
Bayonetta Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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 Bayonetta Cheats


Cheat Codes:
Submitted  by: David K.

Unlockables - Unlock Extra Costumes:
Purchase at Gates of Hell.

d'Arc          - "Couture Bullet (d'Arc)" for 100 Halos.
Nun            - "Couture Bullet (Nun)" for 100 Halos.
Old            - "Couture Bullet (Old) for 100 Halos.
Queen          - "Couture Bullet (Queen)" for 100 Halos.
Umbra          - "Couture Bullet (Umbra)" for 100 Halos.
P.E. Uniform   - "Couture Bullet (P.E. Uniform)" for 100 Halos.
Umbran Komachi - Purchase "Super Mirror" for 100 Halos.

Unlock Accessories:
Bangle of Time      - Complete the game under three hours on Normal or above.
Climax Bracelet     - Get 101 Umbran Tears of Blood.
Eternal Testimony   - Get 50 Umbran Tears of Blood.
Immortal Marionette - Clear Very Easy or Easy mode.

Unlockable Weapons:
Bazillions  - Clear Hard Mode.
Handguns    - Clear Normal Mode.
Pillow Talk - Clear Non-Stop Climax Mode.
Rodin       - Purchase the "Platinum Ticket" and beat Father Rodin.
Sai-fon     - Clear 100 chapters on normal or above.

Skipping Start-Up Videos:
Written by elBenyo
You can delete video files in Steam/steamapps/common/Bayonetta/data/movie/ 
without any crashing.

I got the SEGA logo, the Platinum Games logo, and the intro video that plays 
before the START screen. Loading time on start-up is improved and you don’t 
have to skip as many pre-rolls. There seems to be nothing that can be done 
about the CRIWARE logo.

PlatinumGames.sfd is the Platinum Logo,
B_US_0000.sfd is the SEGA logo.
Then syukyaku_A.sfd for the Intro.

This was done with trial and error, moving files out and then checking the 
effect. Let me know if you can decode the .sfd files and maybe we can eliminate 
the cutscene for entering Rodin’s shop by deleting another .sfd file.

Useful Tricks to Know:
Written by Veerat

Some quick, useful things to know about this game that will save you lots of 
time and make things smoother.

-=Saving Time=-
* Hold dodge and press select/options/minus (whatever your controller’s version of 
  that is) to skip cutscenes. This can also be used to skip the animation when 
  Bayonetta blows a kiss to break barriers at the end of combat, to skip the intro 
  and outro of the shop whenever you visit it, and to skip the introduction to Angel 
  Attack. This saves lots of time.

* Press kick to just skip playing Angel Attack and cash in all your bullets for 
  halos instead.

-=Useful to Know=-
* During the Alfheim verses where you have to fight ‘out of body’ while protecting 
  your body, equip the trinket that makes all enemies get enraged as soon as they 
  spawn. This will make them always attack you instead of your left behind body.

* Hold the taunt button to perform a longer taunt. This makes the trinket that heals 
  you a little bit for taunting proc multiple times.

* You can press select/options/minus/etc during the loading screen to make it stay on 
  the loading screen so you can practice, but if your PC loads very fast this might be
  near impossible to do.

Halo Farming (And Building Combo's):
Written by Uzi Master

Quick and dirty guide to farming halos effectively, as well as a run down of how to 
build combo's in general.

The best location for farming Halo's is the "Defeat All Enemies" Alfhiem in chapter II, 
located on a small bridge before the final Courtyard battle, I'll upload a screenshot 
at a later date.

This Alfhiem allows very high combo's (to the point where not only will the multiplier 
be maxed out, the actual combo number will exceed the digits as well)

But why this spot in particular? If you fail an Alfhiem, you'll still get any halo's 
you've accumulated from your combo. Simply let the last enemy hit you, and you can 
redo the Alfhiem until you have all the Halo's you could want.

-=Building the Combo=-
Actually getting a really high combo is something that you'll probably want to know 
as well, I'd imagine.

Obviously, the most important thing is not letting the combo drop, you have about four 
seconds, depending on your last attack, to keep it going. Using hte shoot button, or 
dodgeing while having an attack button held, will help you maintain hits for the combo. 
Taunting and enemy will also extend the combo, or rather freeze it.

After that, you need to know what attacks and moves to do in order to maximize your 
points. First, the majority of weapon charge attacks will not add to your points, that 
is, when you hold the attack buttons you could shoot your guns, create mines with 
Durgha, charge up a powerful slice with Sharuba, and so forth. These moves are very 
useful for racking up damage and hitting distant enemies, but provide very little or 
even no points, so avoid using these abilities.

Next is diminishing returns, preforming too many normal style attacks on enemies in a 
row will cause the points from those attacks to diminish. This starts at your sixth 
hit, and continues from there all the way until each hit is only worth a single point. 
Hitting an enemy with a wicked weave will reset this. Heel Stomp is a good idea if you 
notice you've gone too far. This doesn't affect all attacks, but should be managed 

Hitting multiple enemies with a wicked weave will multiply the points you get for each 
consecutive hit, but don't spam wicked weaves, as they are point-inefficient under most 

Speaking of multipliers; attacks durring Witch Time and against Enraged enemies both 
multiply and points you gain by 1.5X and they stack. Does not apply to torture attacks, 
however. Naturally, you want to equip the Gaze of Despair. Note that a perfect parry 
with the Moon of Mahaa-Kalaa will provide more witch time than Bat Within does(which 
in turn lasts longer than a dodge witch time), and will trigger witch time against 
many atttacks normal dodging and bat within won't trigger on.

Torture attacks are best used against almost dead enemies, to maximize the points 
you squeeze out of them, they will also force most enemies to drop any angel weapon 
they happen to be holding.

Angel weapons produce a very large amount of points compared to the damage they do; 
a ridiculous ammount. Though this does vary from weapon to weapon, and depending on 
the attack mode.

The Whip, Kulshedra, can be nearly as effective at generating points as angel weapons 
are, under certain circumstances. If you hold the attack button whilst hitting an 
enemy, and push the analog stick towards yourself, you can swing the enemy around 
yourself, hitting nearby enemies and generating a lot of points; comparable to the 
poledancing angel weapons without the need for an angel wielding it. Not all enemies 
can be grabbed like this, and the hitbox doesn't always want to connect, but it is 
among the best non-glitched methods of scoring points without using an angel weapon.

-=The Actual Fight=-
The previous section turned more into a general combo guide, and indeed the info will 
help you build combo's anywhere in the game. (Though there are probably many things 
that could be added to it)

In regards to this particular farming location: Equip the Moon of Mahaa-Kalaa and the 
Gaze of despair if you have them. Equip the Kulshedra on one weapon set, and prefferable 
the Scarborough Fair on the other set. Try to activate witch time and use the Kulshedra 
swinging attack on the first wave of enemies. After that, damage and preform a torture 
attack on an enemy with a poledancing weapon, then activate witch time and use it. Make 
sure to shoot enemies occasionally while waiting for an oppertunity to activate witch 
time, but don't use any big attacks outside of witch time. Repeat this tactic, perhaps 
switching back the the Kulshedra attack if the oppertunity arises until the final enemy 
spawns. If you have an angel weapon left use it on him, else just hit him normally till 
he's almost dead, but instead of killing him simply let him hit you until you fail.

Using this method, you can generate up to 700,000 halo's in a single run, and be ready 
to do another one instantly. No need for glitches, no need to unlock the Climax Bracelet 
or whatever else.

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