One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 | |
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One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Failed to Save:
Written by Popastique
Important! Right-click on One Piece Pirate Warrios 4 in steam - Manage - Browse Local Files -
Right-click on OPPW4.EXE - Properties - Compatibility - Check "Run this program" as
administrator and click Apply. Now start your game via steam until you get the
"Failed to save" error.
Now you have to go to C:\Users (or whatever your Windows drive letter is), there you will
certainly find a very strange folder (mine was Ïîëüçîâàòåëü) which will contain "AppData"
folder, and if you dig deeper you will find "Local" folder and then, finally -
"BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment" folder.
Now all you have to do is to copy that "BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment" folder over to
So in the end you will get something like
C:\Users\YourUsername\Appdata\Local\BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
Hope that helps.
-=Not Enough Space=-
If you get "not enough space to save" issue - you can try to fix this either by freeing
some space on a drive where your *Users* folder is located (and Windows as well usually),
or Right-Click on your game in steam library - Properties - Local Files - Verify
Integrity of Game Files. It should work in most cases.
In case everything above fails to solve the issue ( which happens rarely ), you also
may try uninstalling the game, then reinstalling it to another drive.
How to Unlock the Transformations for Big Mom and Kaido:
Written by Mob Kingpin
Ever wonder how to unlock the Dragon form for Kaido, or the Super Cloud form or whatever
it’s called for Big Mom? So did I, and that’s because honestly the coins you need to
unlock them make almost no sense, but here we are, and here’s
-=Big Mom=-
This one is pretty simple. Get to the New World section of the Treasure Log and beat the
mission, “Seeking the Ultimate Cotton Candy”, this will grant you the Chopper’s Mark gold coin.
This is the coin required to unlock Big Mom’s transformation, She Who Rules the Weather.
Somewhat more complicated than his rival, Kaido’s transformation can be unlocked by first
heading into the East Blue section of the Treasure Log and completing the mission, “The
First Step to Destruction”, netting you the Donquixote Pirates’ mark coin, which while not
required for the unlock itself, unlocks the next mission that is required.
After this, complete the mission “Collaborators of Destruction”, to obtain the Donquixote
Pirates gold coin, which is the last coin required to obtain the transformation.
I hope this guide helped anyone who is struggling, I know the coins make very little sense
when compared to the rest required for most unlocks, but here we are. Now if only there
was an easy way to do missions with Jack and Drake as allies to max their crew levels.
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all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 7, 2024.
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