Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Use a text editor to edit the "DefaultInput.Ini" file in the game folder, which is probably in
the "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Antichamber\UDKGame\Config\" directory.
Locate the following section:
; Uncomment these to disable the console access
Notice there are two entries for the "ConsoleKey" command. Change the second instance (the one
that was originally "ConsoleKey=None") to any desired key (for example, "ConsoleKey=F12"). Then
while playing the game, press that key to display the console window. Type one of the following
codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result Cheat Code
God mode - god
Toggle invisibility - invisible [0 or 1]
No clipping mode - ghost
Flight mode - fly
Disable no clipping or flight modes - walk
Toggle third person view - behindview [0 or 1]
Set game speed; "1.0" is default - slomo [number]
Keeping the black gun:
In The End when you collect the black hypercube, your gun will turn black. If you press [Esc]
just after collecting this entity, you will keep the black gun.
Elevating without yellow gun:
While repetitive, it is possible to use a single block against a wall to reach higher areas by
taking it from beneath your feet, jumping as it disappears, and placing it below you mid-air.
If done correctly, you will slowly scale any wall. This becomes useless once you get the yellow
gun, but it is a very good way to explore normally unreachable areas early in the game.
Reaching The End:
Go into A Jump Too Far, go forward, and turn left to the eye. Stare at the wall, then proceed
through Running Into Trouble by walking on the bridge. As the entity in the middle of this room
gets excited with movement, it will disintegrate the bridge. Then in The Ground Floor, collect
the two blue blocks. Backtrack to the beginning (at the door labeled "The End"), then utilize
the red gun's block-multiplying and mass-painting abilities to paint from the floor up a wall
to meet with the other red blocks. You will then be taken into the finale, which mostly involves
transferring blocks in various areas.
Passing the stairway in The End:
Descend into the middle story, then make your way through the stairs in the middle. They appear
to lead nowhere, but there is an invisible floor. Jump to hide the invisible wall in the middle
of the invisible floor blocking your way. Proceed up the second set of stairs leading to the exit.
It appears blocked, but there is another invisible floor you can run on without the entity in the
middle of the room disintegrating the stairs. Use this to disintegrate the wall blocking your
path to proceed through the rest of the area, which utilizes all the skills you will have learned
earlier in the game.
Block separation and cannibalization:
Blocks can be manipulated in by a far greater means than placing, collecting and moving, and such
complexity beyond this is usually used in puzzles. Here are some basic manipulation techniques that
should permit you to complete every block-based puzzle in the game, which usually contain respawning
The smaller portion of blocks in a split will always be removed. If the blocks are in a line, then
cutting close to what would constitute the middle will remove everything. In certain instances, it
may be beneficial to separate blocks which respawn in a puzzle. To do this, remove a block which
will remove the lesser portion, or remove an end block:
Move the visible portion:
Let the blocks respawn:
### ###
Very few puzzles will require block cannibalization, but it can be done, as follows:
Remove a block:
# ###
Move the visible portion:
Missing block respawns and overwrites the block occupied:
Few puzzles may also require the player to delete-at-spawn blocks, as blocks respawn incrementally from
the middle first. In this case the plus sign is used to represent a half-spawned block.
Remove the middle block:
Wait for blocks to spawn:
Delete the fully-spawned block:
# #
While a more complicated means of separation, since all the blocks disappear, this is your only option
to enable block separation when forced to delete all the blocks in a puzzle, most likely due to a glass
covering. Blocks that respawn can also be moved out of the way; do not forget this when encountering
block obstacles. Blocks in glass cannot be selected, but blocks in glass can be selected for movement
when a block outside of glass is selected first.
There are two types of block emancipators. Yellow emancipators allow blocks through, but not when you
are carrying them. Purple/Pink emancipators bar blocks from going through them, but you keep your
blocks. In combination, they can create an impenetrable barrier against the use of any blocks, usually
in preparation for another puzzle.
The End:
Go into A Jump Too Far, go forward and take a left to the eye. Stare down the wall, then proceed
through Running Into Trouble by walking on the bridge, as the entity in the middle of this room gets
excited with movement, and will disintegrate the bridge. Then in The Ground Floor, collect the two
blue blocks. Backtrack to the beginning, at the door labeled "The End", then utilize the red gun's
block-multiplying and mass-painting properties to paint from the floor up a wall to meet with the
other red blocks. The game will then take you into the finale, which mostly involves transferring
blocks in various areas.
The stairway (at The End section):
Descend into the middle story, then make your way through the stairs in the middle. They appear to
lead nowhere, but there is an invisible floor. Jump to hide the invisible wall in the middle of the
invisible floor blocking your way. Proceed up the second set of stairs leading to the exit. It
appears blocked, but there is another invisible floor you can run on without the entity in the middle
of the room disintegrating the stairs. Use this to disintegrate the wall blocking your path to proceed
through the rest of the level, which is fairly straight-forward, utilizing all the skills you will
have learned earlier in the game.
Fall through inertia elevators:
If you place blocks above you on an elevator, jump, then place more blocks below you as you are going
up, you may fall through the elevator and sequence-break into the next area. If unprepared, you will
encounter presently-unsolvable puzzles which will force you to return to the hub.
Here’s how to open the Console in-game, so you can enter cheat codes:
There’s an editable .ini file you can find to change settings.
Default location of the file:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Antichamber\UDKGame\Config
Look for a file called “DefaultInput.ini“. Once you find that .ini file, you can open and edit it
with Notepad. Changes will take effect after you save the file and start the game. You’ll recognize
some basic settings, below I’ve listed what changing some PC command lines do to change gameplay.
Warning: Edit game files at your own risk. Always save a copy of the original file, so you can
always switch your game back to the default settings. To enable the Console Commands during gameplay,
you have to edit the .ini file.
Change the ConsoleKey=None to ConsoleKey=F1 or ConsoleKey=Tilde or any key you want to press to
enable the Console after starting the game. It will be under “Uncomment these to disable console
access”. You don’t have to change anything else.
Here are some helpful codes:
Noclip: ghost
Stop noclip: walk
Unlock guns: unlockgun [VALUE]
1 for blue gun
2 for green gun
3 for yellow gun
4 for red gun
Unlock black gun (same functionality as red, but black): unlockblackgun
Unlock Dark Matter gun (the one you get at the end of the game): unlockdarkgun
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