Zoeti Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Tips to Strategy:
For your deck, you should always have either a multistrike card (cards
that hit multiple times, preferably 5+) or big draw size so that you
spam 1 cost attack card to remove shields.
The enemy with evade that you faced for example requires that you either
use the multistrike to remove the evade OR use a big damaging skill, each
evade stack protects against 10 damage, 4 evade stacks means they’ll dodge
any damage bellow 41 and consume 1 stack, so if you do 41 damage they won’t
consume the evade stacks and the enemy will take the hit.
For the 2 snakes, I don’t think I’ve faced it yet, although I’ve just finished
the 2nd story.
-=Some tips I can give you=-
* Always focus on acessories, they’re the bread and butter of all roguelikes,
by acessories I mean the ones that the shop in town doesn’t sell (The shop
in the map offers acessories that don’t deteriorate…if you have the coin).
* When meditating, there is a 2nd tab to upgrade YOUR HERO, the first upgrade
is really great (+1 draw size +1 starting hand), the more cards you draw,
the more possibilities you have.
* Although the town shop sells deteriorated acessories, some are still useful
because of the deteriorating condition, for example, the ‘SLING’ will give
the ‘FLAW’ debuff to monsters that start the fight with over 250hp, this
usually means…bosses, so for a very cheap amount you get a 100% damage
increase debuff on the boss on the first turn.
* Again, prioritize your archetype deck, there are many out there but for
the beginning you should focus either on multihit strength stacking (buffs
strength and then uses skill that hits multiple times) or big hits (Usually
the combo frailty + sundering earth (3-of a kind)).
That’s pretty much it, this game isn’t that complex however it requires a lot
of attention to some details because of the cards mechanics.
-=The 2 times that I failed a run in this game were because=-
* I had a gash debuff but couldn’t read what it did and then spammed 8 1-cost
attack skills….to my surprise, gash doubles everytime you use a card so…
* I built an armor archetype and found a bug with one of the cards, instead
of using my armor to damage the enemy, it seems to use the enemy’s armor.
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Cheatbook-Database 2025 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
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all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 11 2025.
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