Jurassic Park - Operation Genesis
Cheat Codes:
Note: The following codes require the left square bracket "[" and right square
bracket "]" keys to be pressed. A comma "," indicates that the previous key
should be released before pressing the next key. A plus "+" indicates that two
keys should be presses simultaneously. Note: Do not select anything before
entering a code. The codes will not work with an item selected.
Gimme Some Money:
Press [ + Up, [ + Down during game play. $10,000 will be added to your finances.
Gimme Lots Of Money:
Press [, Right, Right, [, ], Down during game play. $250,000 will be added to your
Where's The Money?:
Press [ + ], Down during game play. Your finances will be reduced to zero.
Market Day:
Press [ + ] + Down during game play. The market will now be instantly restocked
with fossils.
Open To The Public:
Press Left, Down, Right, Up, [ + ], [ + ] during game play. You can now select your
three digsites without the required stars.
Seal Of Approval:
Press Right, [, Up, [, [, Down during game play. Your park rating will increase by
one star.
Three Stars:
Press [, ], Down, Down, [, Right during game play. Your park will have a three star
Guaranteed Immunity:
Hold [ + ] and repeatedly tap Up during game play. Dinosaurs will no longer get sick.
Alternately, enable the "All Research" code, or research the following: all vaccines,
glowing egg.
Plague Outbreak:
Press Down, Up, Down, Left, ], ], ] during game play. Your dinosaurs will become
Rampage Time:
Press [, [, [, Left, Left, Left during game play. All carnivores will become stressed.
Pax Jurassicus:
Press [, Left, Up, Left, Up, Left, [ during game play. Rampages will no longer occur.
Hold [ + ] and repeatedly tap Up, Down, Up, Down during game play. One of your safari
cars will blow up.
Sequencing Error:
Press Down, ] + Up during game play. This will set all excavated dinosaur NA to 55%.
Mr. DNA:
Press ], Up, ], Right, [, Down during game play. This will set all excavated dinosaur
DNA to 100%.
Press [, ], [, Right, Down, ] during game play. This will set all excavated dinosaur
DNA to 0%.
All Research:
Press Down(3), Left, Right, [, Down, Up during game play. Everything will be researched.
Oh No!:
Hold ] and press Right, Left, Right, Left, Right during game play. All tourists will die.
Impossible Mission:
Press ], Right, Right, Right, Right, ] during game play. All missions, exercises, and
Site B will be unlocked.
Multiple safari cars:
Press ], Right, Right, Right, ] during game play.
Press ] + [, Left, Down, Right, Right during game play. You can now shoot from the safari
cars by using the camera.
Isla Muerta:
Press ], ], ], [, Right during game play. Dinosaurs will now appear to be the living dead.
Hot One:
Press ] + Down, ] + Down during game play. A heat wave will occur.
Welcome To Melbourne:
Press ], ], [, ], Down, Up, Down during game play. The weather will get stormy.
Storm Free:
Press ], ], Left, Right, Up, Right during game play. Storms will clear up.
No Twisters:
Hold [ + ] and press Left, Right. Release [ + ], then press [ + ] again during game play.
Press Left, Up, Right, Down, [ + ] during game play. A twister will appear on the island.
Extinction Event:
Press [, ], Down, ], [ during game play. All dinosaurs will be killed.
No Red Tape:
Press [, ], Left, Down, Down, Down, Down during game play. If anyone dies, you will not
get charged no matter if you are in emergency mode or not.
Happiness Is...:
Press ], Down, [, Up, Up, Up during game play. Your visitors will be happy.
Instant Alcatraz:
Press Down, Down, Left, Right, [, [, Up, Up during game play. Your fences will have
low security.
Minimum Security:
Press [, Left, Left, ], ], Right during game play. Your fences will have high security.
Press Up, ], Down, [, Left, Left during game play. All fences will be destroyed.
Rocky Road:
Press Right, Right, ], ], [, Down during game play. All paths will be damaged.
Note: Make sure there are no visitors on a path when this code is enabled.
Start with $999,999,999:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file
before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "constant.ini" file in the
"\universal interactive\blue tongue software\jurassic park operation genesis\jpog\data"
folder. Locate the "ParkStartPlayerMoney" entry and change its value to $999,999,999
or greater.
Research Everything in Seconds with no money at all:
Submitted by: Diki
In the data folder inside the game folder, u have a file named research.
Open it in notepad and find all the places where u have "time = 450;"
This value may change change this value to 1 in all the places in the file,
but don't be so greedy to change it to 0 then it won't work.
By doing this u can research everything in a second.
You can also change all the "price = 0" so that u don't spend any money on research
There is lot more but i'm still expeiementing with the tornedo and dinoattacks
wait for more...
Submitted by: Silvery Hat Hacker
Open file "constant.ini" in your game directory by a text editor ( Notepad ).
Before change any settings in this file, back up it carefully first.
1/Max Dino Population:
Find this line "MaxDinoPopulation" , then change the value to 999 or greater.
2/Get $999,999,999 at the beginning
Find this line " ParkStartPlayerMoney" , then change the value to $999,999,999
or greater.
Hunting sets:
Open file "FslHunt.ini" in your game directory by a text editor (Notepad).
Before change any settings in this file, back up it carefully first.
1/Find these lines :
// Only one set, with a certain number of sites available to unlock out of it
grounds = { MorrisonA, HellCreekA , JudithRiverA, MorrisonB, HellCreekB,
JudithRiverB, HellCreekB,
TendaguruBeds, Chenini, FlamingCliffs };
firstchoices[0] = MorrisonA;
firstchoices[1] = HellCreekA;
firstchoices[2] = JudithRiverA;
Then change them to :
// Only one set, with a certain number of sites available to unlock out of it
grounds = { MorrisonA, HellCreekA , JudithRiverA, MorrisonB, HellCreekB,
JudithRiverB, HellCreekB,
TendaguruBeds, Chenini, FlamingCliffs };
firstchoices[0] = MorrisonA;
firstchoices[1] = HellCreekA;
firstchoices[2] = JudithRiverA;
firstchoices[3] = MorrisonA;
firstchoices[4] = MorrisonB;
firstchoices[5] = HellCreekB;
firstchoices[6] =JudithRiverB;
firstchoices[7] = TendaguruBeds;
firstchoices[8] = Chenini;
firstchoices[9] = FlamingCliffs;
And change this line , too :
#else // Windows and XBox builds
maxchosen = 5;
#else // Windows and XBox builds
maxchosen = 9;
Site B:
Submitted by: conner54
To unlock Site B you have to beat all of the missions, it's cool because you
make the dinosaurs and watch them run wild on your little island paradise.
How to impress Dino nerds:
Dino nerds are the hardest visitors to impress. A good way to impress them is
using Dinosaurs from the same time period (AKA late cretaceous)that are mixed
(Herbivores & Carnivore). They may also get a kick out of Carnivore taking
down a Herbivore. If you don't have any dinosaurs from the same time period,
use Dinosaurs from the same place of discovery.(AKA Arizona or China).
Fast research:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the
file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "research.ini" file in
the "\universal interactive\blue tongue software\jurassic park operation genesis\
jpog\data" folder. Locate the "time = 600;" entry and change its value to a lower
Make the game Easy:
Submitted by:Praveen Mahato
Go to game folder where it is installed. Then to data,than to GUI. There is one
file named "Events.ini" (Backup it first). Open it in Notepad.
There is: ParkCarnkillvisitor
priority=High;(Change High to Low)
Heading Priority
visitorFatality_Dinosaur (High to Low)
visitorFatality_Exposure ,,
visitorFatality_Tornado ,,
visitorFatality_Lightning ,,
visitorfatality_Generic ,,
ParkCarnAttackBuilding ,,
ParkFine ,,
ParkHornado ,,
Parkkillhelicopter ,,
Parkstorm ,,
ParkDamageBuildingLow (Medium to High)
ParkFire (High to Low)
ParkTornado ,,
ParkStorm ,,
ParkDamageBuildingHigh (High to Low)
ParkCleanBuilding (Medium to High)
DinoBreakout (High to Low)
DinoCarnComa ,,
DinoHerbComa ,,
DinoCarnDehydrate ,,
DinoHerbDehydrate ,,
DinoCarnHungry ( Medium to Low )
DinoHerbHungry ,,
DinoCarnStarve (High to Low)
DinoHerbStarve ,,
DinoCarnDie (Medium to Low)
DinoHerbDie ,,
DinoCarnStress ,,
DinoHerbStress ,,
DinoCarnFight ,,
DinoHerbFight ,,
DinoCarnSick (High to Low)
DinoHerbSick ,,
DinoResultFine (Medium to High)
DinoResultStarve ,,
DinoResultFight ,,
DinoResultDehydrate ,,
DinoResultBelly (High to Low)
DinoResultTick ,,
DinoResultFlu ,,
DinoResultRabies ,,
DinoResultBumble ,,
DinoResultFoot ,,
DinoResultGastro ,,
DinoLightningStruck ,,
ParkRatingDecreased ,,
VisitorHungry (Medium to High )
VisitorThirsty ,,
VisitorBoring (Medium to Low)
VisitorCrowded (Medium to High )
VisitorLeavingLowDinoExperience(Medium to Low)
VisitorLeavingLowSecurity ,,
VisitorLeavingLowSatisfaction ,,
VisitorLeavingTooExpensive ,,
VisitorLeavingTooCrowded ,,
VisitorLeavingVisitorDied ,,
SafariRideWaitng (Medium to High )
BalloonRideCrash (High to Low)
This is all what I tried And succed..
you will enjoy it.Each of them have definite Function
By..Praveen Mahato
Change Starting Money:
This hack allows you twiddle other values to enhacne your game. Locate "constant.ini"
in your drive letter:\jpog\data\ directory. Open the file using a text editor (like
Notepad) and adjust any of the following lines to alter your game (note that the
default values are listed). All of the values are self-explanatory (start drooling).
MaxDinoPopulation = 60;
ParkStartPlayerMoney = 60000;
ParkMaxEntryFee = 5000;
ParkMaxPopulationCap = 100;
Unlock More Dig Sites:
This hack only allows you to unlock all dig sites on islands you haven't explored. If
you've landed on any island and started digging, that island is excluded from this hack.
Locate "FslHunt.ini" in your drive letter:\jpog\data\ directory. Open the file using a
text editor (like Notepad) and search for the line maxchosen. Set that value to 9.
Save the file with an .ini extension.
Edit game:
There are many different factors you can change by editing the "constant.ini" file,
but some are more useful than others.
For example, changing the "HuntingRifleTimeToLoadRound", "HuntingRifleRecoilMagnitude",
and "HuntingRifleReloadWait" to a zero value will result in a hunting rifle with no
reload time and no recoil, which is extremely helpful in some mini-games. Also, by
editing "SafariMaxPhotos" and "JeepFuelLimit", you will last longer in the safari
rounds. In addition, you can edit the "MaxDinoPopulation" variable to have as many
as 999 dinosaurs onscreen at one time. There are other variables for stating park
money, entry fees, how much money is earned by the money cheat, the cost for paths,
and dinosaur incubation times, which allows for dinosaurs to spawn immediately.
Impressing visitors:
Place Gallimimus or any four star attraction dinosaur in a large enclosure. Give
them lots of friends and place a safari ride that drives away from them. Make sure
the land cruiser does not scare the dinosaurs away. Soon, the Fun Lovers will
leave happy. This also works the same way for Dino Nerds, only put the same time
period dinosaurs from the same region in an enclosure.
More visitors:
If you want more people to visit your park, build four or five entrances on all different
sides. Enable the "Seal Of Approval" code to get five stars. Put as many entrances as you
can, then open your park. The chopper should appear instantly, and lots of people should
walk through the entrance. Create a no enclosure safari (still fencing off carnivores).
Place a large square fence around the area where people arrive in the space. Fill it
with dinosaurs that do not eat humans, then create a small gap in the fence to let
humans pass through. Place musters there to stop dinosaurs crossing. On the other side
of the fence, continue building a fenced-off dinosaur park. If done correctly, your
star rating will keep going up.
Dinosaurs fights:
No dinosaur will fight a Brachiosaur, but you can get many carnivores to fight each
other. However, Acrocanthersaurus and Charcardontosaurus will fight each other at
site B only when when stressed. They will not fight for territory. T. Rex and Spino
will fight Ankylosaurs, Triceratops, and Stegosaurus when they are hungry. The biggest
fights are the T. Rex vs. Spino. If Spino, wins they will be impressed. If T. Rex wins,
it will not look too authentic. Raptors will not attack each other, Dilophosaurus, or
any other small carnivores unless they are stressed.
Vegetarian-friendly Site B:
You can place herbivores and carnivores on the same Site B without them hurting or
eating each other. Build mountains where you would normally put fences in a park.
The dinosaurs will not attempt to cross over the mountains. The carnivores cannot
eat your herbivores or fight with other carnivores.
Submitted by: Daniel
Hope this helps!Ok are your parks a mess?Do them semetrical and you will have cool
results. The dinosaur same specie does not need to be simetrical.
Submitted by: dark mystery ???
This is an extremely rare code which unlocks a option called site c at the main menue.
enter code during gameplay:[down]][up right[left right][]
Tornado Hack:
Note: Always make a backup before editing your files. Locate your "weather.ini" file
in /JPOG/Data, and open with notepad. Search for this section:
If you are tired of them taking down your fences, change the above settings to 00.1
If you want to change the length that the tornado stays around, or the probability
of one showing up, there are 4 options right next to the above lines.
They are labeled: dryprobability wetprobability.
Toggle Game Data!:
To toggle game data, go to my computer: Search, then type in search JPOG, and in the
second bar(underneath the first one) then click search. After that, find a folder
named DATA and double click it. Once in that file there will be lots of other txt
files. If you open them (they will open with notepad) the're will be notepad and
things like: Player start money=6000... Well... If you change it to Player start
money=99999999, then you will start with loads of money!
Also, if you open the file saying fsl hunt, the're will be other things like= No.
of dig sites=5, if you change it to 9, you can unlock all digsites!
NOTE: Always make a backup file before editing it, as it may be saved onto you're game.
6 year dino:
If you have unlocked Hell creek formation B buy 5 teams of you have money then search
for Edmontosaurus then when it has 100% D.N.A Look at a hatchery and you can see that
it lives for 6 years!
All missions, exersizes and site B opened:
Submitted by: sam
During gameplay type: ], right, right, right, right, ]
Less Tornado's:
In the beginning of the game you wil have some kinds of dinosaurs from this sites
Judith River Group A - Albertosaurus, Pachycephalosaurus and Ankylosaurus.
Hell Creek Formation A - Parasaurolophus, Torosaurus and Acrocanthosaurus.
Morrison Formation A - Ceratosaurus, Dryosaurus and Stegosaurus.
If you have the Morrison or the Judith You have less Tornado's!