
Planescape - Torment Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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 Planescape - Torment Cheats

Planescape - Torment

Cheat Codes:
There are more movies, you only see them when a high-level spell is being
cast. To see them add in torment.ini under [Movies] the lines:


See All Movies:
Edit your Torment.ini file and look for [Movies], edit it to look like this: 


Money Trick: 
While in Sigil I found a neat money trick that will get you 50-75 copper each
time. You go south of the Mortuary and go to the Smoldering Corpse Bar. In 
there, go right and talk to a Dustman. She is actually a fake. If you answer
her in this order: answers 1, 1, 1 and then 1 or 2 depending if you want 50 
copper or 75 and then finishing the conversation. I found out you could do this
as many times as you want. You may need to start a quest given to you by a 
Dustman at their bar west of the Mortuary first regarding a fake Dustman. 

Free EXP: 
You must be a sensate for this code. In the private sensorium activate the 
green stone where you talk to Ravel (make sure youve already talked to her 
once) then activate it again and answer in this order 1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,2,1 
for 6000 xp repeat as necessary.

Get good spells for free early in the game:
Go to the inn (Dorm) at the Sensate place in the clerks ward. Save your game
and try to steal from the lady who gives you a room until you get a key. Go 
into the eastern room and search the cabinets on the north wall. There are 
also several charms that may come in handy later in the game. 

Becoming a Godsman and getting the best axe:
Talk to the Auctioneer outside the market in the lower ward. Perform 
the tasks he will ask you to do. The second task will be to deliver a
message to a Godsman, therefore granting you passage to the northern 
gate (in the lower ward). You will eventually meet a man in a room 
surrounded by other people. Ask him about becoming a Godsman. He will
tell you to forge a weapon in the foundry, the first room you saw when
you entered the place. Get the items you need from the clerk in the 
southwest part of the room. Ask Thildin, the muscular man, for some ore.
Then, find the only empty barrel and make the weapon of your choice. 
Report back to the man that told you how to forge the weapon. Next, 
there will be a murder. You only need to know where the people are --
you already know where Thildon is; the man whose name starts with "S"
is in the same room as man that told you how to forge the weapon, and
the other is on the balcony just above him. Talk to Thildon one more 
time and report back to the man that told you how to forge the weapon.
Just convince the man in the locked quarters to live. Be nice to him. 
You now are a Godsman and have access to the best axe in the game for 
5000 GP.

See Fell:
If you are stuck, need an extra boost of strength, dexterity, 
constitution or other attribute, or want something but do not know 
how to get it, see Fell the tattoo man. 

Experience in Sensate Emporium: 
In the Sensate emporium (the private sensory stones), keep going to 
Ravel's stone and nodding until you have to speak. You will gain 6000
experience points every time. Then, just end the experience.

* It may be a good idea to save your game before talking to important
  NPCs. Sometimes the outcome can be more dangerous or important to 
  your adventure than many combat situations, so you may want to take
  a second shot if you don't like the result.

* Don't forget your journal. Sometimes there are clues that can help
  you out if you're stuck. Or you can always try asking one of your 
  party members to point you in the right direction. 

* This is a role-playing game, so combat is important. But don't be
  surprised if, in certain situations, avoiding combat has a bigger

* You can toggle through available formations by holding down the 
  ALT key. 

* Just as in Baldur's Gate, you can guard an area by selecting the
  shield icon, then dragging it out into a circle. Doing this prevents
  your characters from chasing an enemy off the screen.

* Just because a weapon is available to you doesn't necessarily mean
  that you should place it in your inventory. If you haven't found a
  corresponding weapons tutor to learn how to use the weapon, it will
  carry penalties with it.

Hex Cheat:
Submitted by nightraider

This will show how to modify any of your character's stats. 
It's actually pretty simple. 

1.Write down the stats for the specific character you want to edit
  (probably start with the Nameless One but it will work on any 
  person in your party) in this order: STR, %STR, INT, WIS, DEX, 
  CON, CHAR. Example: 18 30 15 15 17 12 9. 

2.Once you have written them down, convert each one into HEX. You
  can use windows calculator in scientific mode to do this. Enter 
  the value in to the calculator and click the Hex radio button to
  see the value in hex. Here are the above values in hex: 
  12 1E 0F 0F 11 0C 09. 

3.Once you have them converted, using your hex editor search for
  the above numbers in the torment.gam file*. Enter in the search
  like so (no spaces): 121E0F0F110C09. 

4.Once you have found these values you can change them as you like.
  You can use the your windows calculator the calculate the stats 
  you want to hex and replace them as you like. 

*The Torment.gam file is located ine the save directory off of your
 main torment folder.

Becoming Fighter/Mage or Thief/Mage:
If The Nameless One is a Fighter or a Thief and you have Dakkon, Ignus, 
or Fall - From - Grace in your party and the nameless one used to be a 
Mage and he has spells in his spell book then if you go to the quick 
menu, go to your spell users quick menu, then click the select all 
characters button, and then click on spells in the quick menu then you
will see the nameless one's spells.

Best ending:
"Planescape: Torment" has two endings. The first one is the most common
one, it occurs if you choose to fight the final boss. However, you can 
also convince him to merge with you. This will bring you to another, 
better ending (better because all your friends will be resurrected and
they all will have to say something to you). There are three ways to 
convince the final boss to merge with you. Two ways depend on your stats:
you'll have to have over 24 in either wisdom or charisma. Then, carefully
following the correct dialogues path, you'll be able to convince him. 
Another way is to have the sword Blade of the Immortal. If you threaten
him to kill yourself with this blade and to end your and his existence,
he will also merge with you.

Defeating The Transcendent One:
To easily defeat The Transcendant One, you need not go through extensive class
training and retraining. Just get the Blade Of The Immortal. To do this, first
go to the Open Air Market in the Lower Ward. Find the man working at the forge.
Ask him how the Lower Ward got its name. As you keep choosing the topmost 
conversation selection, he should tell you of a portal by the Siege Engine. 
After more conversation, he will tell you the key to open it. Then, go to the
Siege Engine that has the bridge you can walk on. As you walk on the bridge, 
a dialogue box should appear. Choose the first option and a portal will open.
Enter the portal. As you enter it, you will be warped in the Siege Engine. 
Look around until you find something called Coaxmetal. Talk to him and you 
will eventually get to ask him "Can you make a weapon that can kill an immortal?".
He will say that he needs a drop of your blood. If you answer "Yes", he will 
make the Blade Of The Immortal. After this, go to the Fortress Of Regrets with
the blade in your inventory. When you confront The Transcendant One, ask him 
most of the questions you desire, but do not tell him to revive your fallen 
comrades. After you have extracted all you want to know from him, choose only
the first dialogue option. Eventually, he will agree to merging with you. 
You will revive your allies and you will be damned to Hell. 

Easy experience:
You need at least 50 gp to do this, but the money will not be spent. Go to 
Yellow Fingers in Ragpickers Square and let him pickpocket you. Observe him
first, to claim experience and pickpocket skill points. After that, ask him
what he is doing. Say that you will give him money, and give him 50 gp. 
Suddenly, a zombie will appear at Morte's Coordinates and you will talk to
him as if you were completing the "Find Where Pharod's Bodies Are Coming 
From" Quest. End the conversation. To repeat the glitch, talk to Yellow-
Fingers and do it again. The zombie will ignore you, saying that he is busy.
You will get 200 gp and 750 experience points each time. 

Easy experience:
When in the prison below Curst, which is accessed through the entrance in 
the Outer Curst dump, talk to Trias the Deva after you get Celestial Fire 
(which can be found in the middle of the prison). He will ask you to free 
him with Celestial Fire. Select the "Leave" dialogue option (option 3). Go
back again and talk to him. He will say "Do you have another question mortal?"
Select the dialogue options in this order: 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1. You should gain 
306,250 experience points. Talk to him again and select dialogue option 2 "Ah
well, farewell". Then, talk to him again and repeat the first sequence (1, 2,
1, 1, 2, 1). Each time you complete the sequence, you will get the 306,250 
experience. Use the quick-save after getting the experience in the event that
you select the wrong dialogue option, in which case reload the game.

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