Grim Dawn is an action role-playing game developed by Crate Entertainment. Enter an apocalyptic fantasy world where humanity is on the
brink of extinction, iron is valued above gold and trust is hard earned. This ARPG features complex character development, hundreds of
unique items, crafting and quests with choice & consequence. Crate Entertainment is a small indie studio founded by the lead gameplay
designer of Titan Quest. Join the Grim Dawn community and provide feedback on the ongoing development of the game. Be among the first
to experience our growing world, new features and make your mark by participating in polls and discussions on our forum. Key Features:
Dual class - combine any of five distinct skill classes each with multiple skill trees in which to specialize. Advance your class mastery
to unlock over 25 powerful skills and synergistic modifiers per class. Soldier, Demolitionist, Occultist and Nightblade are currently
playable with the Arcanist on the way. Augment your class build with a diverse array of unique skills granted by items and components.
Trainer for the game Grim Dawn, you can use it to activate these essential Cheat Codes:
+changing the amount of iron (gold)
+changing your current level, experience, stat- & skillpoints
+When manipulating your physique and/or spirit, your health and/or energy is
getting automatically adjusted correctly.
1 point Physique = 3 Health | 1 point Spirit = 2 Energy
+Optionally added the possibility to permanently add the increment Attributes
+when changing your current level, stat- & skillpoints also get increased
+option to reset skillpoints (resets skillpoints depending on your level and
resets all skills to zero)
+changing the level cap (so ur able to level beyond lvl50)
Option to automaticly set the maximum level to the one you have previously
for this character each time you create a new game.
Using this option prevents you of accidently loosing exp cuz you forgot to
set the maximum level again after creating a game with the particular char.
+Infinite Health
+Infinite Energy
+changing the attack-, movement- and cast-speed
+changing the reputation value on all factions! All factions are infinitely
adjustable now and support reputation from -30k to +30k.
+Zoom-Hack (up to 12times higher zoom)
+Activate all inGame available blueprints
+All in all you now should have 275 blueprints :D
+The list contains some gimmicks like developer testitems or mythical relics!
+direct manipulation on each inGame available skill
+manipulation of the skilllevels gained from equip for each available skill
+setting the level of a skill up to the maximum skill lvl (which is about 10
levels higher as when using the regular ingame skillpoints)!
+for example, this lets you set the level of 'Cadence' to 26/16
+additionally the trainer gives you the possibillity to activate 'hidden'
+those skills belong to a not yet published sixths class.
+basicly those skills are not useable for anyone playing the game the regular
way :P
+Option to allways have 23 Savagary Charges active.
Savagary is a new Shamanskill which gives you 224 - 224 Lightning Damage and
+70% Ligthning Modifier!
+remove the cooldown on any skill
+manipulate base stats (Physique, Cunning, Spirit, Health & Energy)
+manipulate character stats (Hero/Boss kills, Monster kills, Damage dealt,
Damage taken, Total Deaths)
+option to reset statpoints (resets skillpoints depending on your level and
resets your base physique, cunning & spirit to its base values)
+option to save your current heroes position and teleport to a saved position
(still "beta"! probably wont work!)
+option to change the character name
+option to manipulate the color of your characters name.
This color will be visible to other players everywhere inGame.
+option to no longer need any materials for crafting
+Free dismantling!
Just click on the combine / dismantle button, even if it isnt active!
+never-ending potiens (once activated a flasks runs until you die or logout!)
+Export/Import of Skill-Sets
+added an option to ressurect dead Hardcore characters!
NOTE: Please follow the instructions given.
+Option to unlock Elite Difficulty
+Option to unlock Ultimate Difficulty
+Option to manipulate resistances
(fire, cold, lightning, poison and acid, piercing, bleeding, vitality, aether
stun, chaos, Physical, Freeze, Slow & Sleep)
+option to edit the elapsed time
+option to alter "Greatest Monster Killed"
+option to automaticly use HP Potiens
+display experience per hour
+display time to level up
+option to display those stats via inGame overlay
+option to change your character size (the bigger your character is the faster
your character walks. This can exceed the general run speed limit!)
+Option to force your character to join any Multiplayer game regardless of
character level and/or gamemode (hardcore/normal)
+Option to refresh a vendors itemtable.
+'Short Distance Teleport' !
The particular Hotkey is 'F1'
+Option to capture your level up with 5 pictures the second you level up.
ScreenShot Dir: \\'Trainer Root'\Captured-LvlUps\'CharName'\
+Option to manipulate the number of enemies spawned by the game (spawnrate).
+Added option for endless buffs.
+See '' for more information.
+Added support for the new devotion system.
+Option to activate each available Celestial Power.
+Option to manipulate available & unlocked Devotion Points.
+Option to change your current affinity requierements.
+NOTE these (affinity requierements) aren't permanent!
+Added Option to enable 'Dual-Wielding' on any char even if it does not have
+the requiered skills leveled.
+several options from the developer console.
- Hide HUD (This hides grim dawn's HUD)
- LogData (This displays various data for the player and npcs directly
overlayed ingame. I assume this is one of those options Crate uses for
debugging... quite fun to watch.)
- Ignore Requirements (Enable this option and you will no longer have any
requirements on items. E.G. equiping a weapon which needs lvl70 at level1)
- Game Speed Multiplier (This is the original multiplier for speed Grim Dawn
uses. With that being said, changing this value will not just effect your
character only but EVERYTHING! Lowering this value below 1 even increases
loading times ;) because everything is being slower. The original value
for this multiplier is '1' GDTH gives you the possibility to manipulate
this value from 0.0 up to 20.0! And btw. 0.0 means the game stops completly
you need to increase the value first before you will be able to continue
playing.). Also this is the reason why i've not removed the superman option
because of the speed multiplier, Clark Kent effects only the player and
nothing else.
- Graphics Stats (Enables / disables displaying a variety of stats including
frame rate)
- Play Stats (Displays a variety of player stats on the screen)
- UI Informations (Displays a variety of OnMouseOver Object informations
- Sound Stats (Enables or disables displaying a variety of sound statistics)
- Physics Stats (Shows data when things affect physics engine)
- Weather Stats (Displays a variety of weather stats on the screen)
- Ambiance Stats (Displays a variety of ambiance stats on the screen)
- Set Player Invisible (Makes it so enemies don't see the player and thus
don't attack - but you can attack them)
- Always Warp To Cursor (Makes it so player always warps to destination)
+Added an option to fully enable the internal developer console
+After enabling this option you can call the console by using the '^' key.
+GDTH now features a real teleport-hack!
+You can save as many positions as you want.
+Locations once saved are accessible from the dropdownlist to teleport to.
+Option to automatically read out every NPC text you encounter.
+Option to change the Camera angle.
- You can change the camera angle by holding your middle mousebutton down &
moving your cursor up or down.
+Day/Night toggle or directly specify a new inGame time.
+Disable Fog.
+Disable all effects.
+Maximize the lightradius.
+Change your characters gender.
+option to reset one-shot chests so that they are farmable.
+Added an option to free the camera.
+You can move the camera through the world by using the following hotkeys:
+- move Camera to the north : ALT + Up
+- move Camera to the south : ALT + Down
+- move Camera to the west : ALT + Left
+- move Camera to the east : ALT + Right
+- move Camera to up (z axis) : SHIFT + Up
+- move Camera to down (z axis) : SHIFT + Down
+- To reset the camera position back to normal simply uncheck this option!