Achilles Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Hints and Tips for:
Achilles | |
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Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Easy kills:
To get instant kills on normal enemies, throw the spear at them
by walking towards them and attacking at the same time. I strongly
recommend doing this on spearmen, so you can get another spear.
Easy kills:
Submitted by: alan
To kill swordsmen easily, crouch down to block, and when they stand next
to you, kick them, then let them have it with your sword. Save your spears
for spearmen and bowmen.
Freeze Enemies:
Submitted by: flurgen
Hold the crouch button and kick the enemies leg to break it and the enemie
will freeze. But when you attack him again he will unfreeze.
Code to level 5 boss:
Submitted by: Hell Taker
This is very hard but u have to have a spear try to plunge him it wont work
of it does it will take about 25% away so kick him and do it until he is dead
because he frezzes and when you kick about 5 out of 100% goes.
Fighting bowman:
Submitted by: trent
When you are fighting a bowman push s or the down arrow to block then after
the bowman fiers is arrow the move troords him then when is is obout to figher
agian do the same thing then move towords him again intell you are cloos inofeter
to ous your sword or kick him that is if you through your spear earlyer.
Control+right arrow:
Submitted by: RAS
If you hold control then press the right arrow key you win the whole game.
Make sure you push the right arrow key ,and only once.If you push it twice you
will lose the whole game.Also make sure you are holding the control button the
whole time.
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Spotlight - New Version CheatBook-DataBase 2024 |
Cheatbook-Database 2024 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, Wii U,
DVD, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid
gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 27.700 Games, this database represents
all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 7, 2024.
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