Automation: The Car Company Tycoon Game Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Automation: The Car Company Tycoon Game | |
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Automation: The Car Company Tycoon Game
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K
Extremely Improved Anti-Aliasing Guide:
Written by Awoo
Simply edit a text file and make your game look 350% better or more!
-=The Tweak=-
First of we will never get TRUE anti-aliasing (MSAA) in Automation due to it
using a deferred rendering engine, this means the AA in the game's settings,
and third party solutions such as ReShade will only have Post-Process Anti-
Aliasing such as SMAA or FXAA which don't really do a good job of removing
the jaggies accurately, only blurring them.
What are jaggies? These guys.
See the jagged lines/stair step patters in the image there? Look around,
you'll see it everywhere in your game, especially during building a car.
One thing we can do is downscaling, or "Supersampling" which is rendering
the game in a higher resolution than our monitor, and scaling the image down.
There are third-party options such as AMD VSR and Nvidia DSR, but I have not
had luck running DSR with Automation, and it causes Windows to have some
troubles, so avoiding these is best. Luckily for us Automation actually has
downscaling built in! Under your graphics options you'll notice an option
called "Resolution Scale" the maximum value we can set here is 150% which
for 1080p means 2880x1620. We want to go higher to fight the jaggies.
200% is a good place to start, which would be equivalent to 4k (3840x2160).
The tweak for this is to edit your "GameUserSettings.ini" file.
This is located in:
C:\Users\ \AppData\Local\AutomationGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor
Replacing with your Windows username.
The line you're looking for will be at the bottom under the section
[ScalabilityGroups], change the value
(The max 150% option in game) to a higher value. How high you can go with
this depends entirely on the specifications of your computer.
I for example am running a GTX 1070 and have no issues setting this to
Once you've made the change, save the file and launch the game.
It's important to know if you change the setting in-game you will have to
re-open the file and perform the change again, so be careful with your
clicky fingers!
Enjoy editing in your super-smooth design room now!
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