
Wolfenstein Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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 Wolfenstein Cheats


Cheat Codes:
Update by: gh0stSurf3r
Submitted by: crosmaker

Find the "wolf.cfg" file for (Vista) in Folder: "C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\id Software\
WolfSP\base" and make a copy of it named "autoexec.cfg". Use a text editor to edit the 
"autoexec.cfg" file and add the following lines. 

 seta g_cheatsAreOn "1"
 bind g "god"

In this example, the God mode cheat is now bound to the "g" key. Bind any of the following
codes similarly in the file, then press the assigned key during game play to activate the 
cheat function. 

Result                                  Code
God mode                              - god
All intel                             - giveAllIntel
All veil powers                       - givePowers
Get gold                              - giveGold[Number]
All power upgrades                    - giveALLPowerUpgrades
Ignored by enemies                    - notarget
Shroud ammo                           - give ammo_shroud
Tesla ammo                            - give ammo_tesla
Panzer ammo                           - give ammo_panzer
Mauser ammo                           - give ammo_mauser
MP43 ammo                             - give ammo_mp43
MDL24 ammo                            - give ammo_mdl24
Particle cannon ammo                  - give ammo_particle_cannon
MP40 ammo                             - give ammo_mp40
Add ammo for your current weapon      - give ammo_default
Add ammo for component                - give ammocomponent
Add money (to $31,337                 - momoney
Unlock Objectives                     - giveObjectives
Unlock Achievements                   - giveAchievement
Unknown                               - novis
Enable Flammenwerfer in level 1       - seta g_unlockedFlameDLC 1
Spawn item or character               - spawn [name]
Set Blazkowicz's running speed        - seta pm_runspeed [number]
Unlimited sprinting                   - seta g_infiniteStamina [0 or 1]
Set Blazkowicz's vertical jump height - seta pm_jumpheight [number] (Note:(default is "50")
Toggle head while Blazkowicz sprints  - g_noviewbob [0 or 1]

Note: In Windows XP the in-game console must be enabled by using a text editor to create
file named "Autoexec.cfg" in the "\Program Files\Activision\Wolfenstein\SP\Base" folder 
(or wherever the game has been installed). Add the following string to this file: 

 set com_allowConsole "1"

Save the file, exit, then start the game. Once in the game, hold [Right Alt] + [Left Alt] 
then tap the ~ to display the console window. Enter one of the following codes to activate
the cheat function. Tap ~ again to exit the console. 

Wolfenstein (2009) Cheat menu:
Find the "wolf.cfg" file for (Vista) in Folder:
"C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\id Software\WolfSP\base" and make a copy of it 
named "autoexec.cfg". Use a text editor to edit the "autoexec.cfg" file and 
add the following lines. 

seta g_showCheatMenuMsg "1"
seta g_gameFinished "1"

Start a new campaign and you can now access the "Cheat" menu through the "Gameplay 
Options" screen. Note: When cheats are enabled, enemies will have pumpkin heads.

Beat the game on any difficulty to unlock the following cheats. 
Using these will disable Achievements and Trophies. Access the Cheat Menu by pressing 
"ESC" -> Options -> Game options -> Cheat Menu. 

* Pumpkin Heads (Turn enemy heads into orange squashes) 
* Unlock All Weapons 
* Unlock All Veil Powers 
* Infinite Money

Boss Tips:
Here are some tips for beating the final boss:

* For the first part, use Empower to get through his shield. Use explosives -- the Panzer
  Rocket Launcher and the Veil Blue Rocket Launcher. 

* For the second part you can use either the Slow Motion or Empower once again to beat him.

* For the third part, dont run up the ramp. Snipe him with a Sniper Rifle or Rocket Launcher.
  Go slowly. Once you get to the part where you need to climb up stairs, get a weapon ready 
  to kill large amounts of those things on 4 legs (they call 'em Sniffers). There are 4 waves
  of them. Afterward, simply shoot him until he falls. 

* For the fourth part, simply shoot him since at this point he will have no power ups. Use 
  the explosives to end him quickly.

Achievements Made Easy:
-=Buster (Destroy 1000 objects)=
Just before doing the airfield mission you move forward with a man from the resistance. At 
one point there is an area with unlimited panzer rockets that respawn you can use these to 
destroy nearby objects and just change zones and go back to respawn all objects.

-=Rampage (Kill 200 enemies with Empower)=- 
Same place, just use empower and shoot enemies with the panzer, change zones and go back 
to respawn them. 

-=Honorary Geist (Spend two hours in the Veil in single player)=- 
Leave your Veil sight on and stand in a Veil portal thing, then just leave it for 2 hours.

-=Time Out (Use the Mire power for more than an hour in a single player)=- 
Stand in a Veil portal and turn on Mire, when your Veil power runs out, let it fill up and
repeat (you can tell when your Veil power has run out using Mire because your controller 
will stop vibrating, this allows you to do something else while you keep turning the Mire
power on).

Item names:
Use one of the following entries with the "spawn" code.

ammo_flame (Flammenwerfer ammo) 
ammo_lf44 (Leichenfaust 44 cannon ammo) 
ammo_mauser (Mauser ammo) 
ammo_mdl24 (MDL24 ammo) 
ammo_mp40 (MP40 ammo) 
ammo_mp43 (MP43 ammo) 
ammo_panzer (Panzer ammo) 
ammo_particle_cannon (Particle cannon ammo) 
ammo_shroud (Shroud ammo) 
ammo_tesla (Tesla ammo) 
weapon_flammenwerfer (flamethrower) 
weapon_grenade (MDL.24 grenade) 
weapon_lf44 (Leichenfaust 44 cannon) 
weapon_mauser98 (Kar98 bolt-action rifle) 
weapon_panzerschreck (rocket launcher) 
weapon_plasma_cannon (particle cannon)

Note: Certain ammo summoning codes work inconsistently, particularly the following: 
ammo_panzer, ammo_flame, and ammo_shroud. Sometimes the aforementioned item spawns, 
but on some maps a messages in the console window like the following text. 
When this occurs, simply spawn the weapon in question and that will also provide 

spawned entity 'idItem_ammo_shroud_1309' 
spawned entity 'idItem_ammo_flame_281' 
spawned entity 'idItem_ammo_panzer_288' 

Character names:
Use one of the following entries with the spawn code. Note: Spawning a character that 
is not normally present on the current map may crash the game. 

Effect                                         Name 	
Blonde Elite Guard with a dagger             - spawn enemies_elite_guard
Brunette Elite Guard with a whip             - spawn enemies_elite_guard_02
Flamethrower Trooper                         - spawn enemies_ak_flame_trooper
Friendly Kreisau soldier with an MP40 SMG    - spawn allies_kreisau_soldier_01
Green Despoiled                              - spawn enemies_despoiled_green
Heavy Trooper                                - spawn enemies_ak_heavy_trooper
Red Despoiled                                - spawn enemies_despoiled_red
Rocket Trooper with a jetpack                - spawn enemies_ak_rocket_trooper
Scribe                                       - spawn enemies_scribe
Sniffer                                      - spawn enemies_sniffer
Wehrmacht officer with an MP40 SMG           - spawn enemies_wehrmacht_officer
Wehrmacht sniper with a sniper rifle         - spawn enemies_wehrmacht_sniper
Wehrmacht soldier with a Kar98 rifle         - spawn enemies_wehrmacht_infantry
Wehrmacht soldier with an MP40 smg           - spawn enemies_wehrmacht_infantry_mp40
Spawns an Altered                            - spawn enemies_altered
Spawns an Assassin                           - spawn enemies_ak_assassin
Spawns SS officer with an MP43 assault rifle - spawn enemies_SS_officer
Spawns SS soldier with an MP43 assault rifle - spawn enemies_SS_sentry
Spawns friendly Erik Engle with an MP40 SMG  - spawn allies_kreisau_erik

Defeating Heavy Nazis:
Use your Mire power to easily kill Heavy Nazis with particle cannons. Aim for the red targets 
on their shoulders. After both of them are destroyed, another target will appear from their 
back. Shoot it to kill them.

All Free skills:
Collect the last Tome Of Power to get all of the skills for each power. This can save as much
as $17,000 because you no longer have to purchase them.

Fully upgraded weapons:
Collect all Intel pieces to automatically fully upgrade your weapons.

Fully Upgraded Weapons:
If you collect each and every piece of Intel in the game, you will automatically be rewarded
when you pick up the final piece. With what, you ask? How’s automatically upgraded weapons 
sound? Each weapon you didn’t have enough money to upgrade fully will become fully upgraded 
upon picking up the final piece of Intel.

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PC Games, PC Game Cheat, Secrets Easter Eggs, FAQs, Walkthrough Spotlight - New Version CheatBook-DataBase 2024
Cheatbook-Database 2024 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, Wii U, DVD, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 27.700 Games, this database represents all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today.  - Release date january 7, 2024. CheatBook-DataBase 2024

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