Persona 3 Portable
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Secret boss battles guide:
Written by TricksterLews
This is a guide that will showcase the best strategies for fighting the
secret bosses. This guide include Elizabeth/Theo and the Reaper but does
not currently include the Margaret fight, i will get around that eventually
-=Elizabeth / Theodore
You can only fight Elizabeth / Theo in New Game +, once in New Game + you
need to accept Request #55 "Defeat the ultimate opponent".
For this fight you will be alone so you can't use your team, this means that
the higher level the main character is the better as it is a long and difficult
-=Here are a few important things to know before going into the fight
* Do not have Omnipotent Orb Equipped, this will cause Elizabeth/Theo to
instantly kill you
* Do not block an element that Elizabeth/Theo is about to use or they will
instantly kill you
* Elizabeth/Theo has 20,000HP, if their health goes below 10,000 HP they will
fully heal once
* If their HP goes under 5,000 they will use 9,999 Megidolaon every turn
* Do not use the Armageddon Fusion Spell at the start of the fight or you will
get instantly killed
* Opheus Telos with Thunder Reign, Sharp Student, Mind Charge, Salvation,
High Counter, Elec Amp, Elec Boost and * Unshaken will
( we will come back to this later )
* Armageddon Fusion Spell
* 10x Infinity Spells
* A calculator so that you can keep track of how much damage you have done
( yes i am serious )
* Recommended Equipment: Lucifer's Blade (Male MC) or Vel Vel Muruga (Female MC),
Armour of Light, Shoes of Light and Divine Pillar ( Reduces damage taken by 50% )
(We will also come back to this later)
* (Optional) A Persona with Auto-Maraku, Auto-Mataru And Auto-Masuku
-=How to get Orpheus Telos
In order to get Orpheus Telos you first need to max out all of the Social Links.
After doing that visit the Velvet Room and you will get the Colorless Mask, then
you will need to fuse :
* Nidhogger(Aeon)
* Odin(Emperor)
* Scathach(Priestess)
The most important thing is the get Thunder Reign from Odin to transfer over to
Orpheus Telos, to do this you will need to select all three Personas for a fusion
and you will get a preview of Orpheus Telos. If you don't see Thunder Reign in the
Skill list then back out, deselect all three persona, reselect them and then go
back into the fusion to reset the Skill list. Keep doing this until you see Thunder
Reign in the Skill list, once you see Thunder Reign you can accept the fusion.
Now comes the rest of the skills, we will be getting these from skill cards but
don't worry i will mention how to get said skill cards.
* Sharp Student, Sharp Student reduces the chances of Elizabeth/Theo getting a
critical hit.
You can get the skill card by leveling Zouchouten to Level 19
* Mind Charge, Mind Charge strengthens magic attacks, this will make Thunder Reign
do double damage. You can get the skill card by leveling Atropos to Level 59
* Salvation, Salvation is used to fully heal you as well as remove the poison status
that may be inflicted by Nebiros.
You can get the skill card by leveling Vishnu to Level 87
* High Counter, High Counter has a 50% chance to counter any physical attacks
You can get the skill card by leveling Siegfried to level 67
* Elec Amp, Elec Amp will strengthen electric attacks
You get this by leveling Odin to Level 66 which means you may already have this card
or it may have already transferred over from Odin to Orpheus Telos
* Elec Boost, Also used to strengthen electric attacks
You can get the skill card by leveling Take-Mikazuchi to Level 31
Now that you have all those you can use them on Orpheus Telos but make sure not to
replace Thunder Reign.
Additionally you can get some Stat cards to raise Orpheus Telos stats, it's not
needed but it helps.
-=Kartikeya with Auto-Maraku, Auto Mataru and Auto-Masuku (Optional)
This persona is optional but it does make the fight a little easier. It doesn't
really matter what persona use so lets just use Kartikeya, the only thing that
really matters are the skills and how to get them.
* Auto-Maraku (Marakukaja), this raises the parties defense
You can get this skill card by leveling Raphaek to Level 68
* Auto-Mataru(Matarukaja), this raises the parties physical and magic attack power
You can get this skill card by leveling Melchizedek to Level 68
* Auto-Masuku(Masukukaja), this raises the parties accuracy and evasion
You can get this skill card by leveling Horus to Level 68.
Once you've applied all these skills to whichever persona you choose you need to
make sure to have that persona selected before the battle to ensure all the skills
are used, you can then change to Orpheus Telos on the first turn.
-=Recommended Equipment=-
All of this equipment is slightly optional in the sense that it really helps do
more damage and take less damage
but it's not strictly needed. So here's how to get everything
* Lucifer's Blade (Male MC)
You can get this by fusing Lucifer with the Nihil Weapon. Nihil Weapons can be
dropped from Golden Shadows. You fuse Lucifer's Blade at the Shinshoudo Antiques
shop in Paulownia Mall
* Vel Vel Muruga (Female MC)
You can get this by fusing Kartikeya with a Nihil Weapon, same way as Lucifer's
* Armour and Shoes of Light
You can get these by fusing Orpheus and Thanatos into Messiah once your charcter
is Level 90 or else you won't get Messiah. You will only get one item per fusion
and it's random what you get so be prepared to do a lot of fusions.
* Divine Pillar
You can get the Divine Pillar by fusing Alilat. You can only fuse Alilat once you
have maxed the Empress Social Link.
-=Armageddon Fusion Spell
The Armageddon Fusion Spell can be obtained from the Shinshoudo Antiques Shop in
Paulownia Mall. This shop is available from 6/9 onwards. The Armageddon Spell is
very expensive as it costs x99 Malachite and x10 Ruby to get one Armageddon Spell.
You can find those items inside Tartarus, the Ruby Item is quite rare though. The
Armageddon Fusion Spell deals 9999 Damage guaranteed to all enemies. But you can
also get it from the Hanged Man door inside the Paradigm Door (available from 1/1).
During the fight, you need to let the Hanged Man spawn a Maya and cause an explosion.
Now just finish the fight and you will get an Armageddon Fusion Spell.
-=10x Infinity Spells
The infinity spells will be used to block the 9,999 Megidolaon that will be used
every 8 turns. You can get 10 of these by beating the Fortune & Strength door
inside the Paradigm Door which unlocks on 1/1
See, i'm not joking.
It is crucial to keep track of how much damage you do as once Elizabeth/Theo goes
below 10,000 HP they fully heal.
-=The Fight
Now that you're ready you need to be alone and then enter Heaven's door in Tartarus
and reach the 10th floor.
For this fight difficulty doesn't really matter as the attack pattern doesn't change
no matter what difficulty you're on. So here is the attack loop and what to do on
each turn:
* Turn 1, Surt - Fire
On this turn switch to Orpheus Telos and use Mind Charge
* Turn 2, Jack Frost - Ice
Use Thunder Reign
* Turn 3, Thor - Electricity
Use Thunder Reign
* Turn 4, Cu Chulainn - Wind
Use Mind Charge
* Turn 5, Metatron - Light
Use Thunder Reign
* Turn 6, Alice - Dark
Use Mind Charge
* Turn 7, Nebiros - Status Ailments
Heal if needed or Thunder Reign
* Turn 8, Masakado - Megidolaon
Use Infinity Item
-=Elizabeth / Theodore Continued
After turn 8 the loop will go back to the start so just repeat these moves. Feel
free to switch it up a bit if you get hit by a critical or something and need to
heal or get more SP but make sure to use Infinity on turn 8 otherwise you will die.
Again make sure to be keeping track of how much damage you are doing and subtracting
that from 20,000 and once her health gets to about 10,500 only defend unless it is
turn 8 or you need to heal, this is to make sure you don't do too much damage to the
point they fully heal so you will just need to hope that high counter kicks in and
get their health down to 10,000 or a little bit below. Once their health is at 10,000
or below use the Armageddon Fusion Spell and congrats you win.
Ok so you unlock the fight with Margaret as soon as you beat all the Paradigm doors,
these are the 12 Doors that appear on the 1/1. There is a lot of prep that needs
done and rules that need followed so let's begin.
* Don't have Omnipotent Orb equipped on you or any party member or Margaret will
instantly kill you.
* Don't use the Armageddon Fusion Spell until Margaret is below 10,000 HP or you
will be instantly killed
* Don't have any Persona with you that will null, repel or absorb and of her attacks
or you will be instantly killed
* Do not use the Infinity item or you will be instantly killed
* If you don't deal 5,000 damage in a phase you will be instantly killed
-=Margaret's phases
Margaret has a total of 5 phases which each last 10 turns and she has a total of
30,000 HP so let's talk about her phases.
* Phase 1 : Turn 1 - 10
She will only use physical attacks in this phase
* Phase 2 : Turns 11 - 20
She will use negative status effect skills in this phase
* Phase 3 : Turns 21 - 30
She will only use elemental attacks in this phase
* Phase 4 : Turns 31 - 40
She will use Power and Mind charge on round 1 of this phase and then use powerful
magic and physical skills
* Phase 5 : Turns 41 - 50
In this phase she will use anything
if you do not kill Margaret by Turn 50 you will be instantly killed no matter what
* You and your party members must be level 99 for this fight giving you the most
health and sp possible, it is recommended to train in heaven's door to get more XP.
* Recommended equipment : Lucifer's Blade (Male MC) or Vel Vel Muruga (Female MC),
Ultimate weapons for your party members, Armour of Light, Shoes of Light and Divine
* Recommended party is : Akihiko, Aigis and Yukari
* Have a Helel with Morning Star and Mind Charge
* Armageddon Fusion Spell
* A tonne of Homunculus Items
* A calculator, not joking
-=Helel with Morning Star and Mind Charge
In order to get Helel you need to max out the Star Social Link then you can fuse
Satan and Vishnu. Helel will already have Mind Charge and will learn Morning Star
on Level 99.
-=Armageddon Fusion Spell=-
The Armageddon Fusion Spell can be obtained from the Shinshoudo Antiques Shop in
Paulownia Mall. This shop is available from 6/9 on. The Armageddon Spell is very
expensive it costs x99 Malachite and x10 Ruby to get one Armageddon Spell. You can
find those items inside Tartarus, the Ruby Item is quite rare though. The Armageddon
Fusion Spell deals 9999 Damage guaranteed to all enemies. But you can also get it
from the Hanged Man door inside the Paradigm Door (available from 1/1). During the
fight, you need to let the Hanged Man spawn a Maya and cause an explosion. Now just
finish the fight and you will get an Armageddon Fusion Spell.
Again i am not kidding you will need the calculator in order to keep track of how
much damage you are doing to Margaret so that you use the Armageddon Spell at the
right time.
-=The Fight
Make sure you have Helel Equip and you have some HP and SP items and you can start
the battle.
At the start of the fight set Akihiko to Direct Commands, Aigis to Full Assault and
Yukari to Full Assault, this will make Akihiko your healer and the other two the
damage dealers. Remember to keep track of Margarets health and use the Armageddon
Spell when she is at 10,000HP
In Phase 1 use Mind Charge and Morning star and heal when needed.
Phase 2 is the same
Phase 3 is the same
Phase 4 is the same but you should be getting somewhat close to the 10,000HP mark
on Margaret by now so make sure not to miss it
Phase 5 is the same but you should be finished in this phase, use the Armageddon
Spell when Margaret is at 10,000 HP and you should win, if you let the battle continue
too long you will be instantly killed.
Congrats you won
The Reaper can spawn on any floor all you need to do is just wait a little while,
sometimes it can take up to 10 minutes. Once he spawns on the floor you will get a
warning and then he will move over to you. The recommended Level for this fight is
65 or higher, i'd say definitely go higher.
There are two ways to go about this fight.
-=Armageddon Fusion Spell
The Armageddon Fusion Spell can be obtained from the Shinshoudo Antiques Shop in
Paulownia Mall. This shop is available from 6/9 on. The Armageddon Spell is very
expensive, it costs x99 Malachite and x10 Ruby to get one Armageddon Spell. You can
find those items inside Tartarus. The Ruby Item is quite rare though. The Armageddon
Fusion Spell deals 9999 Damage guaranteed to all enemies. But you can also get it
from the Hanged Man door inside the Paradigm Door (available from 1/1). During the
fight, you need to let the Hanged Man spawn a Maya and cause an explosion. Now just
finish the fight and you will get an Armageddon Fusion Spell.
If you decide to go this route you can just use the Armageddon Fusion Spell as soon
as you get into the fight and win.
-=Fight Normally=-
If you can't be bothered to get the Armageddon Fusion Spell or just don't want to
waste it then you can also fight him normally. Again it is recommended to be Level
65 or over or you may die very quickly.
In this fight you want a persona like Odin that has Thunder Reign or Ragnarok. If you
end up using Odin then make sure to keep the elec amp and elec boost skills.
Use one of your party members to lower his defence and then attack him until he dies,
whenever his defence debuff runs out just decrease his defence again.
If the reaper gets knocked down feel free to all out attack but never all out attack
2 times in a row or you will instantly die.
As of first uploading this i haven't included the Margaret fight but i will get around
to adding that soon i promise.
Anyway, i used PowerPYX[www.powerpyx.com] as my source for this guide although i did
read the whole thing on their site so i didn't just copy paste it all, there was
actual effort that went into translating this into a steam guide.
If this guide has helped you at all then please leave a rating.
How to Import PSP & PPSSPP Save to Steam:
Writtem by Just Ate Some Tasty Pasta Bruh
Some people wanted me to make a Steam guide based on my original Reddit post on
how to import a P3P save from PSP/PPSSPP to the Steam version. Most of my findings
are based on zestiva’s post over on GBAtemp.
-=How to import=-
First of, if you either used the original PSP or an emulator to play the game,
you will need PPSSPP and the P3P ROM in order to continue.
* This step only applies to OG PSP transfers. Find your P3P save folder on your
PSP (ULES01523DATAxx, the xx depends on what save slot you used) and transfer
it to your PPSSPP save file folder: PPSSPP\memstick\PSP\SAVEDATA
* Now you have to re-save the game without encryption. To do this we first have
to change a .ini file. Go to the file: PPSSPP\memstick\PSP\SYSTEM\ppsspp.ini,
Find EncryptSave and change it from EncryptSave=True to EncryptSave=False.
* After you've done this, go into the PPSSPP game and re-save the PPSSPP file
inside the emulator so you have a non-encrypted save file.
* Making a new temporary save on P3Steam: Make a new character with the SAME
NAME and GENDER as your PSP save. You need to save this character ASAP (4/7).
* The transfer: Fire up P3Steam and go to the LOAD menu. Click on your temporary
P3Steam save once to bring up the "Load this file?" but DO NOT click YES yet.
Now, tab out from the game and delete the temporary P3Steam save (P3PSAVE0001.BIN
if you're using the first save slot). After this, take your newly saved, un-encrypted
PPSSPP save file from PPSSPP\memstick\PSP\SAVEDATA\ULES01523DATAxx(the xx depends
on what save slot you used), transfer it to Steam\userdata\your_steam_ID\1809700\
remote (1809700 is the P3P directory) and rename it to the same file name as your
temporary character (should be from P3PSAVE.BIN to P3PSAVE0001.BIN if you're using
the first save slot). Now when your temporary file is overwritten with the PPSSPP
un-encrypted file, go back into P3Steam and click YES to actually load the file,
and then, DONE!
* Not being able to save after successfully loading? Non matching character name
or gender between the two save files.
* Game crashes while trying to load? Happens when you try to load an encrypted
PPSSPP file.
* Getting "Load failed" message? Save file is either not present in the save folder
OR doesn't have the correct name: "P3PSAVE00xx.BIN" (where xx is 01 for slot 1,
02 for slot 2 etc)
* Mods and Cheats: There have been reports of people not being able to save after
playing a PPSSPP file wtih mods or cheats. A solution should be to disable mods/
cheats, and then re-saving on PPSSPP and then importing this new save file to
* Some people have said that the date needs to be the same for the game to not
crash, but this isn't true for me at least. I've managed to load a PPSSPP file
from summer using a P3Steam base file from 4/7.
* Make backups of your save files. Ofcourse don't delete the original PPSSPP file.
Also make a back up of the un-encrypted file so you don't have to re-save it.
And finally, make a backup of the P3Steam file so you don't have to spend 5-
10min if you manage to overwrite it without successfully importing the PPSSPP
* I tried playing around with un-matching difficulty settings and sometimes it
worked, sometimes not. Just set the same difficulty and change it in the in
game menu when you managed to save your PPSSPP file in Steam.
* After you manage to load the PPSSPP file I would re-save, probably in slot 2,
quit the game and load in again to make sure it works.
Strength & Fortune Boss Fight for x10 Infinity:
* Make sure your teammates are not maxed out. They need to die.
* Bring Mitsuru, Koromaru and Junpei (they can be very weak for this, as the
person I read this from had allegedly left them around level 40. Mine were
level 70)
* Basically, allow your teammates to die. The trigger for the x10 infinity
definitely appears death based(as everyone who has gotten the drop has
mentioned teammates dying). I let Mitsuru die twice to strength before I
was unable to revive her. And had koromaru purposefully die to a wheel
explosion. Then it was down to me and Junpei, and Junpei died a few turns
before I took out Fortune.
On my first try, I got the x10 infinity drop after grinding the boss for hours.
Which was a completely different outcome from the many runs I did with no
character deaths.
I believe the trigger definitely is character deaths. But it also could possibly
be simply not using Aigis, Yukari or Akihiko(it would have to be tested). I never
had success when none of my characters died: so allow your characters to die if
you can comfortably do so, and leave them dead if you want.
You should be able to get x10 infinity this way. But it may be random chance
despite this. I did get it first try doing this though. :puppet_billy: And so
did the person who posted this method. So there is definitely a trigger in it