Amnesia - The Dark Descent Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Amnesia - The Dark Descent | |
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Amnesia - The Dark Descent
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Unlimited Health, Oil, and Sanity:
To activate these codes, you need to find your save files in a folder something like
(.../My Documents/Amnesia/Main/) and then click on your profile name. Open the save
file you wish to alter with notepad, and press [CTRL]+F. Then, search one of the
things (Health, Oil, Sanity) and look for the command streams below. Once the command
stream is found, edit the number at the end
(ex. edit [ var type="3" name="mfLampOil" val="0.000000" /]
to [ var type="3" name="mfLampOil" val="9999.000000" /] then just load up that
specific save file and the amount you entered should be granted to you.
Effect Code
Unlimited Health - [ var type="3" name="mfHealth" val="9999.000000" /]
Unlimited Oil - [ var type="3" name="mfLampOil" val="9999.000000" /]
Unlimited Sanity - [ var type="3" name="mfSanity" val="9999.000000" /]
Infinite tinderboxes - [var type="2" name="mlTinderboxes" val="999" /]
Note: Only change the values under the "cLuxPlayer_SaveData" node in the saved game file.
Unlockable How to Unlock
Bad Ending - Wait for Alexander to open and enter the portal.
Good Ending - Wait for Alexander to open up the portal. Once it opens place Agrippa's
head into it.
Revenge Ending - While Alexander is waiting for the portal to open push over the three
pillars that are giving it energy.
Another Ending - When Alexander locks you in the cell and tells you to stay there and
be killed by the shadow, don't escape. If you simply sit there the red
shadow stuff will enter the cell and kill you. You will hear the same
words from Alexander as in the Bad Ending when you let him enter the
Easter Eggs:
There is a rar file named "Super_Secret" in the "redist" folder of amnesia that has a
password. In order to view the files inside you need a combination of the 3 endings.
Each ending gives you a different part of the password, and when put together you can
view the files inside. Below are the pieces you receive from each ending, and the
completed password.
Revenge ending : lke271
Bad ending : tyr299
Good ending : odn314
Combining them gives you the password of: lke271tyr299odn314
If you hold a drawer from a dresser in front of you, the monsters won't see you. You
can walk right up to them! Once you remove the drawer they can see you again.
what to do in an enemy encounter:
When faced with the situation of being followed by one of the numerous monsters in the
game, don't try to defend yourself. Throwing items at the beast will only make it angry.
Use all of your effort to run/hide instead since you can't actually kill the monsters.
Enable Quicksave:
Locate your Amnesia game folder under your "My Documents" menu, then open the file
"user_settings.cfg" with your preferred text editor. Search for the line that reads
"AllowQuickSave="false" and change it into "AllowQuickSave="True", then save the
user_settings.cfg, remembering to retain the file extension (*.cfg).
The default key for quick saving is [F4] on your keyboard.
Use a text editor to edit the "user_settings.cfg" file in the directory:
"\My Documents\Amnesia\Main\[player name]".
Change the ShowCrossHair="false" line to ShowCrossHair="true".
Alternate endings:
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding ending:
Another ending : When Alexander locks you in the cell and tells you to remain there
and be killed by the shadow, do not escape.
Bad ending : Wait for Alexander to open, then enter the portal.
Good ending : Wait for Alexander to open the portal. Then, place Agrippa's head
into it.
Revenge ending : While Alexander is waiting for the portal to open, push over the
three pillars that are giving it energy.
Ignored by monsters:
Hold a drawer from a dresser in front of you.
Useful Tips & Tricks:
If you know you’ll stay in a specific area for a longer period of time, solving a puzzle
for instance, light up some torches or candles to keep your sanity up.
Pickable items can be thrown at monsters to slow them down pressing the right mouse button.
It’s best to put barrels or crates behind closed doors to slow the monster down a bit if
it’s chasing you.
If you have been spotted by a monster there will be a change in audio and a specific theme
will start playing, signalizing you have been seen and have to run. On hard mode, there is
no such “notification”.
Most monsters despawn after a short period of time, they never stay around. There are spawn
points for them to appear after you enter a specific place. If they don’t see you or you run
from them and hide for a minute or two, they will give the chase up, stop lurking about and
The first “chapter” of the game is purely tutorial, therefore no real danger is present up
untill entering the Back Hall, so long as you wait once the monsters spawn. Most of the first
monster encounters are purely cinematical, so just wait till they go off your screen and
they’re gone.
You can hide in a closet, behind a stack of crates or barrels.
Search every area thoroughly, open every drawer and look in all shelves, collectibles lie
For a good measure, it’s better to close doors behind you.
Always maintain your lantern half empty, you may find an oil barrel and therefore refill
your lantern, instead of wasting some oil.
Make sure to utilize leaning, you are less likely to be seen while leaning using Q or E and
you get a good vision of the area, instead of walking up.
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