Darkest of Days Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Hints and Tips for:
Darkest of Days | |
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Darkest of Days
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: albyhar
You may need to set up the tilde (~) key as your cheats console key first. Go to
Controls from the Main Menu. Assign the tilde key (or any key you want ) to the
Press tilde (~) or the key above Tab and then enter the following cheats for the
desired effect:
Code Effect
set player.friendlyfire 1 - Harm Allies.
set phys.gravity.y X - Alter the gravity
(Set X higher than -32 to jump higher)
set player.speed X - Change walking speed
(set X higher than 18 to walk faster)
guns.points X - Gives you more upgrade points.
(where X is number of points)
set god 1 - Toggles God Mode on, 0 toggles off.
set melee.reach X - Increase your melee range,
set X to very high to have infinite range.
set player.ghost 1 - Toggles invisibility.
flood X - Raises or lowers the water level
(increase X above 0 to raise the water)
clear-npcs - Clears NPCs.
set player.gunslots X - Set X above 2 to increase gun slots.
set gun.heat.rate 0 - Turrets don't heat up.
specialize - Increases blue aura characters.
set player.frictionHL X - Set X to lower than zero to make characters slide around.
set npc.gunparticles 0 - Toggles smoke off, enter 1 to toggle on.
set npc.gunlights 0 - Turns off gun flashes, set to 1 to toggle on.
Bonus level:
Go directly opposite all the characters and use the wooden door in the final scene.
You will be able to enter after all the action is over. The bonus mission involves
protecting the development team. You can view hidden text during the bonus levels
by looking at the subtitles.
In Darkest of Days, players travel back and forth through the annals
time to relive some mankind’s most dire hours, when human society was
at its lowest points. By fighting through terrible events such as The
Battle of Antietam, the bloodiest conflict of the Civil War, and the
volcanic eruption in Pompeii in the year 79, the player attempts to
save certain key individuals who were never meant to become involved
in these truly monstrous events and thereby change human history for
the better.
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all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 7, 2024.
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