
Avalancher Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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 Avalancher Cheats


Flash Game Hints:
Submitted by: RM

* If you jump off the edge of the screen, you will appear on the 
  other side. This can quite often be of help, should you get stuck.
* The game has some glitches that you can use to your advantage. For
  instance, if you jump off the edge of the screen to the other side
  and try to catch hold of blocks that are partly off the screen, you
  will appear on top of these blocks. You can also get through some 
  tight spots in this way.
* I find that it's generally safer to jump on the side of a falling 
  block, not directly on top of it. This way, there's less chance of
  being crushed unexpectedly.
* The most important thing, I think, is to keep moving. Always. If 
  there's nothing to jump onto, keep jumping up and down to see what's
  coming your way.

Extry Feet Tip:
When the liquid is reaching dangerously close to your marshmellow thing,
try jumping in place, and if you see any blocks, try going to the sides 
and jumping off of them. Even if you survive, you will have gained extra

Tips for the Needy:
* When the liquid is reaching dangerously close to your marshmellow thing,
  try jumping in place, and if you see any blocks, try going to the sides 
  and jumping off of them. Even if you survive, you will have gained extra
  feet.- If you jump off the edge of the screen, you will appear on the 
  other side. This can quite often be of help, should you get stuck.
* The game has some glitches that you can use to your advantage. For 
  instance, if you jump off the edge of the screen to the other side and
  try to catch hold of blocks that are partly off the screen, you will 
  appear on top of these blocks. You can also get through some tight spots
  in this way.
* I find that it's generally safer to jump on the side of a falling block,
  not directly on top of it. This way, there's less chance of being crushed
* The most important thing, I think, is to keep moving. Always. If there's
  nothing to jump onto, keep jumping up and down to see what's coming your 
* Don't try to be dramatic. You will waste time...
  and probably get squished.
* Don't stop to look at how high you are. It only distracts you from your 
  goal. Actually another way to see how high you are. It starts getting 
  red at 200ft, and Black at 400ft. I don't know when it gets completely 
* Don't criticize monkeys.

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