
The Sims - Deluxe Edition Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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  Hints and Tips for: The Sims - Deluxe Edition 
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 The Sims - Deluxe Edition Cheats

The Sims - Deluxe Edition

Open Cheat Screen:
Press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C during game play to display a 
prompt in the upper left corner of the screen. 

Note:, enter [Exclamation point] at the prompt to 
repeat the last cheat entered. 
Enter a [Semi-colon] between codes to enter multiple 
codes at the same time.

Result                                                    Code 
1000 Simoleons                                          - klapaucius  

Add new family history stat to the current 
family                                                  - hist_add 

Appends the route destination list to AllRoutes.txt 
every time a route is found                             - write_destlist 

Architecture tools automatically set the level as 
needed                                                  - auto_level 

Automatically import and load indicated FAM file        - import  

Automatically load indicated house, no questions 
asked                                                   - house  

Check and fix required lot objects                      - prepare_lot  

Completely flush app to VM file when running Windows NT - flush 
Crash game                                              - crash 
Create moat or streams                                  - water_tool  
Create shrunk_text_#.bmp files                          - shrink_text    
Create-a-character mode                                 - edit_char  
Display personality and interests                       - interests  
Draw all animation frames disabled                      - draw_all_frames off  
Draw all animation frames enabled                       - draw_all_frames on  
Draw colored dots at each person's origin               - draw_origins 
Dump entire memory to core_dump_[date:time].txt         - core_dump 

Dump selected person's most recent list of scored 
interactions to a file                                  - dump_happy 

Dump selected person's motive contribution curve to a 
file                                                    - dump_mc 

Enable debug flag to show outcome choice dialogs for 
social interactions                                     - debug_social 

End sim logging                                         - sim_log end   
Execute "file.cht" file as a list of cheats             - cht  
Floorable grid disabled                                 - draw_floorable off  
Floorable grid enabled                                  - draw_floorable on  
Force an assert for testing                             - assert  
Log animations in the event log window                  - log_animations 
Map editor disabled                                     - map_edit off  
Map editor enabled                                      - map_edit on  
Move any object                                         - move_objects  

No tutorial object generation when tutorial house is 
loaded                                                  - tutorial off 
Prevent web browser crashes                             - browser_failsafe  
Preview animations disabled                             - preview_anims off  
Preview animations enabled                              - preview_anims on  
Programmer stats                                        - tile_info  
Quit game                                               - quit 
Read in behavior tuning constants from Tuning.txt       - #import 
Rebuilds entire control panel/UCP from scratch          - rebuild_cp 

Refresh the BMP_ resources for all people whose 
IFF files are writable                                  - refresh_faces 

Rematch dependent textures and regenerate 
bitmaps for all user characters                         - refresh_textures 
Restore tutorial                                        - restore_tut  
Rotate camera                                           - rotation   
Routing debug balloons disabled                         - route_balloons off  
Routing debug balloons enabled                          - route_balloons on  

Run series of random operations on unhoused 
families                                                - fam_test  
Save currently loaded house                             - save  
Save family history file                                - history  
Say "plugh"                                             - plugh  
Say "porntipsguzzardo"                                  - porntipsguzzardo  
Say "xyzzy"                                             - xyzzy  
Selected person's path displayed                        - draw_routes on  
Selected person's path hidden                           - draw_routes off  
Set event logging mask                                  - log_mask  
Set free thinking level                                 - autonomy   
Set game speed                                          - sim_speed   
Set grass change value                                  - edit_grass :  
Set grass growth                                        - grow_grass   
Set lot size                                            - lot_size   
Set maximum milliseconds to allow simulator             - sim_limit   
Set sim speed                                           - sim_speed   
Set time of day                                         - set_hour   
Set z offset for thought                                - bubbles bubble_tweak   
Sets the neighborhood directory to the path             -  

Sets up the borders of the lot with non-editable flag. 
Requires rotation                                       - lot_border      
Sets whether menu items appear for in use objects       - allow_inuse 
Show memory view window in debug builds of the game     - memview 
Start sim logging                                       - sim_log begin  
Swap the two house files and updates families           - swap_houses    
Ticks disabled                                          - sweep off  
Ticks enabled                                           - sweep on  
Tile information displayed                              - tile_info on  
Tile information hidden                                 - tile_info off  

Toggle allowing visitors to be controlled using the 
keyboard                                                - visitor_control 

Toggle assets report                                    - report_assets  
Toggle automatic object reset feature                   - auto_reset 
Toggle calls to PeekMessage within sim loop             - sim_peek 
Toggle camera mode                                      - cam_mode  

Toggle display of unavailable interactions in person 
control menus                                           - all_menus 

Toggle music                                            - music  
Toggle object compression in save file                  - obj_comp 
Toggle quaternion transformations                       - quats  
Toggle sound log window                                 - sound_log  
Toggle sounds                                           - sound  
Toggle web page creation                                - html  

Total reload of people skeletons, animations, suits 
and skins                                               - reload_people 

Trigger sound event                                     - soundevent  
Write out an RTE file every time a route is found       - write_routes 
Write out behavior tuning constants to Tuning.txt       - #export

Unlimited cash $$$:
Submitted by: Spike-101

First you must start by opening the cheat screen, you can
do this by pressing [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C during game play
and look on the top left hand corner were you will find
a gray box. Now type in "rosebud" and your money will go 
up by 1,000 Simoleons. 
Now open the cheat box again and put the repeat cheat on which is 
"!;" but do this many times like this "!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!". 
Put in about 20 of them and put one "101" at the end of the last explanation, 
like this: 
"!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!101" and just press
enter, a screen will come up saying "no such cheat". but look at 
your cash every time your money goes up by 20,000. 

The most you will see is 9,999,999, just carry on pressing enter, even when 
it is past 9,999,999. When you are tired goto bye mode and buy something 
really expensive. Look at your money it stays at 9,999,999.

Skills up:
Ok. What you do is you make a house with people in it and get every thing you 
need for skills.Then you put in the cheat "move_objects" on and then you have 
your people do what they do to get skills.
NOTE: After every time your people stop because of mood, save the game and then 
delete them. Otherwise all your skills will be gone.

An wasy way to do it is to press "ctrl+alt+c" in your computer. A grey box should 
appear in the top left corner. Then type in "rosebud". Press "Enter". Then do the 
samething but type "!;!;!;!;" then highlight it and press "ctrl+c" "ctrl+v". It 
should have doubled its self a lot. Then backspace the last ; and put a : in its 
place. Press enter and hold it. Watch as you get so rich you don't even have to 
pay for anything. Like if you have superstar sims you dont have to pay for a 

Free pizza:
Get on the phone and call the pizza guy. When he arrives at your door pause the 
game and go into buy mode. Then do the "move_objects on" cheat, take the pizza and 
put it on a table and delete the pizza guy. This is great if your sim is kinda poor.

Bringing back the dead:
If a sim dies of natural causes, when the reaper comes quickly pause, but the 
"move_objects on" cheat on and delet the reaper. Now delete you sims. go back to 
play mode and press the character on the charecter sub menu. now your sim is back 
with full mood stats!

How to walk around in swimming clothes:
First,build a big swimming pool. Now, put a sim in the pool. Hold down ctrl+shift+c 
all at the same time. A gray rectangular box sould appear in the top-left corner. 
Type in move_objects on.Now press enter. go into buy mode and drag your sim out of
the pool. It should be walking around in swimming togs!

if you make a potion

Blue   = refreshed
Yellow = reverse personality
red    = someone falls in love with you
green  = feel terrible or evil twin
Orange = invisible
Purple = you turn into a monster (you distroy everything in your house and make 
         huge messes)

Submitted by: Autumn

Make a room with a X-mas tree, cookies, and a lit fire place. Make sure ALL of your sims 
are asleep! At midnight a skinny santa will come through your chimney and give you 1 
present and eat all the cookies!

Walks in the swimming pool:
Buy a bath. Have a Sim to take a bath in it. Pause game play and enable the move_objects
on code. Grab the Sim and put him in the swimming pool. Resume the game. Your Sim will 
be taking a bath, floating. Pause game play and delete the bath. Resume the game. Your 
Sim will now be standing on the water. If you make him go anywhere in the swimming pool
he will simply walk there. If you make him use the ladder of the pool he will appear 
dressed in the water when he gets out. Note: This glitch very rarely will not work.

Everlasting Genie with Gnome:
Use the "Everlasting Genie" glitch then make a Gnome using the Kraft King woodworking 
table. When it is finished and placed on the ground, enter buy mode and place it under
the floating Genie. Note: The Genie must be over the floor with nothing underneath or 
outside with nothing underneath. The Gnome will start floating just in front of the 
Genie, and will wobble when the Genie moves.

Submitted by: maleah

omg for the sims deluxe edition i have a cheat code.. u can upload the sims vacation and 
sims hotdate without buying it all u got to do is press ctrl shift and c then in the grey 
box type hot_vac_game and it will upload it to your game so fun! IM PLAYIN NOW

Submitted by: Sunshine

Sims Deluxe Edition and Expansions
Training/Skills/Romance or anything else that takes time (speed these things up)

Build a separate room outside your house. Do not add doors. Fill the room with items to 
accomplish your goal. If you want to speed up your sim's knowledge per say fill the room 
with chairs and bookcases. 

Now hit ctrl+shift+c enter move_objects on. Now delete the sim you want to work with. 
Once you delete them their picture should have a red circle with a cross in it. Double 
click their picture and the sim should reappear with full mood bars. Pick them up and 
place them in the room. You can now make them read (or whatever else) until their bars 
go down. When they decrease delete them and start over. They keep their points so don't 
worry. You can also do this with couples to increase their relationship points. I haven't 
tried it with pets put I assume you can raise the pets bars and the owners bars and then 
train the pet. 

Overall this will take a little time but is much faster than it would take normally. 
It is quite effective. Sims are usually happy to do what you want them to as long as they 
are in good moods and can access whatever you want them to. 

Never ending money:
Submitted by: mohak chotrani

for this u need 2 open the cheat box(ctrl+shift+c)then type in rosebud and leave a space
and press and hold ! then in between them put ; and then type 1 and press enter it will 
tell there is no such cheat but if u see the money level it will risevery fast then hold
the enter till u r not satisfied it will show 9,999,999 but dont worry hold it till u like
then when u r satisfied uwill have unlimited money u can see by buying an expensive item. 
but if the money decreases then u can do this method once more.

Turn off motives / more:
Submitted by: Janessa

To turn off the motives for Sims Double Deluxe for PC , just when you get to the house 
you want to go to. Then press CTRL SHIFT C and it will come up a bar at teh top. When 
your in the game just click on the white bar and type in motiveDecay off (You can replace 
it with off at anytime you want to turn it on) (Turns on/off for whole family) - Turn off 
motives so you dont have to do anything.

Want more money? 200,000? MORE? Just keep typing Motherlode . Youll see what i mean when 
you are the richest perosn in the neighborhood! ;] (DO the same thing as above , CTRL SHIFT C 
and type motherlode in the white bar)(Do multiple tmimes to get LOADS more!) 

You dont want to Die or Get older do you? Well Go to the cheat screen again (CTRL SHIFT C) 
And type in Agingoff to not get older. And if you want to get older just type AgingOn in 
the white bar. Another way to get older: If you want your life to pass by. Child to teenager, 
just get the green glowing hourglass furniture thing from your aspiration rewards part. 
Then put it down in your room or outside . Click on it and press drink. (NOTE: To get it/or 
more aspiration points just type CTRL SHIFT C and in the white bar type Aspirationpoints 99999 
ONLY DO IT 3 TIMES! Or it will drop to 0 and you wont be able to get any points(Youll have to 
reload but only do it 3 times)

There you have it. Ill find more and upload them at different places.
(OS. Go to youtube and type in sims for pc how they have woohoo , whatever. And like its all 
werid. My comment is Princesezz , or you can search me also.) Bye!

Submitted by: know somethings

first press [shift+ctrl+c]

1-move_objects on (moves any thing even if it was used ) replace on with off to turn it off

2-rosebud (gives $1000) after that type !;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!; many times then at last press 
any letter and (enter) it will tell u no such cheat look at ur money keep pressing

Keep a Work Car/ School Bus:
Submitted by: Ellieeee

Wait Until the school bus/work car comes. open the grey box shift cnrl c and type move_objects 
on and press enter. pause the game and moive the kid/s or adult near the car. whe n they are in 
the veical just before it goes out of sight past the great road u have to pause the game and the 
kid/s or adult will be at work/school but u get to keep the bus but you have to put iit in a room 
or garage it must have a fence ior little gate in its way or else it will drive off!


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Cheatbook-Database 2024 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, Wii U, DVD, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 27.700 Games, this database represents all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today.  - Release date january 7, 2024. CheatBook-DataBase 2024

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