Tropico 4 Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Tropico 4
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: Alex
Update by: Kret
Cheat List:
Hold [Right Shift] and enter one of the following codes during game play.
Code Effect
trabajono - Unlock all missions.
speedygonzales - Instant construction.
iamthestate - No prerequisites for edicts.
elpollodiablo - Instant win.
muchopesos - Gain 100000 dollars.
whiskey - +20 to relations with the US.
nowhiskey - -20 to relations with the US.
vodka - +20 to relations with the USSR.
novodka - -20 to relations with the USSR.
twoheadedllama - Raises tourism rating to 100.
pachangasi - Raises happiness values of all Tropicans with 10.
dinggratz - Maximizes all workers' experience and students
graduate instantly.
cheguevara - Triggers a Rebel attack on a building.
downwiththetyrant - Triggers a Rebel attack on the Palace.
generalpenultimo - Triggers a Military Coup.
civilwar - Trigger Uprising.
vivala0 - Trigger Random Submersive Activity.
vivala1 - Trigger Assassination Attempt.
vivala2 - Trigger Hostage Crisis.
vivala3 - Trigger Bomb Threat.
vivala4 - Trigger Worker Strike.
vivala5 - Trigger Media Occcupation.
tornado - [Activates Tornado Disaster]
tornadilla - [Activates a Tornado Outbreak]
oilspill - [Activates Oil Spill Disaster]
drought - [Activates Drought Disaster]
volcano - [Activates Volcano Eruption]
tsunami - [Activates Tsunami Disaster]
fuego - [Activates Fire Disaster]
hurricane - [Activates Hurricane Disaster]
earthquake - [Activates Earthquake Disaster]
Submitted by: Dan
Using Cheat Engine u can have INF money.
1.Download Cheat Engine
2.Start the game
3.Choose a campaign or Sandbox
4.Start Cheat Engine and search for TROPICO 4
5.Enter the current Money value then click new scan
6.Buy something in game and then Alt+Tab
7.Type the new Value of your money and click next scan
8.Click on the value in u'r left and change it's value when it appears downscreen.
P.S. u need to do this every time u change the map or the campaign missions.
Modern Times DLC:
While in-game, hold down the "Shift" key and type out the code. Activating any of
these codes will disable achievements for your savegame.
pesosgrande - Adds $1,000,000 to your budget.
zeitgeist - Unlocks all Modern Times buildings.
Tips and Tricks:
Things to Know Before Playing
* Make rum for money, it’s a good value export and resources for it are infinite,
profit is also doubled by booze baron background.
* Grow papaya or pineapple for food, extras can be exported for decent price
unlike corn.
* Have your citizens live in tenements, with AC upgrade and fire station effect
it gives decent living conditions at good population density, they’re also
incredibly cheap to build with soviet development aid.
* But if you have modern times borehole mine and gold deposit building a gold
mine at start will cover all your early game money needs, especially with miner
background increasing productivity.
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Spotlight - New Version CheatBook-DataBase 2025 |
Cheatbook-Database 2025 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
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gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 28.200 Games, this database represents
all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 11 2025.
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