
Apex Legends Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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 Apex Legends Cheats

Apex Legends

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David  K.

Tips and Tricks:
Apex Legends beginners’ tips and things to know:

1.You’re always in a squad of 3 players – if there are fewer than 3 of you 
  playing, you’ll be matchmade with strangers.

2.Apex Legends has a fantastic Ping system – so if you’re not a fan of voice chat, 
  you can communicate entirely by pings instead.

3.You can mute squadmates, too – head to the second tab of your inventory in-game, 
  and go to that player’s name where there’s an option to mute (you’re welcome).

4.There’s also both a text-to-speech and speech-to-text function – the text-to-
  speech is PC only as far as we can tell. They’re found in the main menu’s 
  settings page at the bottom of Game Settings under Accessibility Options.

5.Each game has 60 players – that’s 20 squads in total, each round. The in-game 
  counter in the top right of your HUD keeps track of squads, rather than players
  for the most part, because the high amount of survivability you have in the Apex
   Legends means eliminating squads is much more important than focusing on 

6.Rounds tend to last for between 14 and 25 minutes – much shorter than most battle 
  royales, thanks to the smaller player count and high mobility, combined with a 
  seemingly smaller map than usual.
7.The indicator on the middle-left of your HUD shows when the next ‘phase’ is coming 
  – in other words, when the circle is going to close in next and force you to the 
  next safe area (marked in faded white on your mini-map and map).

8.There are no vehicles – and of course no Titans. Movement is, instead, a case 
  using your squad’s character abilies and the environment efficiently.

9.Loot is generally spread out evenly, with the Hot Zone, Supply Ship and supply 
  drops the main points of focus instead of specific, high-loot areas – you’ll 
  still generally find more loot in places with lots of buildings, however.

10.You drop from the ship at the start in a fixed formation, following the 
  "Jumpmaster", but you can suggest and veto other suggestions with the Ping 
  system as you go – you can also break off and go your own way by holding the 
  button as prompted on your UI, if you like, but we recommend sticking with 
  your squad!

11.Generally speaking, Apex Legends is about one specific playstyle: fast, 
   constantly-moving gunplay with your squad. It’s not a game for lone rangers, 
   contemplative moments of solitude, or camping – although you’re welcome to 

Other Tips and Tricks:
1.There’s no fall damage – this is another key design decision, that lets you move around 
  incredibly quickly when combined with hopping on and off ziplines, buildings and more.

2.All characters move at the same speed – as confired by Apex Legends designer Carlos 
  Pineda on Twitter.

3.When you pick up a gun, it always has one full magazine of ammo in it – so even if 
  your pals has snaffled all the ammo nearby, for instance, you can still pick the gun 
  up and use it -briefly – in a pinch.

4.Death boxes are colour-coded to the highest-quality loot inside – so if you kill an 
  enemy with a top-tier, golden yellow backpack, their death box will be glowing yellow
  until you loot it out of there. Keep an eye out for purple and gold ones in particular
  then when you’ve finished a firefight, for some great loot!

5.Give your ultimate accelarants to Lifeline, so she can call in supply pods regularly 
  – she should be doing it as soon as it’s available, until the late game where it’s a 
  bit of a positional giveaway, in order to keep your squad maxed out with great gear. 
  Ultimate accelerants help her do this faster!
6.Equipment auto-attaches to weapons if it can – if it can attach to both, then it 
  defaults to the one with a free slot or, if they both have a free slot, the one you 
  have out at the time. You can swap attachments between them in the inventory screen.

7.Gear and ammo that can’t be used with anything you have equipped will have a red 
  crossout line over it in your inventory – unless it’s amazing, drop it, as inventory 
  space is limited!

8.Loot is generally spread quite evenly between buildings, so places with more buildings 
  tend to have more (and a higher chance of better) loot – the best loot, however is 
  from drop pods, hot zones and supply ships.

9.Gold loot has the same stats as purple loot, the tier below it, only it comes with 
  special bonus, like the gold body armour which fully regenerates your shield on using 
  a finisher on an enemy.

10.You can smash doors with melee attacks – this is great if you get pinned behind one
   by things like enemies and death boxes, which can leave you in a tricky spot. 
   Also it looks cool because you kick it.

11.There is, actually a kind of wall-climbing in the game – no proper wallrunning or 
   triple-jumps like Titanfall of course, but you can ‘wall-climb’ up to about 3 or 4
   times your height by sprinting at a wall and holding the Jump button whilst looking 
   upwards. Often your character will get surprisingly far up a wall and onto ledges 
   you wouldn’t think were accessible, without any help. Worth practising and mastering!
12.Use doors to climb even higher – old-school PUBG players will recognise this one. 
   Open a door and wall-climb onto the top of that, and then from there wall-climb 
   further up the wall to reach otherwise inaccessible ledges and roofs of those mid-
   height buildings. Great way to surprise people.

Inventory Management:
Written by AvondaleTheProma

How to understand what exactly you need to have in your inventory? 
Guide mostly for beginners.

-=Part I: The Problem=-
You're unlucky enough not to have a backpack?
You running out of ammo all the time?
You think grenades are useless?
"Do i need 3 medkits or 3 phoenix kits?"

If you're on that list then this guide is for you!

-=Part II: The Questions=-
The most important question you have to ask yourself when you looking in your 
inventory is:

-=Is this stuff enough for 1 fight?=-
Also some minor questions you should know answers to:

* Grenades are useless?
* How much grenades do i need?
* How much ammo do i need?
* Which weapon needs more ammo?
* Health or armor?
* Med kits/Shield batteries or a Phoenix Kit?

-=Part III: The Answers=-
This is probably perfect amount of stuff for 1 fight without a backpack. Why?

If both of your guns are ARs, SMGs or LMGs then 120 for each is enough for a 
fight. For SRs, Shotguns and Pistols 1 slot(60 ammo or 16 for a shotgun) is 
enough and other gun could get 3 slots(160 ammo). If you use one type of bullets 
for each weapon nothing changes, still 240 ammo(4 slots) total. Good at shooting? 
then you can try to swap one ammo slot with a nade.

In close or mid-range fight you definetly don't need more than that. If your 
shield is level 3 or more then you might want to swap syringes or medkits with 
more shield cells. Armor is more important then health unless you have level 1 
or less shield. A battery or a medkit is more profitable then a Phoenix kit 
cause you can have 2 in one slot. 
8 cells and 2 batteries + 1 slot medkits/syringes is enough for a fight!

But 60 ammo will do more damage than a nade!

No. If you haven't killed an enemy with 240 bullets then 60 more won't help at all.

* Arc star deal 70 damage around plus 90 damage to a player if you hit him. 
  Damage TRIPLES against armor!
* A Perfect Frag Grenade will do 100 damage, but mostly around 60-90.
* Thermite nade deals 4 damage per tick(around 30 damage per second) when standing 
  inside the flames and 25 more damage after exiting the flames.

2 nades is good enough.

-=Part IV: What if?=-
But I have a Backpack

Collect more ammo and nades, heals are the same amount, maybe more shield cells 
or one phoenix kit. Also mobile respawner if you have one.

If you realy need to carry attachemts for weapon you might find, drop nades and 
ammo for current weapon(if it isn't using same ammo as future one), also you 
may drop 1 slot of medkits/syringes.

How to Move the Game from Origin to Steam:
Written by Ching-Cheng-Hanji

How to do it properly, and then you don't have to redownload 31gb the game files.

* First, you must update Apex Legends origin version to the latest version.
* After that, rename the game folder Origin version from Apex to Apex Legends 
  (In my case, be like that).
* After that, Move the game folder to the installation directory 
* Then install via steam, steam automatically discover the existing game files.
* That's it, you good to go.

* Valk’s Jetpacks will only start recharging 5 seconds after you hit the ground. 
  This is true whether or not you use up all your fuel.
* Get into the habit of only using your Jetpack for short bursts. It’s often not 
  worth spending it all to fly high into the sky.
* You can quickly toggle your Jetpack on and off in order to bounce along at roughly
  the same height through the air. A bit like mid-air bunny-hopping.
* Use your Jetpack in a tiny burst to quickly momentum-shift. You can use this as part 
  of many other movement techniques, such as backwards-sliding, tap-strafing, and   
* You’re an easier target while flying than you are while falling. Don’t expect to be 
  hard to hit if you keep using your Jetpack.
* When fighting in close range around cover such as a tree or pillar, you can fly high 
  upwards and continue to dodge around the cover before falling down upon the enemy, 
  or escaping.
* You can’t pull out weapons or use items while flying, but you can fire your Cluster 
* Holding down your Cluster Missile (but not firing it) will drastically cut down the 
  rate of fuel consumption while flying. Useful for wrongfooting an enemy during a 
  fight or escape attempt.
* When high in the sky, cut off your Jetpack with a small amount of fuel left. Just 
  before you hit the ground, use Jetpack again to cushion your landing and you won’t 
  suffer from any fall stun.

How to play wraith:
Written by By N1ght

Wraith is actually easy

You just need to get to it

To have movement :
1. Strafing – when you want to go right press D and look right with mouse, when 
   y ou want to go left press A and look left with mouse
2. Bunnyhopping – this is easy, just set ur mouse wheel down or up to jump and u 
   are good, to not ???? up the bunnyhops just strafe
3. Have movement when u are shooting, move around, practise shooting with movement 
   so u don’t miss
4. Just play more
-=How to play it ?=- 
1. Get movement with it 
Strafing – when u slide look left and press A, when u look right press D 
Press ctrl – when u are moving around 
Practice your wall jumps – you look at a wall, jump and look where u wanna go or 
just straight, don’t press anything else. 
2. Get yo keys right 
Jump – mouse wheel down or up, your choice 
Loot – u can go with mouse wheel up so u loot faster, your choice 
Crouch – u can get a second key – C so when u do a wall jump u don’t need to be 
always pressing ctrl 
3. Practice everyday on firing range your aim and your movement 
Play more, that’s what i did, my aim got better and movement too 
U can play aim training games too like aim labs its free.

How to Disable the Respawn Entertainment Intro:
Written by Moon Knight 

The intro graphic when launching the game is super loud and destroys eardrums. 
Here’s how to disable it.

So everyone knows that the intro graphic for Apex is super loud and very unnecessary 
but did you know that you can easily disable it?

There are two ways to do this.

-=Method 1: Launch Options=-
The easiest and simplest way is to right click on Apex Legends in your library, 
select Properties, and click Set Launch Options under the General tab.

Enter the command -dev and be sure to save.

Once the change is made you will be able to launch Apex Legends without the intro. 
It will skip it entirely and give you the "click to continue" menu, then you can 
access the main menu.

-=Method 2: File Directory=-
Alternatively, you can remove the intro through the game’s file directory.

Go to Your Drive:
-> Program Files -> Steam -> steamapps -> common -> Apex Legends -> media

In this media file you should see two files named "intro.bik" and "respawn.bik"

What you have to do is rename both of these files to something else and 
KEEP THE .bik PORTION. DO NOT remove the .bik or delete these files.

Example: renamed intro.bik and respawn.bik to apex.bik and legends.bik

Written by Guhbreel

This is a config to streamline supergliding. Supergliding has a ~10ms room for 
hitting the jump and crouch and jump again to execute the superglide. This will 
bind crouch and jump to your capslock key. It will also bind mwheel down to 
jump and lock fps to 30. Locking fps to 30 while scrolling your mouse wheel 
gives you less frames which = more margin for error as supergliding is a 
frame perfect mechanic.

* First open the Apex Legends folder locally 
  (Steam Library -> Left Click Apex Legends -> Properties -> Open Local Files)

* In the Apex Legends folder open the "cfg" folder.

* Copy "config_default_pc.cfg" -> Paste a COPY and delete all contents in the 
  COPY. We will be doing this 3 times pasting in new information in each new one 
  and renaming them to "superglide" 1-3.
  NAME: superglide1.cfg

  bind "CAPSLOCK" "+jump; exec superglide2.cfg" 0
  bind "MWHEELDOWN" "+jump" 0

  NAME: superglide2.cfg
  bind "MWHEELDOWN" "+jump; fps_max 30; exec superglide3.cfg" 0

  NAME: superglide3.cfg

  bind "MWHEELDOWN" "+duck; fps_max 190; exec superglide1.cfg" 0

* We will then need to add launch options so that Apex Legends will use 
  our new configs.

* Steam Library -> Left Click Apex Legends -> Properties -> General -> 
  Launch Options -> Paste "+exec superglide1.cfg"

* Load into training and make sure hitting your caps lock key makes you jump, 
  if it does your config should be running perfect.

* You will also need to disable vsync for FPS configs to work correctly.

* To perform the superglide you will go up to a ledge Sprint + W key -> 
  CapsLock to jump and climb ledge > Mwheel down to jump at the end of 
  your climb on the ledge.

* You will still need to get the timing right at the top of the climb for 
  it to execute properly. However that is the only timing element you need 
  with this config.

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