Virtual Cop 2 Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Virtual Cop 2 | |
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Virtual Cop 2
Cheat Codes:
Use a text editor to edit the "vcop2.ini" file in the game directory. Add the line
"Extra=2" under the "[GameSetting]" heading. Start the game and press [F6] to access
the "Special" and "Cheat" options.
Submitted by: Rahul Kumbhare
Use a text editor to edit the "vcop2.ini" file in the game directory. Edit the
"Reload=" line under the "[MouseSetting]" heading to "=0". in [Keyboardsetting]"
heading to "=same as fire heading"
Use a text editor to edit the "vcop2.ini" file in the game directory. Edit the
"1p Live=" line under the "[GameSetting]" heading to "1p Live=9" to get highest
lives in the continues.
to make un limited lives:
Submitted by: Gulshan
open the dir where thw vcop2 game is installed and edit the ini file and set the
line lives - 0
Weapon Select + Auto Reload:
How do you get to the hidden options menus?
Normal Difficulty level
Clear all stages. Then access the Game Settings menu. An extra item [Special]
appears, allowing you to select the following hidden options:
*Single Click Reload
Reload with a single click of the mouse.
*Random Mode:
Opponents come out in random formation.
*Mirror Mode:
The game screen appears as a mirror image of the original.
*Big Head Mode:
Characters appear with humorously enlarged heads. Hard Difficulty level Clear all
stages. Then access the Game Settings menu. An extra item [Special] appears,
allowing you to select the following hidden options:
*Auto Reload:
Weapons automatically reload when you use all the ammo.
*Weapon Select:
Allows you to choose any of the special weapons during gameplay.
*Weapon Select (Special):
A special version of the Weapon Select option. But don't expect to rack up high
scores using these options. You get ranked down for conduct unbecoming of an officer
and not giving the badguys a fighting chance.
Cheat mode
Use a text editor to edit the "vcop2.ini" file in the game directory. Add the line
"Extra=2" under the "[GameSetting]" heading. Start the game and press [F6] to access
the "Special" and "Cheat" options.
Unlimited continues
Use a text editor to edit the "vcop2.ini" file in the game directory. Edit the
"Continue=" line under the "[GameSetting]" heading to "Continue=10".
Fight End Boss:
At the stage select screen, rapidly fire at the
little arrow pointing at the first stage until
time runs out.
*Special Items Locations*
Shot one of this places for get the Special Items.
Stage 1
*Picture frame in the jewelry store>Machine gun
*Dumpster in front of apartment building>Rifle
*Badguy in apartment building>Life
*Dumpster at construction site>Automatic
*Wooden crate at construction site>Machine gun
Stage 2
*Computer on second floor of lobby>Magnum
*Badguy who appears near entrance of cruise ship>Life
*Control Room monitor (right-hand course)>Shotgun
*Badguy in room with painting of Sarah from VF2 (left-hand
Stage 3
*Badguy who appears after the train pulls in>Machine gun
*Badguy at wicket (right-hand course)>Automatic
*Badguy in underground parking lot>Machine gun
*Badguy in base control room>Shotgun
*Badguy running in background of control room>Life
*Spinning light in control room>Machine gun
Submitted by: Arif Lodhi
open vcop2.ini file and change reload=1 into reload=0 now your gun
will auto reload.
Extra Options:
Open the Vcop2.ini, located somewhere in your Virtua Squad 2
directory. Find the section labeled [GameSetting] and add the
line Extra=2 to allow access to the special cheat section
built into the Mode menu.
Unlimited Continues:
For unlimited continues in "Free Play" mode, edit the file
cop2.ini and replace Continue=X with Continue=10.
Last Boss:
Rapidly shoot the small arrow pointing at the first stage at
the stage selection screen until the timer reaches zero.
Change characters:
- Hold [Reload] for players one and two immediately after selecting the
first stage to have Janet as player one and Smarty as player two.
- Hold [Reload] for player one immediately after selecting the first
stage to have Smarty as player one.
- Hold [Reload] for player two immediately after selecting the first
stage to have Smarty as player two.
Cheat menu:
Start the game. Before you choose "Arcade Mode" or "Proving Arena", press [F6].
You should see two new options, "Special" and "Cheat". The options are as follows.
Special menu:
Single Click Reload: Reload with a single click of the mouse.
Random Mode - Opponents come out in random formation
Mirror Mode - The game screen appears as a mirror image of the original
Big Head Mode - Characters appear with way bigger heads and one of their feet
and/or hands are huge too.
Cheat menu:
Auto Reload - Weapons automatically reload when you use all the ammo
Weapon Select - Allows you to choose any of the special weapons during gameplay by
pressing [F3] to pause, then press [Reload] to switch between all the weapons.
Weapon Select (Special) - Puts a new gun in the special weapons list called "Special"
which fires like a minigun. You never have to reload it.
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Spotlight - New Version CheatBook-DataBase 2024 |
Cheatbook-Database 2024 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, Wii U,
DVD, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid
gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 27.700 Games, this database represents
all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 7, 2024.
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