Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Hints and Tips for:
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire | |
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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: conner54
Collector card bonuses:
Successfully complete the indicated card set to unlock the bonus:
20 House Points: Successfully complete the "Beasts" card set.
20 House Points: Successfully complete the "Vampires" card set.
20 House Points: Successfully complete the "Giants" card set.
20 House Points: Successfully complete the "Goblins" card set.
Extra Endurance for Harry: Successfully complete the "Quidittch" card set.
Extra Endurance for Harry: Successfully complete the "Wizards" card set.
Extra Endurance for Hermione: Successfully complete the "Witches" card set.
Extra Endurance for Hermione: Successfully complete the "Hags" card set.
Extra Endurance for Ron: Successfully complete the "Dragons" card set.
Extra Endurance for Ron: Successfully complete the "Classical Beasts" card set.
Easy beans in Prefect's bathroom:
There are many beans in this level. Almost all statues have around twelve
beans in them. This is the best level to raise your bean count to buy cards.
To complete the entire level you will need to know the Herbivicus spell first.
Note: Use Ron because his cards are very expensive and cost more than the others.
Maximizing Wingardium Leviosa:
To maximize Wingardium Leviosa after you get three shields, take the big block
you find on the second level of the Forbidden Forest everywhere with you on
the level. You will eventually maximize the spell. This can also work with
almost any other spell.
Refill Harry's energy:
If you get a character/friendship card, stand by Ron or Hermione if you are
Harry to refill your energy. You can stand by both of them to refill it faster.
Defeating Voldemort:
Submitted by: Sachitha
First, Jinx all Voldemort's skeletons. He will cast Abvra Cadabvra and you
must move the energy ball over the skeletons. He will then pick up the grim
reaper statue and make it float around. Dodge it and on about the third time
it is thrown at you, it will get stuck in the ground. Move the energy ball
over it, and it will lose a wing. Do this two more times and you will win.
Submitted by:Mayur Srivastava
I am glad to inform that i have completed Harry potter and the goblet of
fire. It is an excellent game. I think there is no need of any Cheat code
for this game.bcoz u will get enough life to complete it. But u have to
use ur Brain.In last stage u feel that u must have God mode Cheat but i
suggest that u keep ur self safe and try to move away ur self from that
flying statue(for 10 or 15 min).Try to hit it with the magic when it stop
on the ground for sometime. After some time it will break with ur magic
and the game is completed. If u have any problem in playing any other
stage u can mail me at "xxmayur@yahoo.co.in" Enjoy
Submitted by: bharadwaj.j@gmail.com
In the last Level where you have to defeate, the lord Voldermot just
come back and stand in front of the fence(which is exactly opposite to
voldermote) and just Jix them all. Which will help you to kill all the
skelletons without damaging your life. This always works because behinde
you is a mesh which does not allow voldermot to creat skeletons beyond it
this way you can protect yourselves. If this does not work do contact me.
I completed the whole game.
Submitted by: lakshya
In the last Level where you have to defeate, the lord Voldermot just come
back and stand in front of the fence(which is exactly opposite to voldermote)
First, Jinx all Voldemort's skeletons. He will cast Abvra Cadabvra and you
must move the energy ball over the skeletons. He will then pick up the grim
reaper statue and make it float around. Dodge it and on about the third time
it is thrown at you, it will get stuck in the ground. Move the energy ball
over it, and it will lose a wing. Do this two more times and you will win.
This always works because behinde you is a mesh which does not allow voldermot
to creat skeletons beyond it this way you can protect yourselves.
If this does not work do contact me at my e-mail address i.e
"micky_lakshya@yahoo.com ". I completed the whole game.
When you're in the card buying screen, press the arrows Up, Up, Down, Down,
Left, Right, Left. Then you'll get a surprise which is too cool to say.
Carpe Retractum:
For advanced spell casters, when you are pulling the control stick in the
direction you want to pull, wiggle it around that point. You will find that
your Carpe Retractum spell is quicker at pulling. The best place to try this
is the Prefect's Bathroom.
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Cheatbook-Database 2024 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
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