
The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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 The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall Cheats

The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

All console Command For Daggerfall:
Written by Furrybearpanda

Hit Console key (`) become God
Triggers an action object, such as a remotely-opened door in a dungeon. 
Overrides normal preventive measures to opening.
Adds certain items to the inventory. Uses the following categories: book, 
weapon, armor, cloth, ingr, relig, soul, gold, magic, drug, map, torch.

add_all_equip Adds
ALL items of a certain equippable kind to the inventory. Uses parameters 
such as “armor” to provide equipment for the current character.

Adds one piece of armor with parameters gender, race, armor type, and material. 
Each parameter must begin with a capital letter.
Adds clothing to inventory.
Adds one weapon with parameters weapon type and material. Each parameter must 
begin with a capital letter.

Adds one of the game’s epic artifacts to the inventory. 
Artifact numbers can be found in 
Adds a book to the inventory. Uses name or book ID parameter.
Floods the screen with a repeating “Message #” up to the number specified by 
the player addpopuptext 600

Adds a spellbook to the inventory if there is none. Addspellbook

An experimental command to alter settings in currently enabled mods. 
Changes all negative legal reputation in the world to 0, and cancels any banishment 
in any region. Remember that factional and legal reputation are two different entities. 

Creates a mob (enemy entity) of a certain type onto a certain team. If no team 
argument, default team. Team 1 is allied with player. Enemy type numbers can be 
found in /DaggerfallUnity_Data/StreamingAssets/Tables/Quest-Foes.txt cm 3 1

Gives the player a disease using numbers 1 through 16, or vampire. In the future 
werewolf/wereboar infection will also be possible. Does not override disease 
immunity on level 1 characters. diseaseplayer 9

Debug tool to save block information to a json file. The information is saved 
to the Daggerfall Unity persistent data path. Dumpblock

Debug tool to save information about the building you’re in to a json file dumpbuilding

Debug tool to dump the names or locations of blocks of each location. Dumplocblocks

dumplocation D
ebug tool to dump the location from MAPS.BSA you’re currently in. dumplocation

Debug tool to dump the region from MAPS.BSA you’re currently in. dumpregion

Wipes out the quest currently shown in the quest debugger. The game will proceed 
as though the quest never existed, not giving reputation or material rewards. 
Wipes out the designated quest. The game will proceed as though the quest never 
existed, not giving reputation or material rewards. Use the quest debug UI to 
see the UID for your currently running quest(s). endquest 33554491
Developer tool to compile source files and create objects from the Streaming 
Assets folder of the Daggerfall Unity installation. execute Script01.cs

Puts into the inventory a copy of all items referenced by any running quests. 
Some quests might not behave properly after this is run. Getallquestitems

Tells the X and Y coordinates on the world map for a location. getlocpixel 
Puts your character back on solid ground, if floating in void or other bad 
location. Only works indoors. Groundme

Adds your character to one of the game’s guilds. This command uses the 
internal naming system for the guilds, so the Thieves Guild is “GeneralPopulace”.
 Other guild names can be found in GuildManager.cs guildjoin DarkBrotherHood

Raises or lowers your rank in a guild you belong to. Your reputation in the 
guild will change to ((rank)x10). guildrank FightersGuild 6

Display the list of available commands or details about a specific command. 
ingredUsage Records in the debug log how many recipes are possible with 
ingredients ingredusage
Kills any enemies, including quest foes, in the current location. Killall

Start or stop levitating. As with the levitate spell, 
incompatible with set_runspeed. levitate on

Developer tool used to load scenes from a list of levels. 
load scene

Send the player to one of various predefined locations, such as Daggerfall 
City, Privateer’s Hold, Direnni Tower, or any random place. Use “location” 
to see the list. location 3

Wipes every segment in the dungeon from your automap, starting it anew. 
This effect will carry over if the game is saved. Map_hideall

Reverts map_revealbuildings map_hidebuildings

Reverts map_reveallocations map_hidelocations

Reveals the whole dungeon automap map_revealall

Temporarily annotates the name of all buildings in the town’s map, excluding 
ordinary residences. All buildings in all towns will be annotated until game 
exit or revert. Map_revealbuildings

Permanently reveals an unvisited location on the travel map map_reveallocation 
Dragontail_Mountains Scourg_Barrow

Temporarily reveals all undiscovered locations on the travelmap map_reveallocations

toggles (enables or disables) debug teleport mode (Control+Shift+Left Mouse 
Click on a dungeon segment will teleport player to it) map_teleportmode

Modify reputation with last NPC clicked by a positive or negative amount. 
Clamped at -100 through 100 modnpcrep 85
nt Toggle NoTarget mode nt

Opens all doors in an interior or dungeon, regardless of locked state openalldoors
Opens a single door the player is looking at, regardless of locked state opendoor

Play the specified .FLC file ??

Play the specified .VID file ??
poisonplayer index (a number 0-11) poisonplayer 3
print_legalrep Output current legal status and reputation value for all regions. 
purgeallquests Immediately tombstones all quests and removes them from quest machine. 
Does not issue rewards.

Immediately tombstones all quests that aren’t related to Daggerfall’s main quest and 
removes them from the quest machine. Purgenonstoryquests
Quit the application. Quit

Repair permanently reduced maximum health caused by a level-up bug in 0.10.3 and earlier. 
This bug is resolved in 0.10.4 and later but some older save games might still need 
repair. Note that new maximum health is set by forumla and may be slightly higher or 
lower than before bug. Reroll_maxhealth

Clears mesh and material asset caches then reloads game. Warning: Uses QuickSave slot 
to reload game in-place. The in-place reload will trigger a longer than usual delay. 
Clears records of import attempts for assets from loose files and mods. 

Set gravity. Default is 20 set_grav 7

Sets your character’s health to a value. ??
Set jump speed. Default is 8 set_jump 900

Set mouse sensitivity. Default is 1.5 set_mspeed 6

Set run speed. Set to -1 to return to default speed. set_runspeed 80

Set Timescale; Default 12. Setting it too high can have adverse affects
set_timescale 1600
Set Vertical Sync count. Must be 0, 1, 2; set_vsync 1

Set walk speed. Set to -1 to return to default speed. set_walkspeed 300

Sets the weather to indicated type, with values from 0 to 6. set_weather 5

Change player level to a value from 1 to 30. Does not allow player to distribute
points, only changes level value. setlevel 14

Opens a banking window for the current region showbankwindow

Opens a item maker window for enchanting items showitemmaker
Opens a spellmaker window for creating spells showspellmaker

How to Improve Performance:
Written by Dagger

For those wanting to try vanilla daggerfall there is a performance increase 
you can apply to this version of the game

Under where steam is installed on your computer, navigate to:

\steamapps\common\the elder scrolls daggerfall\df\dagger\z.Cfg

* open this file
* And add these lines to the bottom:

Texturememory 20000
Objmemsize 20000

* And save “Z.Cfg”

Now when you open Daggerfall, this little code improves performance by increasing the 
cache for both textures and objects to 20 MB. This provides less lag when loading 
inside of large dungeons, and makes the game rely less on loading from "Dungeon blocks"

I’d also head over to this site and download the eyeofargonia, this allows for further 
view distance. Just put it where you found z.Cfg and run it. Do not touch the detail 
distance slider in-game or it will undo the patch.

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