Hunt: Showdown
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K
Tips & Tricks:
* Generators are used to light up specific areas (not so useful in
daytime but the sound of the generator can be a great distraction).
* Windows and doors can be destroyed using melee attacks. The axes
and sledgehammers you can pick up will destroy doors in one hit,
even barricaded ones.
* Speaking of doors, shooting a door can cause it to swing open.
On top of this, if you sprint at a door with a charged melee, you
will open it much faster and are able to essentially run into a
room without waiting for it to fully open.
* Doors with a plank near them can be barricaded.
* Doors open quieter if you open them whilst crouching.
* Any lanterns on the map that you can turn on and off (not ones
you can pick up) can be shot and will explode, having the same
effect a firebomb does. This works really well with lanterns
that are suspended, as they will fall and damage anyone underneath.
* If you melee an armored zombie in the legs, it will break their
leg armor off, causing them to charge at you much slower.
* Red barrels explode when shot, and yellow barrels burst on fire
when shot.
* Flares can be put out by being melee’d or shot.
* The dogs inside the kennels can be shot and killed, but not melee’d.
* You can climb inside chicken kennels!
* Firebombs will kill crows (Still makes noise but interesting).
* Crouching through any hanging chains or broken glass/cans will
produce little to no noise.
* At a resupply point, nobody can take ammo from a box that has
already been opened.
* You can catch a downed player on fire to prevent them from
being revived.
* There is a small amount of bullet penetration in the game, meaning
you can shoot enemies through wood and sheet metal.
* When hives are killed their locusts will die as well.
* You can use first aid kits to heal your partner.
* Text chat can be seen by enemy players if they are close, similar
to how you can hear players using voice chat if you are a short
distance from them.
Suspicious Stuff to Be on Lookout in a Match:
Written by SoD Thekillergreece
Guide for the Hunt Showdown, what to be on lookout for, etc.
Hunters in game are usually on full alert at all times to make sure they wont
get ambushed by any creature or even other rival hunters. Indeed, rival Hunters
are never your priority to hunt but you will have to eliminate them when you have
the opportunity to do so orthewise they will eliminate you if you wont eliminate
them first.
The following list lists all suspicious stuff that you must be careful or check
them out if absolutely required.
-=Suspicious Stuff=-
Dead Horses - Do not confuse them with "already" dead horses. This is about horses
that were severely wounded by the creatures and are crying in pain when approached
by a Player. If you notice a horse in an area that was alive but you do not kill it
and leave the area and you come back to the same area and find the horse not
responding to your presence anymore then it means a Player killed the horse and may
still be around your location. Take extra caution and listen for sounds. This is
uncommon occurence.
Birds not in area - Most areas have fixed locations of birds to spawn. If an area you
know very well does not have any birds then a Player recently spooked them and may
still be around. This is common occurence.
Dead dogs and chickens - Dogs and chickens are not dead initially and if found dead,
a Player may still be around as they killed them. This is a rare occurence though as
most Players leave the animals aside.
Zombies not in an area - Zombies are literally everywhere and if there are no zombies
in the surroundings of a barn then it's likely a Player killed them and is still around.
This is a very common occurence.
Partially or fully looted ammunation caches - If a cache is partially open (partially
looted) or fully open (fully open) then a Player took ammo and may still be around the
area. This is an uncommon occurence though.
Empty medkits - Similar to ammunation caches. Uncommon occurence.
Dead Hunters - Deceased Hunters' bodies wont vanish like the monsters do. They stay
permanently on map until the round ends. So, if you see a dead hunter on ground be on
extra alert as it can be an indication a deadly gunfight happened recently and the
killer may still be around. Especially if the area is empty from monsters.
-=What to Be on Lookout For=-
Gunshots - If you hear gunshots, take cover and keep it quiet and meassure where the
gunshot came from and how loud it was. Is it close or far? Did it come from south or
east? What weapon was it? Rifle or Karabiner? If far, you may feel free to move freely
again but be on alert in case the Hunters are around. If it was close, absolutely be
careful and be ready to pull the trigger. Hunters are no joke. Every player will meet
this dilhemma so think accordingly.
Crying pain of a horse, crows flying away, dogs barking and chicken sounds - Keep in
mind: Only Hunters can trigger them, monsters cannot trigger those events. So if you
hear either of the above and was not caused by you or your teammate then a Hunter is
definitely around so be on alert.
Doors at buildings - A common mistake Hunters tend to do is leave the door of a house,
barn or any building, open. This is always an indication that a Hunter was recently
here or is still here.
How to Get Better:
Written by Angola
here is a guide on how to get better at Hunt written by someone with a total of 3900 hours
in the game across 2 accounts.
-=Learning the PvP for new players=-
The best way to learning the PvP quickly is getting into any possible fight you can get
into. If you hear shots, go towards it. If you have the bounty and see players, fight them.
Running from combat is not gonna make you improve. Trying to run the gauntlet is also very
good, people will know where you are and you will be vulnerable but will also teach you
to be more aware, learn where players position themselves and where to expect players.
Dying is not a sin.
-=Improving aim=-
If you want to improve your aim, the first thing is to stop using shotguns and start
taking rifles. Here are two rifles with their pros and cons.
* Not punishing because of it’s high ammo amount
* High rate of fire (even higher with the Iron Repeater trait)
* Very easy iron sight
* It’s a very affordable weapon
* The weapon has low sway and low recoil
* Damage drops rapidly the further the enemy is
* Headshot kill range is low
* High damage (Up to 136)
* A headshot will kill it on almost any range except through walls)
* It is very easily usable as a sniper rifle but can also be used in close range
* Low ammo amount
* Slow rate of fire
Pushing compounds and fighting in close range is viable even with rifles against shotguns.
Doing this will rapidly improve your aim and positioning skills. Double tapping is a very
nice mechanic you can use in close range rifle fights which will allow you to kill players
-=Double tapping=-
Shooting someone with your primary then switching to your secondary and shooting with that
will allow you to quickly kill your opponents even with guns that have slow rate of fire.
This will make it easier to kill shotguns in close range.
-=Tools & Consumables
Make sure you always have the maximum amount of tool and consumable slots in use. A go-to
setup for tools would be Knife + First Aid Kit + Dusters. I recommend always taking atleast
2 big vitality shots and 1 explosive or fire bomb (2 in case of Packmule) or 3 weak vitality
-=Primary and Secondary Weapons=-
Make sure you have a good combination of weapons. Here is a list of some good loadouts.
Winfield + Silenced Nagant (Traits: Iron Repeater, Fanning) * Silenced Nagant with fanning
in close range is an absolutely terrifying gun.
Winfield + Pax/Uppercut * Double tapping with this loadout is very nice and most likely
kills the opponent in close range.
Vetterli + Pax (Traits: Fanning, Iron Sharpshooter*)
Mosin + Uppercut (Traits: Fanning*, Iron Sharpshooter*)
Mosin + Dolch (Precision) (Traits: Bulletgrubber, Iron Sharpshooter, (Quartermaster in case
of Dolch Precision))
You can find out a lot by just using your ears. There is a lot of sound traps around the map.
This includes:
* Horses
* Crows
* Ducks
* Chickens
* Trapped Dogs
* Aggressive Armored
* Aggressive Hives
* Aggressive Zombies
This can let you predict the position of enemy players which gives you an advantage.
-=Game Sense and Game Knowledge=-
Game sense and game knowledge comes with the hours. Analyse how your enemies move and how
they position. Learn how the average player moves and where to expect players. Once you start
learning this a lot of weight will be taken off your shoulders.
How to Use the Wini:
Written by HappyAsian
A Guide to using the Legendary Compact Ammo Winfield.
-=How To=-
* Obtain yourself a Winfield M1873 variant (a.k.a. wini)
* Get into a game… Solo (cant have randoms exposing position wit VOIP)
* When you encounter an opponent ingame, look at them and hold W+Shift (this makes you run btw).
* Aim the wini when you are within 70 meters of your opponent.
* Shoot the wini and pray you headshot them, before they sparks+uppercut combo you.
All the XP Rewards List:
Written by Rachta Z
This is simple guide with all the XP rewards for each AI and Hunter kill and some
tips how to deal with Meatheads and Waterdevils.
-=XP Rewards for Monster Kills=-
Grunt: 10XP.
Leech: 10XP.
Hellhound: 20XP.
Waterdevil: 20XP.
Hive: 30XP.
Immolator: 50XP.
Armored: 60XP.
Meathead: 200XP.
Boss: 400XP.
-=XP Rewards for Hunters Kills=-
Way better: 750XP (2 arrows up).
Better: 500XP (1 arrow up).
Equal: 400XP (equal arrow).
Worse: 300XP (1 arrow down).
Way worse: 150XP (2 arrows down).
-=How to Kill the Waterdevils=-
4 compact bullets.
3 medium bullets.
2 long bullets.
2 throwing knives.
1 Crossbow bolt.
3 Hand Crossbow bolts.
1 Heavy axe/hammer swing.
2 Light axe/hammer swings.
9 Heavy fists attacks.
17 Light fists attacks.
-=How to Kill the Meatheads=-
10 Long ammo.
11 Medium ammo.
12-14 Compact ammo.
6 Shotgun shots.
6 Hand Crossbow Poison shots.
6 Hand Crossbow Shots.
6 Bomb Lance heavy melee attacks.
6 Heavy Axe attacks.
8 Heavy Hammer attacks.
1 Nitro+(3 long ammo or 4 medium ammo).
Every dynamite in game can instantly kill them.
Burning him with lanterns is also effective.
How to Fix Press Enter to Start Glitch:
Written by Boop
It has seem to be a common bug where people try to get into Hunt Showdown,
but it just endlessly puts you to the press enter to start screen.
Now if you dont look around much, the answer may not seem clear, but
don’t worry, I’ll get straight to the point.
It’s quite a simple solution mind you so don’t give me too much credit for this one.
Make sure your logged in.
If you are logged in, and it still persists then..
Check your profile on the top right, is it blue or green? If it has no lines
that are blue or green, that means your steam is offline
-=How to fix this=-
* Restarting Steam is the simplest way and one of the quickest, simply close
out of it, then go to hidden windows on the right of your taskbar (an arrow
pointing up) and close steam, then you just reopen it and it should be fixed.
* Now you can get back into your game, enjoy hunting in the Bayou my friends!
Basic Weapon Removal:
Written by Mr Steal yo Guns
Use two medium slot weapons to make the enemy have no guns when revived.
-=The 7 Steps=-
The scenario: you have two medium slot weapons and don't have quartermaster,
you have an enemy body infront of you who has a large slot weapon and a small
slot weapon.
1.Take the large
2.Take the fallen medium
(the one that's not where the large used to be, it falls on your feet)
3.Take the other medium
4.Take the large
5.Take the small
After step 5 he will wake up with fists only, now you should get your own guns
back so you can do the same on more enemies
Press q (to switch to small, helps when taking both mediums)
6&7. Take your mediums
-=Scenario vs quartermaster enemy=-
Step 1. Take large
Step 2. Take fallen medium
Step 3. Take your other medium
Step 4. Take large
Step 5. Take most recent fallen medium
Step 6. Take his quartermaster medium
-=Inverse scenario (you large small vs enemy medium medium)=-
* It's basically taking both his mediums first
(keep in mind hold your small to take both of his faster)
* Then do the first 5 steps of 'The 7 Steps'
-=Need an explanation=-
When you trade both the mediums for a large one, the one that falls to the
ground on your feet is a disconnected weapon spot, any weapon you put there
doesn't belong to a hunter anymore and will not be burnable either.
Basically trading double Medium for large twice (correctly) makes two disconnected
weapon spots for an enemy's hunter's weapons.
A stealth and easy guide for killing all four bosses:
Written by Keks0800
This guide shows you an easy way to kill the Spider, the Butcher, the Assassin and
Scrapbeak in less then a minute without making any loud noise.
-=Read first=-
After they buffed the sticky bomb damage the most common method to kill every boss
is using it. For just 64 $ you reduce the boss health by 3/4. After that you just
have to wait until the frenzy mode is over and u can finish them with just 2-3 melee
hits. You can shoot them aswell.
Because this variant is so much faster there is no more need to care about the noise.
This wont work with the Assassin anymore.
-=Killing the Spider=-
Killing the Spider is super simple if she is in any room without a high roof. You
only need a strong meele weapon. Just look for a sledgehammer and attack her with
charged attacks. After some charged hits she should be dead and you only need about
30-60 seconds to kill her.
Take care of the frenzy mode. After she lost 1/4 of her health she start screaming,
gets reduced damage and instantly starts attacking. Until she calm down after some
seconds. Just leave the boss location for some seconds and wait until she screams
again.(You can also throw lanterns on her, which deals good damage but isn't as
stealth as just hitting her with meele weapons.)
-=Killing the Butcher=-
If u want to kill the Butcher fast and stealth you only need 48$ for an concertina
bomb. Just throw it into a small passage and lure him into the barbed wire by making
him agressive. You can do this with a silenced weapon or just with your presence.
Avoid getting hit if you are close to the barbed wire because the Butcher can break
it if he is too close to it.(They nerfed the damage form this method. It still works
but it deals much less damage then before.)
Like the both other bosses you can hit him with a sledgehammer. Just hit and run
and avoid his fire attack.
Like the other bosses he also have a frenzy mode after loosing 1/4 of his health.
He will start to chase you with the same speed as a sprinting hunter and constantly
attack with his hook. Leave the location and wait some second until he clams down.
-=Killing the Assassin=-
Killing the Assasin is very easy and basically like killing the Spider. Just search
for a hammer or an axe or use any other meele weapon and wait that he chases you.
Now you just have to wait that he materializes so you can hit him, but take care
that you run if he dashes to you. If he hits you while he dashes you will bleed.
Do this a few times and he get stuned for some seconds and you can give him hell.
At long last a silenced weapon works also but it will be much faster with a meele
Take care of his frenzy mode which will start when he lose 1/4 of his health. He
will spawn clones which deals some damage and blinds you.
What also deals a good amount of damage is to set him on fire with lanterns for
example. He is also weak against poison.
-=Killing Scrapbeak=-
Yaaay finally they released a new boss. Scrapbeak comes with a lot of crows in his
compound, so it's very easy to spot him. He should be one of the easiest bosses in
this game cause he is weak to poison, quite slow and his only specail attack is
throwing barbed wire.
What makes him special is that this greedy magpie collected every single item
around him. But you can beat everything out of him. If u attack him with melee
weapons (piercing damage is the best option) or guns he drops his loot every time
he gets enraged. The important thing is that you shouldn't burn him or throw
explosives if you want the loot, because otherwise it gets destroyed. But at the
end the stress isn't worth it. Just use a sticky bomb like on the other bosses
and you save a lot of time.
With the latest update they added silencers for the Winfield and the Sparks. But
the silenced Winfield is the only gun with enough dps with which you can kill the
bosses. It could be especially used for killing the spider in rooms with a high
ceiling where you can't reach it with the sledgehammer. At last you get just a
small advantage with buying a silenced Winfield for the price of loosing some
firepower. After they added levering perk it made the winfield much more valuable.
If you want to be much faster you can just throw 1 big dynamite bundle right next
to them which should kill both bosses instantly if thrown right.
How to Derank Fast (Three Options):
3 options, all require a friend or willing team.
Play trios or duos normally, after you’ve cleared the lobby and aquired the
bounty, try to find traps placed by enemy players.
Farm yourself using the bounty token on said traps. try to only trigger one
wire at a time.
* Don’t use a hunter that has resilliance.
* Turn into the wires and only trigger one at a time.
* Have your mate damage you to low health in order to save time.
* This might take several matches, as you need enemy traps and a bounty token. The
lower mmr the guy that placed the traps, the better and faster you derank. You
will drop kda massively.
Join into a quickplay match together with a friend. That friend now needs to die
as quickly as possible. To an enemy player, to ai or suicide.
He now spectates the entire lobby and tries to find the lowest rank player
(prestige 0 rank 12 for example).
You rush and die to that player. Repeat often to drop hard. Takes quite a bit
of time, but your bounty hunt KDA won’t be affected.
You need 3 friends at least and one fresh, but leveled account with 1 to 3 star MMR.
This is the fastest way.
Join into the same game, go for low pop servers, ignore the ping.
Aquire a bounty token and meet up with the 3rd at an extract.
The 3rd player, a low MMR solo, places as many traps as possible around the extract,
preferably an open field.
The low MMR player leaves, so his MMR and KDA are unaffected.
You now farm yourself on said traps, together with your partner, using the bounty
* Concertina bow is great for this. Many small concertina wire mounds to farm
yourself on.
* Before leaving, the solo low MMR friend drops a poison bomb at the last second
before extracting. Poison bombs are S+++ tier deranking tools.
Tips for Players:
What I would advise more than anything else, is to ping the enemy’s location when
you spot or are fighting with someone so your teammates do not need to spend extra
time trying to locate what you are shooting at. It also helps that if you die…we
know exactly where your killer is and that would boost the chances of our survival.
Take your teammate’s loadout and position into consideration when choosing how/when
to push
When I’m playing Mosin and pistol and you’re pushing into close quarters with your
shotgun, right into a duo that’s also running shotguns, I can’t back you up. I am
not in a positon to push after you, while the enemy has a huge loadout advantage
on me, meaning you just wasted yourself for pretty much nothing, leaving me in a
very bad spot to 1v2 from.
Know when to be offensive defensive or even just run
You get players who are too scared to do anything while others just want to rush
in first thing without a plan both end up miserably.
Learn when revive can and should be done and do it
Lot of people seem to try and 1 v 3 and get creamed when they had many clear revive
opportunities and didn’t take them.
If someone is shooting at you from a distance with a pistol, it means they have a
shotgun/bow/crossbow and you should treat them accordingly.
Tip for Lebel & 69 Enjoyers:
Written by MIR-12
* The Lebel Aperture sight has less sway than the normal Lebel sight, with a sway
value of 69 compared to 77. A lower sway value indicates reduced movement or
instability when aiming.
* This makes the Lebel Aperture sight a better choice for increased accuracy.
* Additionally, it’s worth noting that the Lebel Aperture sight offers the flexibility
to switch to iron sights by pressing the ‘X’ key on the keyboard.
Absorb Wellspring Achievement Tips:
* Rush to the wellspring as fast as possible.
* Choose a weapon you’re comfortable with, like a combat axe or shotgun.
* Once you open the wellspring, check the map and head towards the edge of the circle.
* Look for buildings near other compounds where the circle overlaps. For example, I
went from Pelican Island Prison to the cliffside house at Seven Sisters estate.
* Most players will head to the wellspring compound, leaving you with fewer opponents.
* Expect 1 or 2 players coming from that direction instead of a flood.
* In one game, I fought only 1 person and won by surprising them with an axe attack.
* You can run further while still in the circle, so consider staying until the
wellspring reaches 60.
* Leaving the circle causes constant HP damage, but you can still get kills. I did
this at Alain and Sons Fish once, hiding on the top floor.
In summary, rush to the wellspring, then find a building in another compound where
you’ll still be in the circle. Most players won’t check the map again, so they won’t
know where you are until it’s too late.