
Aliens vs. Predator (2010) Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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 Aliens vs. Predator (2010) Cheats

Aliens vs. Predator (2010)

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Avoiding instant kills as the Marine:
In Multiplayer mode, keep your back against walls to prevent getting
killed instantly by Aliens and Predators.

Getting past ventilation shaft as the Alien:
In Level 3 as the Alien, the Queen will tell you to get to the bottom of
a shaft with a huge fan at the top. When you get close to it, another 
Xenomorph will be blown into the fan. If you use your Focus, you can see
two vents on the opposite wall. You can use either of them and safely jump
to it despite the power of the fan. As you continue, you will find more 
vents to hide in. Use them to make your way down.

Finding collectibles:
While playing as an Alien or Predator, activate your Focus to get 
collectibles to appear as flashes on the HUD.

Unlockable Skins:
You can unlock additional skins by reaching the following levels:

Alien / Nethead      - Achieve Rank 34 
Alien / Praetorian   - Achieve Rank 19 
Alien / Ridged       - Achieve Rank 10 
Alien / Warrior Dome - Achieve Rank 04 
Marine / Connor      - Achieve Rank 05 
Marine / Gibson      - Achieve Rank 02 
Marine / Johnson     - Achieve Rank 22 
Marine / Moss        - Achieve Rank 13 
Marine / Rookie      - Achieve Rank 28 
Predator / Claw      - Achieve Rank 03 
Predator / Hunter    - Achieve Rank 16 
Predator / Spartan   - Achieve Rank 31 
Predator / Stalker   - Achieve Rank 07 
Predator / Wolf      - Achieve Rank 25 

Alien: Ventilation shaft:
As the Alien in level 3, the Queen will tell you to get to the bottom of a 
shaft with a giant fan at the top. As you get close to it, another Xenomorph
will be swept away and blown into the fan. If you use your Focus, you can see
two vents on the opposite wall. Choose either of them and you can safely jump
to it despite the power of the fan. As you go, you will find more vents to hide
in. Use them to make your way down.

Alien: Out of bounds:
As the Alien you can eventually reach the jungle and exit in a Marine complex. 
To the far side is a downed ship with "MARLOW" painted on the side. If you 
climb up this ship you will find a flat area of land on the other side of the 
electrified fence. Moving too far however will result in an instant death.

Alien: Disabling smart guns:
Located in several levels are red gas canisters with a small pilot light on them.
These can be pushed easily by walking into them. If you can get behind the smart 
gun, push it as close as possible and strike it once with a heavy attack (should 
be a tail strike). You will have a small amount of time to flee before it explodes,
disabling the smart gun. Note: Some smart guns will require a nearby terminal to 
be activated and some simply cannot be turned off, as they are used as a device
to herd you in a certain direction.

Marine: Avoiding instant kills:
In multi-player mode, keep your back against walls to prevent getting killed 
instantly by Aliens or Predators.

In some levels of the Alien and Marine, you can hear the Predators classic vocal 
sounds in the background. In some levels as the Alien you can just see the blurry
shape of a Predator moving when you enter a new area. There are also Predator Mines
laid out in certain areas that only the Alien can reach.

Civilian fear:
In some areas, Civilians will be so terrified of you they will actually kill 
themselves before you can get to them.

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