
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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  Hints and Tips for: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor 
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 Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Cheats

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

How to Skip Intro:
Written by DiRgE

This guide explains how you can skip intro.

Go to the game Movies folder that is located at:
* \Jedi Survivor\SwGame\Content\Movies

If you have difficulties reaching here, it will depend where 
you bought the game.

-=Rename this files=-
* Default_Startup.mp4 into _Default_Startup.mp4
* Default_Startup_Loop.mp4 into _Default_Startup_Loop.mp4

How to Cap the FPS:
If you can’t open the game or it crashes then what I’m saying here doesn’t 
apply but if you can get to the main menu, apply whatever settings you want
to use in the options and then close the game.

That way those settings are saved and then you can navigate to and find a 
configuration file for the game settings and in that file is a command to 
limit your FPS. And why you may be interested in doing this is because for 
whatever reason that setting is not in the game options so essentially the 
game is just running at an uncapped or variable framerate by default and 
that can introduce more stutters and frame pacing issues. Yes you cap your 
FPS other ways but sometimes doing it with what is built-in to the game 
can work a little better. I however don’t think this game is meant to run 
anymore than 120 fps so, the two limits that I would set are either 60 or 

The config file gets created here once you load the game and your 
settings are saved:

x:\Users(your name\AppData\Local\SwGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\

Navigate down under /Script/SwGame.SwGameUserSettings

Find the line that says: FrameRateLimit=

By default it’s at 00.000000 (so unlimited) type in 60 or 120 (and yes 
leave it as 60.000000 or 120.000000) or whatever you prefer (I’m not 
sure though if other values would work well) and then save and then 
close the file.

This is not going to magically solve poor performance but by capping your 
FPS, things can sync up smoother between your GPU and monitor’s refresh 
rate and again why this is not an option that you can set in game, I don’t 
know. To me that should be a given setting that is available to change 
and set in any modern game.

Useful Tips for Beginners:
-=Hidden Features and Options=-
* Jedi Survivor features a robust accessibility options menu, which is great 
for offering players of all skill levels and aptitudes different ways to play 
the game, and there are many helpful settings that you may want to make use of.

* You’ll find settings such as disabling fall damage, navigation assist to 
enable mission waypoints, control scheme modifications, and even slow-motion 
combat options.

* By default, Photo Mode can only be accessed by opening the menu. However, 
when navigating to the Accessibility menu, you’ll have the option to turn on 
and modify Shortcuts Controls. This essentially replaces the default Touchpad 
button on PlayStation 5 with four customizable shortcuts that can range from 
Photo Mode, Holomap, Audio Ping, Slow Mode, Puzzle Hint, and Nav Assist Ping.

-=Force Attack and Combat Tips
* You can hold L1 and then press Triangle / Y to throw your lightsaber. This 
is especially handy for taking out Probe Droids before they explode on you. 
(Just be aware that this uses some of your Force Meter, so you can’t just do 
it over and over and over.)

* You may remember a scene in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace where Qui-Gon 
Jin simply force pushes a group of Battle Droids to disable them. Cal can 
do this as well! The basic Battle Droids are incredibly weak, and you can 
often send out a well-timed push to destroy multiple droids with a single 
push rather than trying to engage them up close.

* Many enemies you encounter can perform red unblockable attacks. However, 
if the enemy is susceptible to Cal’s Force powers, you’ll be able to cancel 
some unblockable attacks by countering with a well-timed Force attack. If 
an enemy turns blue instead of red, this means they are even more susceptible 
to a force move like Push to throw them off-balance.

* Sharpen your Jedi Abilities by making full use of the Training option 
that’s available when accessing the Meditation menu. Unlocked when first 
visiting Koboh, you’ll have the chance to learn how to wield your lightsaber 
and defend yourself from enemy forces in Basic and Advanced training 
challenges. These challenges range from attacking, blocking, reflecting 
and deflecting, parrying, and even evading enemy attacks.

* If you’re looking to regain your Force meter more quickly, try performing 
the Advanced Evade technique that sees you evading enemy attacks right 
before they land to regain a small amount of Force (used by pressing the 
dodge button at the last moment without moving away). This is extremely 
helpful in encounters that have you facing multiple enemies at once — 
especially those that are considered quite challenging, as you’ll be able 
to build your Force meter much quicker. You’ll know if you’re successful in 
performing an Advanced Evade, as Cal will dodge the attack in slow motion.

* It’s unlikely that you won’t know that you’re on low health, as the health 
bar isn’t particularly hidden, but another way to know if you’re in the red 
is to look at BD-1. The lights on the back of his head change color to match 
your health bar, so when his lights go red, you know that you need to heal!

* Cal is invulnerable as he is casting his slow-time ability. This means 
that you can cast it without fear of being interrupted, allowing you to use 
the time afterward to get your bearings and reset before pressing the attack.

* Accessing the Holomap does not pause the game, so be sure to check your 
surroundings before opening the map, as it’ll leave you vulnerable to all 
incoming damage.

-=Customization Tips=-
* There are a lot of customization options to unlock, including clothing 
for Cal. Most of them you can freely swap out colors for, but if it says 
the color options are locked, you’ll need to find another chest holding 
the color mods.

* Another fun tip to be aware of is that some of the Cal’s Beard options 
allow you to customize the length of the stubble, so if you want to give 
Cal his more clean-shaven appearance from the first game, this is how you 
do it.

-=Exploration Tips=-
* Upon reaching Koboh, you’ll begin to encounter Scavenger Droids, who are 
described as anxious, greedy droids that often pick up and hoard any valuable 
materials they can get their hands on. One of these valuables is Priorite 
Shards, so be sure to kill these droids whenever you encounter them. Just be 
warned, their loot isn’t automatically picked up, so you will be required to 
manually search their bodies. If you have trouble sneaking up on them, you 
can simply approach from behind and toss your lightsaber at them!

* Some Side Quests can be completed without returning to the quest giver; 
however, that won’t stop you from paying them a visit to unlock additional 
story dialogue. A prime example of this is seen after the completion of the 
‘Find the 

* Missing Prospectors’ Side Quest, as the Prospector that had you 
investigating the nearby mine will reveal her true motives when Cal explains 
his findings.

* Be sure to speak to all NPCs until you’re out of options, as with some 
prompting and persistence, characters such as Skoova and DD-EC will provide 
a Databank entry for your efforts.

* Before leaving Koboh, we recommend collecting a total of 10 Datadiscs. 
This will allow you to purchase an additional Perk slot upgrade from Zee’s 
Datadisc Decryption store found on the second floor of Pyloon’s Saloon. If 
you’re unwilling to give up all your datadiscs so soon, you can also check 
the perks she sells. One of her Perks, Wisdom, increases the amount of XP 
gained by defeating enemies, which will really add up in the long run and 
help unlock new Skills faster.

* At numerous points throughout the game, Cal will have the opportunity to 
use Jedi Mind Tricks on people to persuade them and change what they’re doing. 
You’re usually presented with a choice as to what to tell the person, but this 
choice doesn’t affect the outcome of the conversation, so don’t be scared to 
choose the option you want to pick most.

* While Enemy Databank entries might seem like a novelty at first glance, 
they do, in fact, serve a purpose beyond just providing some helpful tips, 
as each enemy you scan will automatically become unlocked for a tactical 
tabletop mini-game that is added to the second floor of the Saloon after 
completing the Odd Pair Rumor. This mini-game will have you pitting your 
unlocked troops against competitors from around the Saloon that will reward 
you with unique material colors, treasures, and more should you beat them. 
So, without enemy data scans, your arsenal of troops will be bare, and it’ll 
be virtually impossible to win many of the challenges.

* There’s more to Rumors than meets the eye, as unlike traditional Side 
Quests, most Rumors will simply complete after they lead you to places that 
need to be explored. It’ll then be up to you to explore these areas further 
to undercover their rewards, which usually include Cosmetics, Force Echoes, 
Perks, Treasures, and much more.

* It’s never explicitly explained when or how you’ll unlock new abilities 
that can help you open those annoying blocked paths you’ll frequently 
encounter. Thankfully, without delving too much into spoiler territory, we 
can confirm that all Abilities used to unblock these paths are unlocked 
solely through main story progress.

Viper Probe Droid Enemy Scan Solution:

-=The Solution=-
The Viper Probe Droid is likely to be your last scan for the Intergalactic 
Geographic: Scan every type of enemy to fill out the Tactical Guide Trophy. 
For many players, myself included, you did not pick this up during the story 
and/or the enemy seems to be glitched and you cannot scan the enemy by normal 

If you missed the Viper Probe Droid (Koboh > Alignment Control Center) as you 
head to the Arrays as part of Chapter 6 during the story, do not fret. There 
is one more spawn location post-story and you will need to scan the enemy with
 unconventional means (manually). If you have not scanned it during the story, 
or find it is glitched, head to Nova Garon > Central Command.

Note: If you’re having trouble with other achievements, read the SW Jedi: 
Survivor 100% Collectibles Guide for maximum exploration of the game.

From the Mantis, turn to the first door you unlocked (where the electric blue 
thing is you need to hit with darts). In that corridor at the end (directly 
ahead of you) is a lift. Take it down and then once you are down, walk forward 
a few steps and turn 90 degrees right and you will see a door/corridor next 
to some consoles. This is where you need to go but do not enter yet.

The Viper Probe Droid is in this area a few feet to the right just through 
the door and hovering slightly off to the right in front of you as you go 
through. Walk very slowly through the door until you can see it. Do not let 
any enemies see you. Once you have it in sight hovering to the right, press 
down on your D-Pad to bring up BD1’s scanner and then press the right thumb 
stick down so you enter the tagging mode. Now hover the cursor over the enemy 
so you can manually scan the droid. It should say this is an unknown enemy 
type and begin scan.

That should be your last and final enemy!

Having the High Ground Against the Rancor:
The Rancor, the first optional legendary boss in this game, can be defeated 
by exploiting how it is on lower ground. Draw out the Rancor, if you have not 
encountered it for the first time, then climb back to the ledge you dropped 
from to do so. Jump off the edge and drop back to the ledge repeatedly to 
lure the Rancor towards you until it is close enough for you to hit it with 
a Lightsaber Throw attack from the ledge. Here, you'll be able to slowly pick 
off the Rancor without giving it a chance to fight back, if you are patient 
enough to work with the time-consuming limited auto-regeneration of your 
Force meter.

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