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Aces and Adventures
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Deck Strategies Guide:
Here is my (likely very obvious) share:
On warrior - focus on defense/counter attack with shield cards
and shield/def traits. Makes the campaign a cakewalk to be honest.
My warrior (Magnor) deck ended as the list below. I could probably
take out some healing and the offensive buffs and make it even more
defensive/counter in nature but didn’t find the need to do that:
* Broad Axe Block +1 (x2)
* Brunhildr’s Kiss
* Chop+1
* Defensive Stance (2)
* Defensive Stance +1
* Dig Deep
* Finishing Blow +1 (2)
* Finishing Blow +2
* Flailing Shield
* Grapple Shield +1 (2)
* Grapple Shield +2
* Health Potion (2)
* Heart of Ox +1 (2)
* Heart of Ox +2
* Intimidate (3)
* Intimidate +1
* Oak Biscuit +1
* Oaken Revene (2)
* Offensive Stance
* Offensive Stance +1
* Riposte
My rogue (Shae Linn) ended up as the list below. Focused on attack avoidance,
and ensuring I could wild or draw cards into pairs and attacks as often as
* After Image +1
* After Image +2
* Arashi
* Arashi +1
* Contract (2)
* Contract +1
* Dodge +2
* Obsidian Blade +1
* Obsidian Blade +2
* Pickpocket
* Pickpocket +1
* Shank
* Shank +1 (2)
* Shuriken +1
* Sleight of Hand +1
* Smoke Bomb (2)
* Smoke Bomb +1
* Smoke Bomb _2
* Speed of Shadow
* Speed of Shadow +1
* Thieves Tools (2)
* Thieves Tools +1
* Thirsting Fang (2)
* Thirsting Fang +2
* Twist the Knife
Tips to Beat Niflheim Winter:
* You can beat it with a defensive warrior deck, pretty much just stack
shields and never attack and win every defense.
* Since it doesn’t rely on abilities much, it can handle the extra ability
cost without too much problem.
* Take the +1 shield per turn trait on level 1, take spiked shield level 2,
and melee master level 3.
* Use your attacks on riposte, stack defense with wear the shield.
* Enemies will have a hard time putting up many cards against you in attacks,
and they will kill themselves as they attack into your shields.
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