
Total Annihilation Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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  Hints and Tips for: Total Annihilation 
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 Total Annihilation Cheats

Total Annihilation

Cheat Codes:
Update by: Dj Simo

While playing in Skirmish mode, press ENTER then press the + key 
and type in the code for the desired effect: 

Code           Result
BIGBROTHER   - Units say different things when you move them 
CDSTOP       - Stops cd 
HONK         - Units honk sometimes when they stop 
LOGO # (1-9) - Change your color at anytime of the game 
               in skirmish mode.  
LOS          - Toggles line of sight setting  
METEOR       - Hail of death stones from sky
SHADOW       - Toggles object shadowing  
SHOWRANGES   - Display ranges by holding Shift when the 
               pointer is over the unit
MAPPING      - Cover the screen in black
ATM          - Gives you 1000 metal and energy. 
CDSTART      - Starts CD Music. 
CLOCK        - Adds an in-game clock in the corner of the screen. 
CONTOUR#     - Displays a 3D contour, # = 1-15. 
CONTROL#     - Lets you to control a different skirmish AI. 
DITHER       - Changes line-of-sight shading
DOUBLESHOT   - All weapons do twice the damage
HALFSHOT     - All weapons do half the damage
ILOSE        - Causes you to lose
IWIN         - Causes you to win
KILL#        - Kills off a player, where # is 0-4
NOENERGY     - Drops your energy to 0
NOMETAL      - Drops your metal to 0
NOSHAKE      - Stops explosion screen shakes
NOWISEE      - Full map and disables line of sight
RADAR        - 100% radar coverage
SING         - Makes units "sing" when given orders. 
SHOOTALL     - Units will automatically target enemy buildings
SWITCHALT    - Switch between squads with # keys instead of ALT-# keys
VIEW#        - Display other players' metal and energy.

Free Nuke 
Build an air transport and have it load up the enemies commander (can
usually only be done early in a skirmish against the computer). Fly 
the commander over the enemies base and self-destruct the air transport.
It will nuke the base! 

Mission Select 
To choose any missiong, go to the SINGLE PLAYER GAME screen and type
"drdeath." Click on the Cavedog bone (below the Load Game button) to
choose your starting mission. 

More Opponents in Skirmish Mode 
To add up to 10 AI opponents in Skirmish Mode, go the Skirmish Setup
screen and type * plus a Roman numeral for the number of opponents 
you wish to add. 

For example, 
"*iv" will add four AI opponents. 

Resource Sharing in Multiplayer Games 
To share resources with your allies in skirmish mode, press ENTER, 
type one of the codes below, then press ENTER again. 

+shareenergy        Shares energy
+sharemetal         Shares metal
+sharemapping       Shares map information

You can control the amount of metal and energy you share by placing
a number after these commands. For example, +setshareenergy 2000 will
ensure you have at least 2000 energy units at all times. 

Total Annihilation: Battle Tactics
* Experienced TA generals should skip the advice portion of the 
  mission briefing and dive immediately into each scenario without
  any preconceptions. This greatly reduces the "training mode" 

* The mobile Annihilator cannons should always travel in packs of
  three; this will keep them from being overwhelmed while allowing
  them to lay down devastating firepower.

Submitted by:DAWN GRANLAND 

At the Typing menu(press enter to access during play), type +atm 
and press enter. This gives you 1000 metal + energy.

Press [Ctrl] + D during game play.

Select all units:
Press [Ctrl] + A to select all units for a full scale attack.

Select the commander:
Press [Ctrl] + C to automatically select the commander and go 
directly to him. This is useful when on a large map.

Program Commander:
Use the following trick to allow your Commander to build more 
things than normal. You can program a Commander or Construction
Vehicle to do the job of another Construction Vehicle or Advanced
Vehicle with one easy step. Click on the vehicle that you want to
take the abilities from, then press [Enter]. The bar will appear 
at the bottom of your screen. Then, click on the vehicle which 
you want the abilities on, then press [Enter] again to disable 
the bar. Your vehicle has now been programmed. The abilities may 
disappear when clicking on another vehicle, but you can program 
it again.

Killer Construction Vehicles:
Your Construction Vehicles are not useless after your base is 
built. When a fleet of enemies is at your base's door, include
the Construction Vehicles to meet them. They can help eliminate
Core or Arm Vermin if needed. Set a Construction Vehicle to 
"Reclaim", then target an enemy. Your vehicle will suck the life
out of it, kill it, then add some metal to your gauge. 

If you are in skirmish mode and there is a color that is friendly
try creating a safe area connecting your base with that color's 
base. If there is an attack on your base and you need to retreat,
you can go through that safe area and take cover with the friendly
for the time it takes you to build another base.

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