Funky Truck 4WD Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Funky Truck 4WD | |
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Funky Truck 4WD
Submitted by: David K.
* Be aware that it is 4-wheel drive and use this to your advantage. When there
is a steep cliff edge, simply get your front wheel over and the 4WD will do
the rest. Also if you are tipping backwards then reverse; this levels you out
and vice versa.
* You should speed down steep hills because normally there will be a large hill
in front of you that you will need to jump over.
* When coming off a really high jump and you can't see any ground, lean backwards
slightly so that you are on about 45 degree angle. This can usually stop you
from tipping over forwards into a hill upon landing.
* If on your back, press both the down and right key. Or press both the up and
left key. This will help you to get back on your wheels, but be careful, don't
go to far! Or you will be right back where you started, upside down!
* After you get the star at the end of each level, you have about 2 1/2 to 3
seconds before the next level loads up. Use those seconds to try a few backflips
or frontflips to add to your score.
Easy points:
After you get the star at the end of each level, you have a few seconds before
the next level loads. Use that time to land a few backflips or frontflips to add
to your score.
* If you are tipping backwards, then drive in reverse. This levels you out and
vice versa.
* When coming off a really high jump and you cannot see any ground, lean backwards
slightly to about a 45 degree angle. This can usually stop you from tipping over
forwards into a hill upon landing.
* If your truck is on its back, press both [Down] + [Right] or [Up] + [Left]. This
will help you to get back on your wheels, but do not go too far.
Steep hills:
When there is a steep cliff edge, get your front wheel over and the 4WD will do
the rest. Speed down steep hills. Usually there will be a large hill in front of
you that you will need to jump over.
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