(White Elephants Gift) 
Only play the second monster to buff up her Cyber Blader to combo with Riryoku 
Blind Spot Strike only works on DEF monsters so you might want to keep Econ 
Since GG is in DEF you can use Shooting Star when you draw it
You will always have more cards then Alexis

On turn 1 you will have the 3 elements on the field and a GG in your hand. Since you 
only have 1 card in your hand to start off with, you will always have more cards then 
Alexis, which is bad. Make sure to play all of your Jar and Shard of Greeds when you 
can. When you draw a card, if its a disposable card, play it immediately. If its an 
essential card, keep it until ur last turn. If your hand gets too full which it will 
sometimes, you can set down cards to free up some space. Repeat this process until 
you reach the turn where you have 0 cards left in your deck. Most of the time Alexis 
will have played a Cyber Blader, and a Cyber angel Idaten. This is important because 
you will need her to play those cards so that you can steal their stats and add them 
to your GG. You want to use all of your buff cards on your GG, Blind Spot Strike their 
highest defense monster (usually Idaten) and if it isn't in defense mode you can use 
Enemy Controller to set it to defense mode. BEFORE YOU USE RIRYOKU play your second 
monster so that Cyber Blader can double its attack, this is essential because without 
this, you are losing 2100atk.

Tips and Tricks:
-=Starting Out & PvE=-
* Between level-up rewards, events, and stage missions, you’ll get plenty of gems, 
  and the single-player is a completely realized game at about the same tier as the
  old GBA/DS ones. Just make whatever decks and play whatever characters you want, 
  and you’ll have a pretty good time.
* Start as whoever you like more, the game isn’t hard enough to punish you for that 
  decision, and you’ll unlock the other before too long.
* If you can’t decide, Kaiba’s starting deck is slightly better, and his level 13 
  skill, Beatdown, is so good and general-purpose that it got nerfed (It’s still 
  very useful, just limited to once per Duel now.).
* Once you have other character options, you may want to look through their skills 
  and level-up rewards lists before you commit to one; some characters can give you 
  pretty good cards for specific decks that you can’t get any other way, or have 
  unique skills that can push a deck over the top from “okay” to “pretty dang good.”
* Your first 500 gems should go towards your starting character’s first/older 
  structure deck, then 1000 into their second/newer one. After that, focus on whichever
  of the newest packs looks like it has a deck you might want to play.
* Prebuilt decks are also a decent place to start on something cool, but you can only 
  get one copy of each in pure F2P. The second costs $2 of real-world money, but 
  might be worth it to you, and the third costs several time more.
* Focus your efforts on the missions to level up your Stage at first. That’s where 
  most of the good unlocks are gated behind, including other characters, and AI 
  opponents who don’t suck.
* Your stock of generic duelists refreshes every time you level up the stage, which
  can be very useful for keeping a long play session going early on.
* Don’t try to grind duels at the gates for card drops until you can duel Level 40 
  characters (Stage 30). They’re more difficult, but it clears most of the chaff 
  out of their drop lists.
* Once you can, though, grind Level 40 Kaiba for two copies of Enemy Controller. 
  It is, hands down, the best general purpose PvE-drop card in the game, and fits 
  into virtually any deck.
* The other series have their own characters and their own Stage levels. Great for 
  collecting more gems if you want to, and can have some pretty interesting skills/
  drops. The level of generic duelists you fight carries over across series, 
  regardless of their respective Stage levels.

* If you’re just interested in the stage rewards or casual PVP, play whatever 
  decks you like, the low ranks are mostly other casual players (and the occasional 
* Rogue/budget decks can still do respectably well, but you’ll probably top out 
  at about low-to-mid Platinum unless you start getting serious.
* If you’re aiming to climb the ranks that will give you the approximate costs of 
  building whatever are currently the top tier decks. Go through them until you 
  find one that interests you, then put it or something like it together, ideally
  unlocking and then grinding with the recommended character to do so.
* Take some notes on what you’re looking for, just in case the guide changes 
  between when you start building; finishing up a deck that isn’t quite top tier 
  any more is probably a better use of your time than starting from scratch on 
  something new.
* Don’t worry so much about the cost of tech cards at first, just find something 
  where most of the core cards you want are in a single box. Those Enemy Controllers
  you got from Kaiba are just as useful in PvP as PvE.

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