Neverwinter Nights 2 - Storm Of Zehir Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Hints and Tips for:
Neverwinter Nights 2 - Storm Of Zehir | |
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Neverwinter Nights 2 - Storm Of Zehir
Cheat Codes:
While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window. Type
"DebugMode 1" (case-sensitive) and press [Enter] to enable cheat
mode. Then, type one of the following case-sensitive codes
at the console window and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding
cheat function. Note: For some international versions, hold [Shift],
then quickly press "~" followed by "?" to display the console window.
Code Result
dm\_god - God mode [Note1].
irolltwenties - 20 in all stats, new sword, cannot level.
givespell [number] - Get indicated spell.
dm\_givegold [number] - Get indicated amount of gold [Note2].
givexp [number] - Change indicated amount of experience points;
use negative number to remove experience points.
givefeat [2-500] - Add indicated feat to selected character.
giveitem [item code] - Spawn indicated item.
SetCHA [number] - Set Charisma to indicated number on selected character.
SetCON [number] - Set Constitution to indicated number on selected character.
SetDEX [number] - Set Dexterity to indicated number on selected character.
SetINT [number] - Set Intelligence to indicated number on selected character.
SetSTR [number] - Set Strength to indicated number on selected character.
SetWIS [number] - Set Wisdom to indicated number on selected character.
resetlevels - De-level character if experience points is near 0.
rs ga\_alignment(-1,0) - Move one point towards evil.
rs ga\_alignment(-1,1) - Move one point towards chaos.
rs ga\_alignment(1,0) - Move one point towards good.
rs ga\_alignment(1,1) - Move one point towards law.
rs ga\_influence ([x,y]) - Raise influence level for that companion.
rs ga\_party\_limit(6) - Raise amount of party members you may have at once to six;
default is 3 in Act 1 and 4 in Acts 2 and 3.
removefeat [number] - Remove the indicated feat.
dm\_unlockcamera - Use the camera with better scrolling.
polymorph [number] - Polymorph controlled character into different creature.
rs kr\_influence - Simple influence editor in the form of a dialogue.
rs kr\_roster\_edit - Debug dialogue with option to open the party roster to switch
party members in and out at any time.
Set Appearance [number] - Give character the appearance of the number in the "res ref"
table in the "2da" appearance file.
Unpolymorph - Return polymorphed controlled character to normal
Note1: Select each individual party member by right clicking on their portrait one at a
time, and enter this code for each one. You can slip out of God mode after
traveling to certain locations or after certain scripted sequences.
Note2: Right click on a character first to give gold to that player.
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all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 7, 2024.
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