
Lego Star Wars Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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 Lego Star Wars Cheats

Lego Star Wars

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: conner54

To activate these cheats, you need to start a new game, 
then enter "Dexter's Diner" and go to "Enter Code". 

Code     Character
BEQ82H - Princess Leia 
L54YUK - Rebel Trooper 
A32CAM - Darth Sidious 
VR832U - Disguised Clone 
MS952L - Mace Windu (Episode III) 
RS6E25 - Clone (Episode III Walker) 
N3T6P8 - Clone (Episode III Swamp) 
BHU72T - Clone (Episode III Pilot) 
ER33JN - Clone (Episode III) 
SF321Y - General Grievous 
ZTY392 - Grievous' Bodyguard 
14PGMN - Count Dooku 
EUW862 - Shaak Ti 
CBR954 - Kit Fisto 
DP55MV - Ki-Adi Hundi 
A725X4 - Luminara 
LA811Y - Bobba Fett 
PL47NH - Jango Fett 
XZNR21 - Super Battle Droid 
LK42U6 - Battle Droid (Geonosis)
19D7NB - Geonosian 
F8B4L6 - Clone 
H35TUX - Darth Maul 
92UJ7D - Padme 
PP43JX - Royal Guard 
DH382U - Droideka 
EN11K5 - Battle Droid (Commander) 
987UYR - Battle Droid 
KF999A - Battle Droid (Security) 
R840JU - PK Droid 
U63B2A - Gonk Droid 

The codes below needs activation in the "Extra" menu when you press "ESC" 
after you have entered them like the above cheat codes. 

NR37W1 - Silly Blasters 
L449HD - Classic Blasters 
IG72X4 - Big Blasters 
SHRUB1 - Brushes 
PUCEAT - Tea Cups 
LD116B - Minikit Detector 
RP924W - Moustaches 
YD77GC - Purple 
MS999Q - Silhouettes
4PR28U - Invincible 

Superkit model:
Collect all pre-positioned studs in every level. Keep collecting them until the Jedi bar
is full and flashing to get one superkit piece. After this is done in all levels the 
Tantive IV superkit model outside will become available. 
Note: This will also unlock the "?" door in Dexter's Diner for Episode IV: A New Hope. 

Darth Vader and Stormtrooper:
Successfully complete Episode IV - A New Hope to unlock Darth Vader and the Stormtrooper. 

Keep health high:
In whatever episode and chapter you are playing, copy the type of your current opponent. 
For example, if there are hordes of disguised clones ready to shoot you, switch to disguised 
clone and they will not attack, giving you time to shoot them. Note: They will probably follow 
you, especially if you are a battle droid. Note: Note this does not work on Bosses, Sith, 
General Grevious etc.

Characters fighting:
After unlocking a lot of characters, go outside of the diner and to the hangar. Most of the 
time, the good characters will attack the bad characters that spawn there. Because there are 
more good characters than bad, sometimes you can see Darth Maul getting hammered by a lot of 

Hidden Lego canisters:
Listen for a jingle sound. If you hear these sounds, they indicate that there is a canister 
somewhere near. Look around and if you can reach the canister, grab it. You may need to grab
it through Free Play.

Keep health high:
In whatever episode and chapter you are playing, copy the type of your current opponent. For 
example, if there are hordes of disguised clones ready to shoot you, switch to disguised clone
and they will not attack, giving you time to shoot them. Note: They will probably follow you, 
especially if you are a battle droid. Note: Note this does not work on Bosses, Sith, General 
Grevious etc.

Moving as Yoda:
Whenever you are Yoda , you will notice that he is slow moving without his lightsaber. Press 
[Jump] and he will get out a hover chair. This is easier when traveling, as you will not have 
to watch him jump like crazy or move slow with the stick.

Moving through the vents and chutes: 
Young Anakin is not the only character that can go through the vents and chutes in levels. Boba 
Fett can also slip through the vents as well. To do this with either character, face the vent up
close and press [Special Ability].

Super jump:
Do a double jump onto a wall. Immediately after you hit the wall you can do another double jump

Skipping the first part on Darth Maul's level:
When Darth Maul lifts up the bridge in the first part of the level, use your highest jumper and 
jump on the bridge. Walk across the bridge and jump off. You will save a minute or two. 
You might have to destroy the droids.

Extra time in exploding room on Darth Vader's level:
Use the following trick to get extra time in the room that is going to explode in the Darth 
Vader level. Use the Force on the broken beams. This could save you about a minute and a half
to get money and open the door.

Invincible waiter droid:
Go to Dexter's Diner (main room).There will be a droid who carries a plate. You can attack it 
with anything and it will not die.

Invincible Gunk droid:
As you know, the waitress droid at Dexter's Dinner cannot be destroyed. However the Gunk droid 
also cannot be killed. It can only be tipped over by the Force. No matter how many times you 
hit the Gunk droid it will never die. Do this and watch as the Gunk droid tries to get back 
up on its feet and start to walk again.

Easy studs:
Go to Episode I. Select the level with Darth Maul. When Darth Maul is running over the 
platforms/bridges, go to the very top. There should be a lot of studs up there, along with 
some Battle Droids. After they are defeated get all the studs. Note: Do not use The Force on 
the elevator at the end.

Frozen Yoda:
On free play, on Yoda's hover craft double jump and while in midair change to a different 
character and change back to Yoda. If done successfully, when Yoda returns he will freeze 
in place.

How to get the minikit in ruin of the jedi behind the sheld:
you have to be obi wan for this first get all of the switchs on the right get on the thing 
that looks like a lift then jump over to get the minikit.

Tricky Mini Kit:
Use R2 to unlock the door into the room with the force fields and a mini kit piece on the
spaceship in the Negotiations level. You need to have someone who can jump through vents 
and you must have Jar Jar Binks. First, use the Force to stack up the boxes. Then, use 
Anakin or Palpatine to jump through the vent. You come up at the top on the left. Press 
the button at the top to disable the force fields, then use Jar Jar to jump up the other
side to collect the mini kit.

When you get all ten Minikits in a level, you will get 50,000 studs. 
Some are found in the following locations.

-=Episode 1: Negotiations=- 
-Behind force fields on spaceship. 
-Use R2 to unlock the door into the room with the force fields and a Minikit piece on the
-Use the Force to stack up the boxes. 
-Have Anakin or Palpatine jump through the vent. 
-You will come up at the top on the left. 
-Press the button at the top to disable the force fields, then use Jar Jar Binks to jump 
 up the other side to collect the Minikit. 

-=Episode 2: Discovery On Kamino=- 
-Behind the Star Fighter. You need a high jumper. 
-In front of Star Fighter. Use R5 to hover over. 
-Hallway after you see Clones. Activate all switches. 
-Different hallway. Use C3PO to activate the panel. Get to the buttons, blast the target,
 then go into holes. 
-The same room on the far right. 
-Jango Fett's room. Finish the Jango Fett Poster. 
-The room Jango Fett goes into. Step on the right switches. 
-Mine bridge. Grapple and use C3PO to activate the panel. Hit all targets. 
-Hallway after the bridge: Use Dark Force on the table. Use Dark Force in the room. 

-=Episode 3: Ruin Of The Jedi=- 
-Behind the shield. As Obi Wan get all of the switches on the right, get on the "lift", 
 then jump over. 

Episode IV bonuses:
Successfully complete Episode IV - A New Hope to unlock Darth Vader and the Stormtrooper;
the Rebel Trooper for purchase for 1,000 studs, and Princess Leia for purchase for 50,000

Extra money:
If you already gone through the stories then go to chapter 2 part 1. Click free play. There
are some secret rooms that you need other characters for like go to the second room in the 
building and turn right then use C-3POto unlock the door for the minikit.

Unlock Superkit and Mystery Diner Door:
Unlock the superkit (the Tantive IV model outside Dexter's Diner) by filling the Jedi bar 
while playing. This incidentally unlocks access to the mystery door. 

Filling the Jedi bar is not a simple function of money, but also in grabbing all the pre-
staged LEGO studs in each mission. Dying in a stage will reduce the Jedi bar (although 
once the bar is at maximum and pulsing, it cannot diminish). 

In vehicular missions (particularly the pod race), the player needs to smash and destroy
all the destructable objects to gain money. The invulnerability cheat ($1,000,000 in the
shop) can help you get a full Jedi bar in most of the non-vehicular stages.

Easy studs:
After any level, go to Dexter's Diner instead of continuing the levels. There are three
tables in Dexter's Diner, but only two have salt and pepper shakers on them. In each one
there are about 800 studs. You cannot destroy them with a lightsaber or by shooting them.
You must use The Force to destroy them. After you destroy them, you can also go in Episode
I, Episode II, and Episode III to get them. There are two salt and pepper shakers in Episode
I and II, and four in Episode III.

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