Anomaly - Warzone Earth Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Anomaly - Warzone Earth | |
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Anomaly - Warzone Earth
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Steam achievements:
Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement. To
view your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then "My
profile", then "View all my games", then the game and view stats.
Achievement Description
A Bridge Too Far : Complete Tokyo raid.
Army Nurse : Use one Repair ability to fix 400 damage.
As it Comes : Complete mission 7 without a single unit upgrade
in Advanced difficulty mode.
Avenger : Destroy 5000 towers.
Baghdad Saviour : Complete Baghdad chapter of Story Mode.
Blinded Enemy : Use one Smoke Screen ability to protect 6 units.
Blink Of An Eye : Complete mission 6 while beating timed part in
less than 190 seconds in Advanced difficulty mode.
Charge Champ : Complete mission 1 having 7 Repair ability charges
in Advanced difficulty mode.
Charge Master : Complete mission 5 having 20 ability charges in
Advanced difficulty mode.
Death From Above : Use one Airstrike ability to kill 4 towers.
Diversity Is Fun : Complete a mission with squad composed of 6 different
Down But Not Out : Complete mission 13 while letting at least 7 artillery
strikes hit your squad in Advanced difficulty mode.
Earth Saviour : Complete story mode.
Eureka : Protect deployed Decoy with Smoke Screen.
First Blood : Destroy 10 towers.
Fists of Stone : Earn 5 gold Ruthlessness medals.
Foot Soldier : Complete mission 10 without using Air Strike ability
in Advanced difficulty mode.
Gold Standard : Earn a gold medal.
Lightning Strike : Earn 10 gold Directness medals.
Little Collector : Collect 20 abilities.
Mayhem Unleashed : Complete baghdad mayhem.
Millionaire : Earn $50.000.
Multitasker : Use 4 different abilities simultaneously.
On Fire : Complete mission 3 while moving your squad in front
each Scorcher in Advanced difficulty mode.
Pimp Your Squad : Fully upgrade a unit.
Provident : Earn 10 gold Efficiency medals.
Repairman : Repair 5 units.
Standing Tall : Complete mission 9 without Hero getting knocked down
in Advanced difficulty mode.
Survivalist : Complete a mission without using Repair ability.
Tokyo Saviour : Complete Tokyo chapter of Story Mode.
Tower Buster : Complete mission 2 with every tower killed in Advanced
difficulty mode.
Towerbane : Destroy every tower type 10 times each.
Unscathed : Complete mission 8 with transporter not being hit in
Advanced difficulty mode.
War Hero : Earn every gold medal during Story Mode.
What You See : Complete mission 4 without using Decoy ability in
Advanced difficulty mode.
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