Saku Saku: Love Blooms with the Cherry Blossoms Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Saku Saku: Love Blooms with the Cherry Blossoms | |
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Saku Saku: Love Blooms with the Cherry Blossoms
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Ending Guideline - Suggested Route Order:
Written by Shebbinator
There are 5 routes. Mio (childhood friend), Konami (blood-related sister), Yuri
(Easily embarrassed Disciplinary committee chairman), Ann (Student Council Prez/
Senpai) and Tina (Shinigami). Tina's route only unlocks after Ann's route.
You probably won't even need this Walkthrough, since the choices are so straightforward.
Nevertheless, here you have it.
-=Mio Route=-
* Politely decline
* Decline her offer
* Cover for her
* Pass on her offer
* Say that I have to use the toilet
-=Konami Route=-
* Politely decline
* Invite her to the school cafeteria
* Don't say anything
* Pass on her offer
* Leave it to Sou and run away
* Your Choice
-=Yuri Route=-
* Politely decline
* Decline her offer
* Don't say anything
* Get treated by her obediently
* Go buy a drink as well
-=Ann Route=-
* Let her help
* Decline her offer
* Don't say anything
* Pass on her offer
* Listen to Senpai's request
-=Tina Route=-
* Finish Ann's route and go back to the menu.
* You should now be able to select Tina's route from the Title Menu.
-=How Flags Work and Other Useless Notes=-
Mio, Konami, Ann and Yuri are really straightforward. There are 4 initial choices,
1 for each character, choosing the right one gives a point for that character.
1.Let her help -> +1 Ann
2.Invite her to the school cafeteria -> +1 Konami
3.Cover for her -> +1 Mio
4.Get treated by her obediently -> +1 Yuri
The 5th choice is the tiebreaker, you have one for each girl, so even if you're
terrible to everyone you'll still get a point for someone here.
5.Leave it to Sou and run away -> +1 Konami
5.Say that I have to use the toilet -> +1 Mio
5.Listen to Senpai's request -> +1 Ann
5.Go buy a drink as well -> +1 Yuri
On the off chance that you managed to still be tied here, the game will just say
"To hell with this!" and let you choose who you want (out of the people that are tied)
after the welcoming (pool) party.
6.My encounter with Jinpou-senpai -> Ann route
6.My distance to Tsukishima -> Yuri route
6.The never-changing days with Mio -> Mio route
6.Konami's Enrollment -> Konami route
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